Konstantin Lukitsch Yefremov

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Konstantin Lukitsch Jefremow , alias Jernström , alias: Bordo (born May 15, 1910 in the village of Zavodski Chutor, Tula Governorate (another source says Orjol Governorate ); † (His fate after 1945 is uncertain) according to ru: 1943 in Berlin ) was a Soviet captain of the military intelligence service Glawnoje Raswedywatelnoje Uprawlenije (GRU) and organizer of the Red Chapel in the Netherlands .


After completing seven years of schooling and the workers' faculty in Tula, he attended the Moscow Chemical-Technological Institute, which was soon converted into the Military-Chemical Academy. In 1937 he finished the academy with the title of military technician 1st rank (first lieutenant) and began to work in the 4th department of the GRU. This department dealt with the military technical reconnaissance.

Eefremov continued his training at the Central School for Training Commanders of the Staff. After completing his training, he was selected to work in the covert reconnaissance. He had an excellent command of the German language. After completing the relevant preparation, he drove to Budapest via Odessa , where he received new documents and a Finnish passport. He stayed in Switzerland for a few weeks and then went to Paris and some time later to Brussels . On September 6, 1939, Jefremov arrived in Belgium . He had a passport issued in New York in the name of Erik Jernström , Finnish student, born on November 3, 1911 in Vaasa and living in the USA since 1932 . In Brussels he attended the Polytechnic Institute and lived the life of an ordinary student.

Yefremov regularly received money transfers from the United States. Their scope was limited according to a student's situation and did not arouse suspicion. He received postcards with notices from the GRU residence in the USA. Yefremov also received money from the Soviet trade agency in Brussels. The agency put him in touch with a Belgian industrialist who gave him important information about the industry. The name of this industrialist remained unknown.

Until the beginning of the Second World War , Jefremov had the task of collecting technical information about chemical plants. At the beginning of the war he was given the task of creating an information network in the Netherlands with the aim of obtaining military, political and economic information. He used the services of Franz Schneider and Johann Wenzel , whom he had previously recruited. He organized the network independently of Leopold Trepper and Anatoli Markowitsch Gurewitsch . He played a leading role in the organization and management of the Dutch network of the Red Orchestra, using Schneider and Wenzel as intermediaries.

By order of the GRU, he met Trepper at Schneider's house in Brussels in May 1942 and took over his Dutch network from Gurewitsch. Johann Wenzel agreed to work as radio operator for the new group.

After Wenceslas was arrested, Franz Schneider turned to Ernst Bomerston (?) On July 30, 1942, with the request that Jefremov be hidden. However, Yefremov did not manage to move to Bomerston; he was arrested during a meeting aimed at obtaining forged documents. He was brutally tortured to find out the names of illegals he knew in Belgium and France. In a slip that he was able to hand over to Wenzel during the walk, he wrote: “I went through hell in Breendonk and lived through everything. I have only one wish - to see my mother again ”. He did not reveal any of the agents he knew. The court martial sentenced him to death. The sentence was carried out.


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