Krefeld crow

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The Krefeld Crow is one of the cabaret group The crows Krefeld , donated Cabaret Award , the temperatures will be awarded to a prominent comedian or a young cabaret artists annually. The prize was first awarded in 2005 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the crows.

The first crow was awarded to Konrad Beikircher on March 11, 2005 . He could also be won as a patron for this new cabaret award.

Groups and individual artists with programs from the fields of political and / or socially critical cabaret, which can also contain literary-musical elements, have the opportunity to qualify for the public preliminary rounds and thus for one of the first three places. The contributions must be self-written cabaret with a focus on word cabaret.

The Krefelder Krähe Cabaret Prize is aimed at applicants who have not been professionally active in cabaret for more than five years and who use their own texts.

The total prize is endowed with € 10,000. In the final round, the jury selects three winners (€ 5,000, € 3,000 and € 2,000).

In addition to the cash prize, the first prize winner will receive the Krefeld Crow sculpture, which was created and donated by Krefeld artist Klaus Peter Noever .

Previous bearers of the "Krefeld Crow"

Individual evidence

  1. WZ-Newsline: Krähe goes to Lisa Fitz's son
  2. RP-Online: Dieter Hallervorden shines at the cabaret award ceremony ( Memento of the original from April 20, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. WZ Newsline: "Didi" with stage fright
  4. WZ-Newsline: Krefelder Krähe: Timo Wopp juggles with words and bowling balls
  5. geht-an-dieter-nuhr- 1.898499