Larissa Georgievna Sakharova

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Larissa Georgijewna Sakharova ( Russian Лариса Георгиевна Захарова ; born February 17, 1933 in Tbilisi ; † January 13, 2017 ) was a Soviet - Russian historian and university professor .


Zakharova graduated from the Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU) in the History Faculty in 1956 with honors.

This was followed by an apprenticeship with Pyotr Andreyevich Sajontschkowski . Sakharova's research topic was the so-called counter-land reform of 1890 of the Ministry of the Interior, headed by Dmitri Andreevich Tolstoy , during the reign of Alexander III. Under Alexander II , reforms were carried out to abolish the serfdom of the peasants, which weakened the nobility , and the then liberal Interior Minister Mikhail Tarielowitsch Loris-Melikow planned the formation of a parliament . After the assassination of Alexander II in 1881, the role of the nobility was to be strengthened again and full autocracy restored. Konstantin Petrowitsch Pobedonoszew and Mikhail Nikiforowitsch Katkow developed corresponding proposals that led to the counter-land reform. In 1962 Sakharova successfully defended her dissertation on the counter-land reform in 1890 for her doctorate as a candidate for historical sciences.

From 1962, Sakharova worked and taught at the Department of History of Russia of the 19th and early 20th Century of the MGU's Faculty of History. In 1983 she successfully defended her doctoral thesis on autocracy and peasant liberation 1856–1861 for her doctorate in historical sciences. In 1986 she was appointed professor . Her students included Fyodor Alexandrowitsch Gaida, Anna Walentinowna Pavlovskaja, Alexander Jurjewitsch Polunow , Valeri Leonidowitsch Stepanow , Gary Hamburg and Igor Anatoljewitsch Christoforow . She supervised 45 candidate dissertations and 70 diploma theses.

Sakharova was a member of the History Section of the Russian Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences , a member of the Scientific Council of the State Archives of the Russian Federation and a member of the Scientific Council of the State History Museum in Moscow .

Sakharova was buried in Tbilisi.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. BNF: Zaharova, Larisa Georgievna (accessed on July 6, 2020).
  2. a b c MGU: January 13, 2017 Лариса Георгиевна Захарова (February 17, 1933 - January 13, 2017)  (accessed on July 6, 2020).
  3. Юбилей Л.  Г.  Захаровой . In: Отечественная история . No. 2 , 2003, p. 213-214 .
  4. Zakharova LG: The reign of Alexander II: a watershed? In: The Cambridge History of Russia. Vol. II. Imperial Russia. 1689-1917 . Cambridge 2006.
  5. Захарова Л. Г .: Земская контрреформа 1890 г . Изд-во Моск. ун-та, Moscow 1968.
  6. Захарова Л. Г .: Самодержавие и отмена крепостного препостного права в России, 1856-1861 гг: (Правительств. Программа Авормыфреф: 1861. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. д-ра ист. наук: (07.00.02) . Moscow 1982.
  7. a b ИСТИНА: Захарова Лариса Георгиевна (accessed July 6, 2020).
  8. Центр военно-политических исследований МГИМО: Захарова Лариса Георгиевна (accessed July 6, 2020).