Leo Anvelt

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Leo Anvelt (actually Leopold Anveldt , born August 22, jul. / 4. September  1908 greg. In Türi , † 3. June 1983 in Tartu ) was an Estonian writer , philosopher , translator and literary historian.


Anvelt went to school in Türi from 1917 to 1923 and, after three years of high school, graduated from high school in Tallinn in 1926 . From 1926 to 1933 he studied at the University of Tartu in the philosophical and theological faculties and graduated in philosophy and history. In 1936 he obtained his master's degree with a thesis on the concept of God with Spinoza .

After the Second World War he worked briefly in a publishing house, but was then subjected to reprisals at times . In 1950 he was expelled from the Writers ' Union, to which he had belonged since 1938. However, he was not imprisoned and was able to continue working as a researcher at the Estonian Museum of Literature , and he also did numerous translations. In 1969 membership in the association was restored.


Anvelt made his debut in 1925 as a schoolboy with poetry in the magazine Looming and in the spring of 1928 submitted a manuscript for a novel to Loodus-Verlag, because he hoped to finance his studies with a possible prize money. In fact, after receiving the third prize, he was able to live on it for a while. The novel Illusions in a bright night fit well into the psychological current of the times, which was also published by Betti Alver , August Jakobson , Aadu Hint , Reed Morn and others. a. was maintained. Although the novel was later referred to as "the most mature Estonian debut novel of all time" and Anvelt wrote two other novels, one of which was only published posthumously, he went down primarily as a literary historian and translator in Estonian cultural history.

Anvelt was a specialist in the field of older Estonian literature and presented numerous individual studies on forgotten or little-known authors such as Georg Gottfried Marpurg or Heinrich Gottlieb Lorenzsonn. He devoted most of his energy to viewing and partially translating the extensive estate of Otto Wilhelm Masing , Johann Heinrich Rosenplänter and Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald . Since many intellectuals in Estonia corresponded in German in the 19th century, the correspondence could only be brought closer to an Estonian audience through translations. In particular, the four-volume edition of the correspondence between Masing and Rosenplänter is largely thanks to Anvelt. He also made a considerable contribution to the six-volume edition of Kreutzwald's correspondence. He carried out his life's work "primarily as a scholar who has withdrawn into solitude."

Anvelt translated from English and German, and later also from Russian and Latin. Arthur Schopenhauer , Oswald Spengler and HG Wells are among the authors he has translated into Estonian .



Prose and poetry

  • Uidang mitme tundmatuga. Jutte ja luulet ('Hike with many strangers. Stories and poetry'). Koostanud Hando Runnel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1987. 236 pp.
  • Viirastusi valges öös (' Illusions in a bright night'). Tartu: Loodus 1928. 221. p.
  • Eluhirm (' fear of life'). Tartu: Noor-Eesti 1936. 256 pp.
  • Viirastusi valges öös. Eluhirm. Vabanemiskatse ('Liberation Attempt '). Romaanid. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1993. 520 pp. (New edition of the first two novels with a third, not yet published novel)

Literary studies

  • Maailmavaatelisi küsimusi August Jakobsoni toodangus, in: Eesti Kirjandus 1940, pp. 241-254.
  • OW Masingu kaastööst GH Merkeli "Provinzialblatt'ile", in: Keel ja Kirjandus 10/1963, pp. 589-596.
  • Lisandusi JH Rosenplänteri tundmiseks, in: Looming 6/1971, pp. 927-946.
  • Täiendavat "Marahwa Näddala-Lehe" kaastöölistest, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 7/1971, pp. 393-401.
  • Ferdinand Löwe , Kreutzwaldi tõlkija, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 4/1973, pp. 213–222.
  • George Gottfried Marpurg yes Barbara Juliane v. Krüdener , in: Keel ja Kirjandus 8/1975, pp. 482-489; 9/1975, pp. 554-559.
  • OW Masing yes kaasaegsed. Lisandusi nende tundmiseks. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1979. 229 pp.
  • Killukesi Heinrich Gottlieb Lorenzsonni elukäigust, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 5/1979, pp. 281–288.
  • Otto Wilhelm Masingu kirjad Johann Heinrich Rosenplänterile 1814–1832. Koostanud Leo Anvelt, Eva Aaver, Heli Laanekask, Abel Nagelmaa. I-IV. Personnel. Registrid. Tartu 1995-1997.

Literature on the author

  • Hando Runnel : Leo Anvelt, in: Kirjanduse Jaosmaa 1983. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1985, pp. 106-109.
  • Olev Remsu : Rein Endise juubeliks, in: Looming 8/1988, pp. 1123-1129.

Individual evidence

  1. Eesti kirjanike leksikon. Koostanud Oskar Kruus yes Heino Puhvel. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 2000, p. 40.
  2. Anvelt's autobiographical note in: Keel ja Kirjandus 6/1974, p. 369.
  3. Cornelius Hasselblatt : History of Estonian Literature. From the beginning to the present. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter 2006, p. 490.
  4. Olev Remsu: Rein Endise juubeliks, in: Looming 8/1988, p. 1129.
  5. So Peeter Olesk in his obituary, in: Keel ja Kirjandus 8/1983, p. 462.
  6. Hando Runnel: Leo Anvelt, in: Kirjanduse Jaosmaa 1983. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat 1985, p. 106.