Leonid Wassiljewitsch Kirensky

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Leonid Vasilyevich Kirenski ( Russian Леонид Васильевич Киренский ; born March 25 . Jul / 7. April  1909 greg. In Amga , Russian Empire ; † 3. November 1969 in Moscow , Soviet Union ) was a Yakut -sowjetischer physicist and university teacher .


Kirenski came from a farming family. In 1915 his father died and he started school in the Amga parish. In 1919, after finishing primary school, the family moved to Yakutsk . When Kirensky graduated from secondary school in Yakutsk in 1927 and failed the entrance exam at the Moscow Mining Institute, he began the difficult work as a teacher of physics and mathematics at the Russian pilot school in Yakutsk. In 1928 he became a teacher at the middle school in Olyokminsk and in 1930 a teacher in Yakutsk.

1931-1937 Kirenski studied at the physics faculty of Moscow University (MGU). He was a student of Nikolai Sergeyevich Akulov and in 1937 published his first scientific paper on the temperature dependence of the magnetization curve . The aspiration followed . In 1939 he defended his candidate dissertation at the MGU on the magnetocaloric effect when a ferromagnetic crystal rotates in a magnetic field .

In 1940 Kirensky was sent to work as a lecturer in Krasnoyarsk at the Pedagogical Institute. In 1941 he took over the management of the chair for physics. In 1943 he organized the magnet laboratory of the Pedagogical Institute. In the same year he joined the CPSU . 1949-1969 he was chairman of the Krasnoyarsk Territorial Committee for the Defense of the Peace. In 1950 he defended his doctoral thesis on the energy state of ferromagnets.

Kirenski's grave monument

In 1956 Kirenski organized the Institute for Physics of the Siberian Department (SO) of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR, since 1991 Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)) in Krasnoyarsk, which was founded on his initiative after a long effort, and was its director until 1969 when his student Ivan Alexandrovich Terskow succeeded him. Also Iossif Isayevich Gitelson was one of his students. In July 1960, Kirenski held the first all-union symposium on magnetic thin films in Krasnoyarsk.

From 1960 to 1969 Kirenski was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and a member of the Commission for Foreign Affairs. In 1964 Kirenski was elected a Corresponding Member of the AN-SSSR. In 1966 he took part in the XXIII. CPSU party congress. In the same year he conducted the first all-union symposium on strong magnetic fields. In 1968 he was elected a full member of the AN-SSSR. In the same year he conducted the first international symposium on the physics of magnetic thin layers in Irkutsk. In October 1969 he took part in the Congress of the International Astronautical Federation in Argentina . On the way back he died of a heart attack in Moscow .

Kirensky was buried in the Krasnoyarsk Academgorodok. His grave monument of NA Silis, Vladimir Sergeyevich Lemport and LA Sokolow was erected in 1974. The Institute of Physics got Kirenski's name, and a memorial museum was established at the institute. Kirenski's name is borne by streets in Krasnoyarsk and Amga, as well as the Amga Lyceum.


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Individual evidence

  1. JA Chramow: Kirensky Leonid Wassiljewitsch . In: AI Achijeser : Physics: Biographical Lexicon . Nauka , Moscow 1983, p. 132 (Russian).
  2. a b c RAN: Киренский Леонид Васильевич (accessed April 28, 2019).
  3. a b c d e f g h i j Landeshelden: Киренский Леонид Васильевич (accessed on April 28, 2019).
  4. Lundin AG, Salanskii NM, Chistyakov NS: Leonid Vasil'evich KirenskiĮ (on his sixtieth birthday) . In: Sov. Phys. Usp. tape 12 , 1969, p. 434-435 , doi : 10.1070 / PU1969v012n03ABEH003925 .
  5. a b c d Kirenski Institute for Physics: Академик Леонид Васильевич Киренский (accessed April 28, 2019).
  6. Большая российская энциклопедия: КИРЕ́НСКИЙ Леонид Васильевич (accessed April 28, 2019).