Lev Nikolayevich Litoshenko

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Lev Nikolayevich Litoschenko ( Russian Лев Николаевич Литошенко * February 13 jul. / 25. February  1886 greg. In Nischneduwanskaja volost of Ujesd Kupyansk ; † 27. November 1943 in Kolyma - camp ) was a Russian statistician , economist and university lecturer .


Litoshenko's noble father Nikolai Abramowitsch Litoshenko was convicted at the trial against the 193 (1877-1878) who were accused of revolutionary propaganda as students and exiled to Voronezh and served as an official in the province. Litoshenko graduated from Kharkov secondary school and then studied at Moscow University (MGU) in the economics department of the law faculty with graduation in 1909. He then stayed at MGU to prepare for a professorship . In 1911 he left the MGU together with 130 professors and lecturers when the new education minister Léon Casso intervened in the MGU's autonomy rights regarding the appointment of professors ( Casso affair ). In 1912 Litoshenko became assistant to the Chair of Political Economy at the Moscow Trade Institute , whereupon he was sent abroad to prepare for a professorship career for two years. From 1914 he taught at the Municipal Moscow Schanjawski - People's University . During the First World War he worked in the economic statistics department of the city union.

Litoshenko's scientific work focused on the problems of the peasant economy . After the February Revolution of 1917 , in a series of articles in the Russkije vedomosti, who were close to the Cadets , he criticized the provisional government's agricultural policy pursued by Viktor Mikhailovich Chernov , in particular the ideas for the nationalization of the land , and advocated the continuation of the pre-revolutionary course of strengthening the peasantry Real estate a.

After the October Revolution , Litoshenko worked in the Central Statistics Administration as a consultant for problems of agricultural development . From 1920 he headed the subdivision (from 1924 department) for household statistics . In addition, he taught from 1918 at Moscow educational institutions, especially from 1922 at the Timirjasew Agricultural Academy in Moscow . To this end, he worked in the Finance Office of the People's Commissariat for Finance and in the Research Institute for Agricultural Economics and Politics headed by Alexander Vasilyevich Tschajanow . He then became a professor in the economics department of the Faculty of Social Sciences at MGU. In 1923, 1925 and 1926–1927 he was seconded to the USA .

On July 26, 1930, Litoshenko was arrested in connection with the Labor and Peasant Party affair , as were Alexander Vasilyevich Tschajanow, Nikolai Dmitrijewitsch Kondratjew , Jakow Markowitsch Bukspan and others. On January 26, 1931, he was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment by the college of the OGPU under Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR , which was eventually converted into exile in Saratov . In 1932 he was able to return to Moscow early . He received a position at the Research Institute for Metabolism and Endocrine Disorders, where he headed the division of distribution statistics and was secretary of the Science Council. He lectured at the Moscow Financial Economic Institute . The rural economy remained his main focus.

On January 7, 1938, Litoshenko was arrested again and, together with Alexander Ivanovich Muralow and AW Teitel, charged with attempting to re-establish the Workers 'and Peasants' Party. On April 9, 1938, Litoshenko was sentenced to eight years in a labor camp by the special conference of the NKVD . In 1963 the partial rehabilitation and in 1987 the complete rehabilitation of all the defendants in the Workers and Peasants Affair took place .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c MGU: Литошенко Лев Николаевич (accessed November 10, 2018).
  2. a b 450. Лев Литошенко. "Социализация земли в России". Введение (accessed November 10, 2018).
  3. a b Litoshenko LN: Социализация земли в России . Сибирский хронограф, Novosibirsk 2001, ISBN 5-87550-104-9 .
  4. a b c d Александр Никулин: Хроника аграрного фатализма (accessed November 10, 2018).
  5. Collective of authors : История Финансовой академии при Правительстве Российской Федерации . 2nd Edition. Финансы и статистика, Moscow 2001, ISBN 5-279-02464-3 .
  6. Litoshenko LN: Крестьянский бюджет в 1922–1923 г.
  7. Litoshenko LN: Эволюция и прогресс крестьянского хозяйства . Русский книжник, Moscow 1923.
  8. Litoshenko LN: Текстильный рынок и текстильное производство . 1924.