Library of Chinese Classics

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The Library of Chinese Classics / Library of Chinese Classics / Da Zhonghua Wenku ( Chinese  大中华文库 ) is a bilingual Chinese book series.

Description of the series

It is a government-sponsored key publication project of the People's Republic of China . For the first time in China, a broad, systematic and extensive collection of selected classical Chinese texts was presented together with translations into English and other foreign languages. The series includes more than a hundred representative classical works from literature, history, philosophy, politics, economics, military science, science and technology. Existing translations were used in many volumes, and some works were newly translated. This was the first time that many of the works were made available in a Western language. The annotation machine was reduced to the essentials.

According to the China Internet Information Center ( ), the following publishers are involved in the project: Verlag für Fremdsprachige Literatur (Beijing) , Hunan People's Publishing House , New World Press , Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press , The Military Science Publishing House , Guangxi Normal University Press , World Publishing Corporation , The Commercial Press , Zhonghua Book Company , Higher Education Press , Liaoning Education Press , Yilin Press , China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Yuelu Publishing House .

In the first phase, numerous Chinese-English volumes were published, and since 2007 also works in Chinese with translations into other foreign languages: German, French, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Japanese and Korean.

Chinese – German

Under the title Library of Chinese Classics , previously published in Chinese and German. a. following titles:

1st series

2nd series

3rd series

Chinese – English

In the order of the inside of the back cover.

  • Laozi老子. Chen Guying 陈 鼓 应 / Arthur Waley
  • Zhuangzi庄子. Qin Xuqing 秦旭卿 and Sun Yongchang 孙 雍 长 / Wang Rongpei 汪 榕 培
  • Lunyu论语 The Analects. Yang Bojun 杨伯峻 / Arthur Waley
  • Mengzi孟子 Mencius. Yang Bojun 杨伯峻 / Zhao Zhentao u. a. 赵 甄 陶
  • Guanzi管子. Zhai Jiangyue 翟 江 月 (English)
  • Liezi列子. Li Jianguo 李建国 / Liang Xiaopeng 梁晓鹏
  • Xunzi荀子. Zhang Jue 张 觉 / John Knoblock
  • Lüshi chunqiu吕氏 春秋 Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals. Zhai Jiangyue 翟 江 月 (English)
  • Caigentan菜根 谭 Tending the Roots of Wisdom Jiang Hanzhong 姜汉忠 / Paul White 保罗 • 怀特
  • Yanshi jiaxun颜氏家训 Admonitions for the Yan Clan / Zong Fuchang 宗 福 常
  • Sunzi bingfa孙子兵 法, Sun Bin bingfa孙 膑 兵法 Sunzi: the Art of War and Sun Bin: the Art of War. Lin Wusun 林 戊 荪 (Eng.)
  • Wuzi吴 子, Sima Fa司马 法, Wei Liaozi尉缭子 Wuzi and Sima's Art of war, Weiliaozi Pan Jiabin 潘家 玢 (Eng.)
  • Liutao六韬 The Six Principles of War. Nin Songlai 聂 送来 (Eng.)
  • Huangshi gong sanlu黄石公 三 路, Tang Taizong Li Weigong wendui唐太宗 李卫公 问 对 Three Strategies of Master Huangshi and Li Weigong Answering the Questions of Emperor Tang Taizong. He Xiaodong 何小东 (Eng.)
  • Sanguo yanyi三国 演义 Three Kingdoms. Moss Roberts Luo Mushi 罗慕士 (Eng.)
  • Shuihuzhuan水浒传 Outlaws of the Marsh. Sidney Shapiro (Eng.)
  • Xiyouji西游记 Journey to the West. WJF Jenner (Eng.)
  • Hongloumeng红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansions. Yang Xianyi 杨宪益, Gladys Yang (Dai Naidie)
  • Rulin waishi儒林外史. The Scholars. Yang Xianyi, Gladys Yang (Dai Naidie) (Eng.)
  • Fengshen yanyi封神 演义 Creation of the Gods. Gu Zhizhong 顾 执 中 (Eng.)
  • Ernü yingxiong zhuan儿女 英雄 传 The Tale of Heroic Sons and Daughters. Jia Zhide 贾致德 (Eng.)
  • Soushen ji搜神记 Anecdotes about Spirits and Immortals. Huang Diming 黄涤明 / Ding Wangdao 丁 往 道 (Eng.)
  • Jinghua yuan镜花缘 Flowers in the Mirror. Lin Taiyi 林 太乙 (Eng.)
  • Lao Can youji老残游记 The Travels of Lao Ts'an [美] 哈罗德 • 沙迪克Harold Shadick (engl.)
  • Tao Yuanming ji陶渊明 集 The Complete Works of Tao Yuanming, Xiong Zhiqi 熊 治 祁 / Wang Rongpei 汪 榕 培 / (Eng.)
  • Xixiangji西厢记 Romance of the Western Bower. Xu Yuanchong 许 渊 冲 (Eng.)
  • Mudan ting牡丹 亭. 汪 榕 培 英译 The Peony Pavilion. Wang Rongpei (Eng.)
  • Changsheng dian长生 殿 The Palace of Eternal Youth. Yang Xianyi, Gladys Yang (Dai Naidie) (Eng.)
  • Guan Hanqing Zaju xian关汉卿 杂剧 选. Selected Plays of Guan Hanqing. Yang Xianyi, Gladys Yang (Dai Naidie) (Eng.)
  • Handan ji邯郸 记 The Handan Dream. Wang Rongpei 汪 榕 培 (Eng.)
  • Wenxin diaolong文心雕龙 今译 Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind. Zhou Zhenfu 周振甫, Yang Guobin 杨国斌 (Eng.)
  • Huangdi neijing Suowen黄帝内经 素 问 Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine-Plain Conversation. Li Zhaoguo 李 照 国, Liu Xiru 刘希茹 u. a.
  • Shangjunshu商君 书 The Book of Lord Shang
  • Chuke pai'an jingqi初 刻 拍案 惊奇 Amazing Tales (Vol.1)
  • Renwu zhi人物 志 The ​​Classified Characters and Political Abilities. Liu Shao 刘 邵 (Wei Dynasty), translated into English by Luo Yinghuan 罗 应 焕, in modern Chinese by Fu Junlian 伏 俊 琏
  • Luoyang Jialan Ji洛阳 伽蓝 记
  • Yu shi ming yan喩 世 明言 Stories Old and New, Feng Menglong冯梦龙, trans. Shuhui Yang 杨曙辉, Yunqin Yang 杨韵琴
  • Taibai yinjing 太白 阴 经
  • Shanghan lun伤寒 论 Treatise on Febrile. Compiled by Zhang Zhongjing张仲景, Eastern Han Dynasty, translated into English by Luo Xiwen 罗希文
  • Jingui yaolüe金匮 要略 Synopsis of Prescriptions of the Golden Chamber. Compiled by Zhang Zhongjing, Eastern Han Dynasty, translated into English by Luo Xiwen

References and footnotes

  1. Brief Introduction of the Library of Chinese Classics - accessed January 4, 2019.
  2. 《大 中华 文库》 打造 “走出 去” 精品 工程 - accessed January 4, 2019.
  3. Volume 2, pp. 848-849.
  4. E. Liu: The Travels of Lao Can: Roman from ancient China . Translated from the Chinese by Hans Kühner. With an afterword by Helmut Martin. Insel-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1989, ISBN 3-458-16051-5 .

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