List of support ships of the United States Navy

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US Naval Jack
Ships of the
US Navy

A - B - C - D - E - F - G
H - I - J - K - L - M - N
O - P - Q - R - S - T - U
V - W - X - Y - Z

Lists of
United States Navy ships
by type
Amphibious warfare
Aircraft carrier
Frigates (sails)
Escort aircraft carrier
Escort destroyer
Auxiliary ships
Ships of the line
Anti-mine units
Patrol boats
and their additional
Ship categories
Camouflage schemes
Combat systems

List of support ships of the United States Navy , which includes various types of support and supply ships for combat units.

Crane ships (AB)

Coal Ships (AC)

Crane container ship (T-ACS)

Destructive Tender (AD)

Demagnetization Vessels (ADG)

Ammunition Ships (AE)

Floating docks and dock ships

Large Floating Dock (AFDB)

Medium Floating Dock (AFDM)

Small floating dock (AFD)

Repair dock ship (ARD)

Medium Repair Dockship (ARDM)

Large section floating dock (ABSD)

Supply ships (AF, T-AF)

Combat Supply Ships (AFS, T-AFS)

Trial and special ships (AG, T-AG)

Icebreaker (AGB)

Deep-sea tenders (AGDS, T-AGDS)

Experimental hydrofoil ships (AGEH)

Electronics Surveillance Vessels (AGER)

Command / Flagships (AGF)

Missile Observation Ships (T-AGM)

Link Relay Ships (AGMR)

Oceanographic Research Vessels (T-AGOR)

Sonar Guard Vessels (T-AGOS)

Radar early warning vessels (AGR)

Speedboat Tender (AGP)

Survey vessels (AGS)

Coast Survey Ships (AGSC)

Technical Research Vessels (AGTR)

Hospital ships (AH)

Cargo ships (AK, T-AK)

Freight Dock Ships (T-AKD)

Supply Freight Ships (T-AKE)

Light cargo ships (AKL)

Blockage transport ships (AKN)

Vehicle transport ships (T-AKR)

Material dispensing ships (AKS)

Airplane ferries (AKV, T-AKV)

(AKV-8 to -43: former escort aircraft carrier)

Net layer (AN)

USS Sandalwood lays nets

Oil tanker (AO, T-AO)

Rapid combat group supply (AOE, T-AOE)

Petrol tanker (AOG, T-AOG)

Fleet Supply Tanker (AOR)

Transport Oil Tanker (T-AOT)

Transport ships (AP, T-AP)

Self-propelled houseboats (APB)

Coastal Transport Ships (APC)

Small Coastal Transport Ships (APc)

Wounded Transporter (APH)

Housing ships (APL)

Artillery Transport Ships (APM)

Transporters and Airplane Ferries (APV)

Workshop ships (AR)

Combat Damage Repair Ships (ARB)

Cable Repair Ships (ARC)

Engine repair ships (ARG)

Hull Repair Vessels (ARH)

Small workshop ships (ARL)

Salvage Ships (ARS)

Salvage and Lift Ships (ARSD)

Salvage tender (ARST)

Aircraft repair ships (ARV, ARV (E))

Helicopter Repair Ships (ARVH)

Submarine tender (AS)

Auxiliary ocean tug (ATA)

Fleet deep-sea tugs (AT, ATF, T-ATF)

Salvage Tug (ATS)

Seaplane Tender (AV)

Air Force supply ships (AVB, T-AVB)

Small Seaplane Tender (Destroyer) (AVD)

Guided missile test ships (AVM)

Small Seaplane Tender (AVP)

Air Force Supplier (AVS)

Aircraft Transporter (AVT)

Retired carriers became AVT in the 1950s
Lexington 1984 as a school authority

Training aircraft carrier (AVT from 1978)

Water treatment ships (AW)

Airship Tender (AZ)

Harbor tugs (YTL, YTB, YTM)

Various classifications (IX)