List of the kings of Northumbria

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The Anglo-Saxon Kingdom of Northumbria emerged in the 7th century from the union of the kingdoms of Bernicia and Deira ; for the predecessors of the kings listed here, see: List of the Kings of Bernicia and List of the Kings of Deira . The first ruler to rule both kingdoms was Æthelfrith , but under his successors the two kingdoms were separated again or a sub-kingdom was established in Deira under Northumbrian sovereignty.

The year figures are approximate and may vary slightly from the correct information.

Kirby points out coin finds that are incompatible with this king list. Based on new research, Rollason indicates an alternative development of the kings between 808 and 867.

References and comments

  1. Simon Keynes: Kings of the Northumbrians . In: Lapidge et al. (Ed.): The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England . Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford et al. a. 2001, ISBN 978-0-631-22492-1 , pp. 502-505.
  2. a b After Barbara Yorke, Eardwulf had no second term. Eanred followed Ælfwald II in 808. Barbara Yorke: Kings and Kingdoms of Early Anglo-Saxon England . Routledge, London / New York 2002, ISBN 978-0-415-16639-3 , pp. 87 and 96.
  3. DP Kirby: The Earliest English Kings. Unwin Hyman, London 1991, ISBN 0-04-445691-3
  4. David W. Rollason: Eardwulf ( Memento of December 9, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), Ælle ( Memento of September 15, 2012 in the Internet Archive ), Osberht ( Memento of May 22, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (paid registration required). In: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography , Oxford University Press, 2004. Retrieved February 4, 2012
  5. 867 Northumbria came under the rule of the Danish Vikings, who established the kingdom of Jórvík . King Ecgberht ruled as an under-king (de facto as a puppet of the Danish Viking princes). After its overthrow in 872, the Anglo-Saxons tried to rebuild the kingdom, but were pushed back to Bernicia in 874 or 875 , and around 878 the kingdom was completely absorbed into the Kingdom of Jórvík , the local rulers were first Ealdorman and then Earls . With the re-conquest of the country by Æthelstan in 927, Northumbria became part of the Kingdom of England.