List of cultural assets in Diemtigen

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The list of cultural assets in Diemtigen contains all objects in the municipality of Diemtigen in the canton of Bern that are subject to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict , the Federal Act of June 20, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts and the Ordinance of 29 June 2014 October 2014 on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict .

Objects in categories A and B are completely included in the list, objects in category C are currently missing (as of January 1, 2018). Among other monuments protected objects are found, the "worthy of protection" in the canton of Bern Bauinventar than are listed.

Cultural assets

photo   object Cat. Type Location description
BW Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q19362570
KGS-No .: 869
A. G Selbezen 10
611213  /  166926
The so-called "Sälbezehus", built in 1738, is an impressive farmhouse . It consists of a massive basement and a triple ring of thresholds, above which a wooden construction in post and block construction rises. The symmetrically structured front is richly decorated in the older Simmental style with carvings and paintings, depicting floral, heraldic and biblical motifs.

BW Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q19362560
KGS-No .: 9773
A. G Village 32
609620  /  166411
Farmhouse possibly built around 1770 to 1780 by Hans Messerli , also called "Trogmatte". Exceptionally large building, consisting of a mixed wood construction over a bricked ground floor. On the southern side of the eaves there is an arbor with a staircase and a hatch , on the northern side there is a two-story arbor. Various friezes and lively curved block consoles adorn the façade facing the valley.

BW Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q29652057
Mesolithic rock umbrella
KGS-No .: 867
B. F. Oeyenriedkopf
604.65 thousand  /  161100
This abri under the Schurtenfluh is considered the first resting place of the Mesolithic to be found in the Swiss Alps . Ibex bones and tools made of stone and crystals were excavated .

BW Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q29652054
Large house with stable barn
KGS-No .: 868
B. G Village 28
609.65 thousand  /  166450
This farmhouse , also called "Grosshaus", was built in 1805 and is a mighty 13-axis post or block construction over a brick basement. Particularly noteworthy are the wide, curly ridge and the arbor below . Rich flat carvings with plant motifs adorn the facade.

BW Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q29652059
Haus Klossner (restaurant)
KGS-No .: 870
B. G Tiermatti 33
604400  /  159475
Farmhouse built in 1751 , today used as a restaurant . The mixed construction construction rests on a bricked ground floor and is covered with the oldest, dated hipped gable roof with Gerschild of the Oberland. The asymmetrically divided facade has a rich three-dimensional decoration with friezes and paintings depicting ornamental, vegetable, figurative and heraldic motifs.


The table contains the following information:

KGS-No: Number of the cultural property , to be found in the KGS lists of the federal government and the cantons . KGS is the acronym for K ultur G üter s chutz
Photo: Photography of the cultural property. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. There are also two symbols:
More pictures on Wikimedia CommonsMore pictures of the object can be found here on Wikimedia Commons .
Upload your own workA link to upload a new image. Certain parameters are already filled in.
Object: Name of the object. In individual cases, a more generally known name can also be given.
Kat: Category of cultural property: A = national importance; B = regional / cantonal importance; C = local meaning
Type: Type of cultural property: G = building or other construction object; S = collection (archives, libraries, museums); F = archaeological site; K = small cultural object (e.g. fountain, wayside crosses, monuments); X = special case
Address: Street and house number of the cultural property (if known), possibly place / district
Coordinates: Location of the cultural property according to the Swiss national coordinates (CH1903).

The content of the table is sorted in descending order according to the cultural property category and within this alphabetically.

By clicking on «Map with all coordinates» (top right in the article), the location of all cultural assets in the selected map object is displayed.

Other monuments

Note: Instead of the KGS number, the property number is used as the object identifier (ID).

ID photo   object Type address Coordinates
89 BW Upload file Reformed Church (13th century) G Village 11 609746  /  166465

103 BW Upload file Alpine hut (18th century) G Meniggrund 1008 600574  /  160185

121 BW Upload file Rectory (1781/82) G Village 21 609722  /  166438

121 BW Upload file Furnace House (1781) G Village 21a 609700  /  166415

162 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1830) G Bächlenstrasse 11 610626  /  167431

182 BW Upload file Farmhouse (around 1500) G Lengg 11 610807  /  167342

184 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1788) G Fences 39 611693  /  167055

253 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1730) G Tiermatti 37 604391  /  159424

290 BW Upload file Vorsasshaus (1731) G Hebrew 156 611813  /  162644

311 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1757) G Walkenmatte 13 609855  /  163911

413 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1823) G Village 42 609624  /  166330

417 BW Upload file Heidenhaus (1507–1510) G Dörfli Bächlen 12 610653  /  166056

477 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1804) G Bergli 6 609252  /  166306

531 BW Upload file Farmhouse (late 16th century) G Village 44 609632  /  166298

536 BW Upload file Alpine hut (1st half of the 19th century) G Middleman 532 606071  /  153740

565 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1789) G Styg 7 609846  /  166689

593 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1752) G Wattfluh 14 610132  /  165318

636 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1627) G Bergli 12 609146  /  166395

636 BW Upload file Barn (1787) G Bergli 12c 609178  /  166546

650 BW Upload file House (1778) G Kileystrasse 7 604064  /  158290

719 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1570) G Village 35 609652  /  166384

760 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1743) G Kileystrasse 5 604055  /  158562

760 BW Upload file Barn (2nd half of the 18th century) G Kileystrasse 5a 604089  /  158544

860 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1636) G Same 2 611114  /  166886

865 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1643) G Bergli 2 609279  /  166264

893 BW Upload file Farmhouse (mid-16th century) G Tiermatti 11 604421  /  159717

921 BW Upload file Alpine hut (1841) G Eggweide 495 608682  /  160934

942 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1784) G Wampflen 17 608142  /  163394

945 ff. BW Upload file Farmhouse (1753) G Narrenbach 36-38 605113  /  161262

958 BW Upload file Farmhouse (around 1780) G Riedli 50 607000  /  162262

963 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1791) G Unterberg 1 608643  /  162968

1030 BW Upload file Farmhouse (16th century) G Village 4 609761  /  166526

1038 ff. BW Upload file Farmhouse (1785) G Narrenbach 6-8 605367  /  161502

1200 ff. BW Upload file Farmhouse (1792) G Wiler 10-12 610135  /  167359

1284 BW Upload file Farmhouse (mid 18th century) G Walk mat 5 609803  /  164018

1584 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1834) G Tiefenbach 63 610010  /  164170

2170 BW Upload file Chapel (1911) G Grimmialp 35 603715  /  158205

2321 BW Upload file Gasthof Hirschen (around 1800) G Village 10 609731  /  166495

2499 BW Upload file Farmhouse (2nd half of the 16th century) G Hasli 15 611251  /  167259

3066 BW Upload file Barn (1779) G Styggässli 20 609625  /  166442

See also

Web links

Commons : Diemtigen  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Chancellery : Federal Act on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Disaster and Emergencies (KGSG). SR 520.3. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation , June 20, 2014, accessed on August 19, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).
  2. ^ Federal Chancellery : Ordinance on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts, Disasters and Emergencies (KGSV). SR 520.31. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Swiss Federal Council , October 29, 2014, accessed on August 19, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).
  3. Selbezen 10. (PDF) Building inventory of the Canton of Bern, February 7, 2017, accessed on September 1, 2019 .
  4. Dorf 32. (PDF) Building inventory of the Canton of Bern, February 7, 2017, accessed on September 1, 2019 .
  5. Eyenriedschopf. Swiss Parks Network, 2019, accessed on September 1, 2019 .
  6. Dorf 29. (PDF) Building inventory of the Canton of Bern, February 8, 2017, accessed on September 1, 2019 .
  7. Tiermatti 33. (PDF) Building inventory of the Canton of Bern, February 9, 2017, accessed on September 1, 2019 .