List of cultural assets in Madiswil

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The list of cultural assets in Madiswil contains all objects in the municipality of Madiswil in the canton of Bern that are subject to the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict , the Federal Act of June 20, 2014 on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts and the Ordinance of June 29 , 2014 October 2014 on the protection of cultural property in the event of armed conflict .

Objects of category A are not shown in the municipality, objects of category B are fully included in the list, objects of category C are currently missing (as of January 1, 2018). Among other monuments protected objects are found, the "worthy of protection" in the canton of Bern Bauinventar than are listed.

Cultural assets

photo   object Cat. Type Location description
BW Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q29673234
Wall system «Hunze»
KGS no .: 986
B. G (Kleindietwil)
627.53 thousand  /  221.53 thousand
Earthwork of unknown time on the Buchberg ridge east of Kleindietwil, a spur of the terrain belonging to the Hunze range of hills. Consists of an oval moat and a wall.

Reformed church and rectory
Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q29673209
Reformed Church and Rectory
KGS-No .: 1052
B. G Kirchgässli 21 / plate Strasse 3
627 350  /  224 110
The late Baroque style church building, built in 1779, was based on the layout of a previous building that dates back to the 9th century. Large sermon hall under a hipped roof , the tower with a pointed helmet was added in 1810. In the south, a staircase leads down through a portal to the rectory , built in 1607, a stately plastered building with a slightly bent half-hipped roof and a flat curve .

Stone arch bridge over the Langeten
Upload file
associated Wikidata object Q29673223
Stone arch bridge over the Langeten
KGS no .: 1053
B. G Steingasse
626,425  /  223679
Arched bridge over the Langete , made of natural stone, built in 1837 . Two arches span the river with a pillar in the middle.


The table contains the following information:

KGS-No: Number of the cultural property , to be found in the KGS lists of the federal government and the cantons . KGS is the acronym for K ultur G üter s chutz
Photo: Photography of the cultural property. Click the photo generates an enlarged view. There are also two symbols:
More pictures on Wikimedia CommonsMore pictures of the object can be found here on Wikimedia Commons .
Upload your own workA link to upload a new image. Certain parameters are already filled in.
Object: Name of the object. In individual cases, a more generally known name can also be given.
Kat: Category of cultural property: A = national importance; B = regional / cantonal importance; C = local meaning
Type: Type of cultural property: G = building or other construction object; S = collection (archives, libraries, museums); F = archaeological site; K = small cultural object (e.g. fountain, wayside crosses, monuments); X = special case
Address: Street and house number of the cultural property (if known), possibly place / district
Coordinates: Location of the cultural property according to the Swiss national coordinates (CH1903).

The content of the table is sorted in descending order according to the cultural property category and within this alphabetically.

By clicking on «Map with all coordinates» (top right in the article), the location of all cultural assets in the selected map object is displayed.

Other monuments

ID photo   object Type address Coordinates
2 BW Upload file Former Ofenhaus-Stöckli (1784) G Plattenstrasse 3b 627350  /  224072

12 BW Upload file Small farmhouse (1762) G Kleindietwil , Hunzenweg 27 626938  /  222166

12 BW Upload file Former school house (1822) G Leimiswil , teacher's residence 40 624741  /  222161

15th BW Upload file Municipal administration / former school building (1900) G Obergasse 2 627256  /  223848

15th BW Upload file Former Küher- or Taunerhaus (around 1800) G Gutenburg , Hofstrasse 4 627098  /  225740

17th BW Upload file Linden Bridge (1871) G Leimiswil, Linden 624051  /  222425

18th BW Upload file Farmhouse (1803) G Gutenburg, Hofstrasse 14 627249  /  225639

18th BW Upload file Storage room with weaving cellar (around 1800) G Gutenburg, Hofstrasse 14b 627278  /  225621

18th BW Upload file Farmhouse (1890) G Kleindietwil, Stützliweg 1 627367  /  221124

18th BW Upload file Memory (1606) G Kleindietwil, Stützliweg 1a 627391  /  221127

20th BW Upload file Fountain (19th century) G Steingasse 627168  /  223943

24 BW Upload file Fountain (1853) K Oberdorfstrasse 627393  /  223799

25th BW Upload file Farmhouse (1776) G Gutenburg, Hofstrasse 5 627099  /  225772

44 BW Upload file House (1900) G Kleindietwil, Bahnhofstrasse 4 626740  /  221660

47 BW Upload file Former weaving mill (1860) G Kleindietwil, Engermatte 14a 626524  /  221675

56 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1750) G Leimiswil, Sonnseite 66 625159  /  222982

65 BW Upload file Memory (1840) G Leimiswil, Sonnseite 71b 625646  /  222771

91 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1732) G Leimiswil, Linde 34 624140  /  222489

95 BW Upload file Mill (1799) G Kleindietwil, Scheinenstrasse 4 626769  /  221178


103 Former tithe store Upload file Former tithe store (17th century) G Plattenstrasse 5 627368  /  224098

140 BW Upload file Residential floor (1780) G Leimiswil, linden wood 1 626640  /  222738

149 Gasthof Bären Upload file Gasthof Bären (1646) G Kirchgässli 1 627125  /  224124

165 BW Upload file Former farmhouse (1717) G Oberdorfstrasse 22 627464  /  223690

165 BW Upload file Speicher (2nd half of the 18th century) G Oberdorfstrasse 22a 627483  /  223697

167 Bendi Court Upload file Bendi-Hof (around 1900) G Kleindietwil, Hunzenweg 1 626669  /  221790

167 Storage Upload file Memory (1739) G Kleindietwil, Hunzenweg 1b 626700  /  221774

168 Gasthof Bären Upload file Gasthof Bären (1740/41) G Kleindietwil, Hunzenweg 2 626666  /  221728

168 Barn and dance hall Upload file Barn and dance hall (1903/04) G Kleindietwil, Hunzenweg 4 626678  /  221733

179 BW Upload file Former farmhouse (around 1890) G Kleindietwil, Weinstegenstrasse 6 626569  /  221869

179 BW Upload file Speicher (17th century) G Kleindietwil, Weinstegenstrasse 6a 626525  /  221854

189 BW Upload file Former parish hall (1910) G Oberdorfstrasse 2 627310  /  223880

195 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1761) G Oberdorfstrasse 18 627381  /  223790

211 BW Upload file Meyerhof (1840) G Kleindietwil, Gässli 2 626758  /  221545

214 BW Upload file Fountain (19th century) K Kleindietwil, village 626740  /  221526

222 BW Upload file Choir judge court (1836) G Orbach 98 628573  /  222963

234 BW Upload file Former farmhouse (1793) G Kleindietwil, Gässli 5 626870  /  221662

237 BW Upload file Storage (1778) G Leimiswil, Juckenberg 23b 624081  /  221805

247 BW Upload file Memory (1740) G Leimiswil, Sonnseite 72a 625477  /  222740

248 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1848) G Kleindietwil, Scheinenstrasse 34 626329  /  220587

251 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1850) G Leimiswil, Urwil 15 624472  /  221653

251 BW Upload file Memory (1708/1772) G Leimiswil, Urwil 15b 624434  /  221652

253 BW Upload file Semi-detached farmhouse (1750) G Kleindietwil, Zelgweg 1 627299  /  221712

264 BW Upload file Stoeckli (1803) G Oberdorfstrasse 14 627337  /  223793

266 BW Upload file Residential floor (around 1820) G Kleindietwil, Hauptstrasse 17 626730  /  221588

267 BW Upload file Former Gasthof Sternen (around 1850) G Kleindietwil, Bahnhofstrasse 2 626711  /  221632

267 BW Upload file Memory (1836) G Kleindietwil, Bahnhofstrasse 2b 626744  /  221633

270 BW Upload file Stoeckli (1839) G Leimiswil, linden wood 1f 626558  /  222731

283 BW Upload file House (1905) G Leimiswil, linden wood 1m 626600  /  222725

304 Stöckli Upload file Stöckli (2nd half of the 19th century) G Plattenstrasse 7 627377  /  224127

310 BW Upload file Löwenstöckli (end of the 18th century) G Leimiswil, Sunneboden 76 624733  /  222210

331 BW Upload file Secondary school (1974/75) G Kleindietwil, Hunzenweg 14 626934  /  221846

331 BW Upload file Gym (1974/75) G Kleindietwil, Hunzenweg 14a 626893  /  221827

331 BW Upload file House (1974/75) G Kleindietwil, Hunzenweg 14b 626942  /  221794

345 BW Upload file Former mill (1880) G Leimiswil, linden wood 1g 626535  /  222748

405 BW Upload file Residential floor with former tannery (1783) G Kleindietwil, Scheinenstrasse 17 626701  /  220815

514 BW Upload file Double farmhouse (around 1700) G Oberdorfstrasse 19 627495  /  223725

525 BW Upload file Farmhouse with forge (1787) G Oberdorfstrasse 48 627905  /  223402

525 BW Upload file Stoeckli (1840) G Oberdorfstrasse 48b 627941  /  223396

544 BW Upload file Smithy (1824) G Schwangi 155a 625159  /  222982

595 BW Upload file Stoeckli (1804) G Thal Wyssbach 105 628930  /  222551

628 BW Upload file Memory (1673) G Steingasse 24d 626657  /  223854

637 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1st half of the 18th century) G Wyssbach 119 629221  /  222401

637 BW Upload file Memory (1689) G Wyssbach 119b 629209  /  222365

749 BW Upload file Double farmhouse (1728/1838) G Wyssbach 139 629416  /  221973

820 ff. BW Upload file Semi-detached farmhouse (1805) G Plattenstrasse 15-17 627443  /  224194

829 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1750) G Oberdorfstrasse 41 627585  /  223639

915 BW Upload file Old mill (2nd half of the 17th century) G Melchnaustrasse 14 627486  /  223925

966 BW Upload file Memory (around 1600) G Brüggenweid 89b 628020  /  222886

1085 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1830) G Mattenbach 71 629024  /  223629

1166 BW Upload file Storage (1751) G Rüppiswil 2a 629411  /  225105

1270 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1843) G Wyssbach 142 629240  /  221823

1270 BW Upload file Memory (1712) G Wyssbach 142a 629202  /  221821

1270 BW Upload file Stoeckli (1828) G Wyssbach 143 629206  /  221806

1323 BW Upload file Storage (1708) G Mattenbach 74a 628839  /  223419

1334 BW Upload file Speicher-Stöckli (mid-18th century) G Oberdorfstrasse 28a 627611  /  223588

1370 BW Upload file Memory (1793) G Thal Wyssbach 111b 628700  /  222291

1386 Doctor House Upload file Doctor's House (1811/12) G Kirchgässli 19th 627289  /  224152

1404 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1809) G Ghürn 33 629234  /  224128

1414 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1824) G Ghürn 27 629557  /  224373

1470 BW Upload file Farmhouse (18th / 19th century) G Gürn 36 629198  /  224024

1507 BW Upload file Farmhouse (1791) G Steingasse 33 626845  /  223968

1836 BW Upload file New mill (2nd half of the 18th century) G Melchnaustrasse 12 627453  /  223931

1892 Linden wood station building Upload file Linden wood station building (1888) G Leimiswil, Lindenholz 193 626679  /  222682

1943 BW Upload file Heidenstock (16th / 17th century) G Oberdorfstrasse 8 627342  /  223844

2158 BW Upload file Former primary school (1922) G Wyssbach 120 629077  /  222075

2175 BW Upload file Storage (1747) G Oberdorfstrasse 41c 627631  /  223617

Web links

Commons : Madiswil  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Chancellery : Federal Act on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, Disaster and Emergencies (KGSG). SR 520.3. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Federal Assembly of the Swiss Confederation , June 20, 2014, accessed on August 20, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).
  2. ^ Federal Chancellery : Ordinance on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflicts, Disasters and Emergencies (KGSV). SR 520.31. In: Systematic Legal Collection SR . Swiss Federal Council , October 29, 2014, accessed on August 20, 2017 (as of January 1, 2016).
  3. The earthwork on the Hunze near Kleindietwil., accessed on December 4, 2019 .
  4. Kirchgässli 21. (PDF) Building inventory of the Canton of Bern, March 25, 2019, accessed on December 4, 2019 .
  5. Plattenstrasse 3. (PDF) Building inventory of the Canton of Bern, February 19, 2019, accessed on December 4, 2019 .
  6. Steingasse. (PDF) Construction inventory of the Canton of Bern, February 9, 2017, accessed on December 4, 2019 .