List of members of the Saxon State Parliament in the Weimar Republic (4th electoral period)

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This list gives an overview of the members of the Saxon State Parliament in the Weimar Republic from June 6, 1929 to May 30, 1930.

The elections to the Saxon state parliament took place on May 12, 1929.


Faction (party) abbreviation  Seats 
 Social Democratic Party of Germany SPD 33 
 German People's Party DVP 13 
 Communist Party of Germany KPD 12 
 Economic party WP
 German National People's Party DNVP 8th 
 National-socialist German Workers' Party NSDAP
 Saxon country people SLV
 German Democratic Party DDP 4th 
 Reich Party for People's Law and Appreciation VRP
 Old Social Democratic Party of Germany ASPD
total 96 

Board of the state parliament

Group leaders


Surname fraction Remarks
Karl Arndt SPD
Hermann Assmann Economic party
Bernhard Blüher DVP Group leader
Karl Böchel SPD Group leader
Arthur Bretschneider DDP
Wilhelm Buck ASPD
Mily Bültmann DNVP
Wilhelm Bünger DVP
Bernhard Claus DDP
Julius Dehne DDP Group leader
Johannes Dieckmann DVP
Alfred Dobbert SPD
Walter Doenicke NSDAP
Johann Christian Eberle DNVP Group leader
Emil Ebert SPD
August Eckardt DNVP 1st Deputy President of the State Parliament
Oskar Edel SPD
Max Enterlein Economic party
Christian Piglet SPD
Karl Fritsch NSDAP
Kurt Fritzsche DNVP
Franz Frucht DVP
Arthur of Fumetti VRP
Hans Geiser SPD
Karl Gerlach SPD
Lene Glatzer KPD
Georg Graupe SPD replaced on February 25, 1930 by Robert Müller
Oscar Günther Economic party
Oswald Güttler SPD
Joseph Hardt DVP
Erwin Hartsch SPD
Alfred Hauffe Saxon country people
Max Heldt ASPD
Max Hentschel Economic party
Otto Herrmann KPD
Paul Herrmann SPD
Hugo Hickmann DVP 2nd Deputy President of the State Parliament
Walter Chicken DVP
Alfred Kaden DNVP
Hermann Kaiser Economic party
Hermann Kastner DDP
Karl Kautzsch SPD
Oskar Kiessling Economic party
Manfred von Killinger NSDAP Group leader
Otto Kretschmar DNVP
Alfred Kunath Economic party
Erich Kunz NSDAP
Richard Lange KPD
Hermann Liebmann SPD
Walter Lippe DVP
Richard Lunze DVP
Friedrich Mack VRP
Cuno Meyer NSDAP
Richard Mildenstrey KPD
Max Mucker SPD
Friedrich Max Muller SPD
Gustav Müller SPD
Kurt Mueller SPD
Robert Muller SPD moved up on February 25, 1930 for Georg Graupe
Otto Nebrig SPD
Alfred New SPD
Margarete Nischwitz KPD
Max Ernst Opitz KPD
Rudolf Renner KPD Group leader
Hugo Sachse Economic party
Ernst Scheffler KPD
Richard Schladebach Saxon country people Group leader
Marie Martha Schlag SPD
Otto Schleinitz SPD
Iselin Schmidt DVP
Max Richard Schneider KPD
Johannes Schöning SPD
Max Schreiber Saxon country people replaced on October 22, 1929 by Curt Winkler
Ernst Schulze SPD
Albert Schwarz SPD replaced on October 22, 1929 by Hermann Tempel
Georg Schwarz KPD
Bruno Siegel KPD
Johannes Siegert DNVP Group leader
Josef Siegnoth SPD
Kurt Sindermann KPD
Jakob Spittank Saxon country people
Hermann Temple SPD moved up on October 22, 1929 for Albert Schwarz
Bertha Thiel SPD
Elise Thümmel SPD
Alfred Troll Saxon country people
Guido Uhlig SPD
Arthur Ulbrich DVP
Kurt Vogel SPD
Hermann Voigt DVP
Georg Wagner DNVP
Richard Wagner Economic party
Johannes Wallner People's Rights Party
Hugo Weber Economic party
Kurt Weckel SPD President of the Landtag
Johann Wehle SPD
August Wilde SPD
Walter Woldemar Wilhelm Economic party
Curt Winkler Saxon country people moved up on October 22, 1929 for Max Schreiber
Georg Winkler DVP


  • Josef Matzerath : Aspects of Saxon State Parliament History. Presidents and MPs from 1833–1952 . Saxon State Parliament, Dresden 2001.
  • Josef Matzerath : Aspects of Saxon State Parliament History. The members and electoral districts of the Saxon state parliaments (1833–1952). Part II: 1919-1952 . Saxon State Parliament, Dresden 2011, pp. 20–45.

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