List of cities in Tajikistan

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This is a list of cities in Tajikistan .

By far the largest agglomeration in Tajikistan is the capital Dushanbe with about a tenth of the country's population.

The following table contains the 18 cities (Tajik шаҳр schahr ; name in the table in bold ) and all urban-type settlements (Tajik шаҳрак schahrak ), their names in German transcription and in Tajik ( Cyrillic and Arabic script, if known), the results of the Population censuses (census) of January 17, 1939, January 15, 1959, January 22, 1970, January 17, 1979, January 12, 1989, January 20, 2000 and September 21, 2010 as well as a calculation by the Tajikistan Statistics Office for January 1 2019.

The values ​​for 2019 are rounded, partly also for 2000 and 2010 (in this case in italics ). Missing values (...) mean that no information is available or the location did not yet exist at this point in time.

The higher-level administrative unit (province / wilojat or Autonomous Province Berg-Badachschan ) to which the city belongs is also listed, according to the current administrative structure. The capital Dushanbe and the surrounding so-called republic- immediate districts ( Nohijahoi tobei Dschumhurij ) do not belong to any province, but are directly subordinate to the central government. The population figures refer to the actual city without the suburban belt.

Cities in Tajikistan
Surname Residents Administrative unit
transcription Tajik
1939 census

1959 census

1970 census

1979 census

1989 census

2000 census

2010 census
Cyrillic Persian
1. Dushanbe 1 Душанбе دوشنبه 82,597 224.242 373.885 493,528 595.820 561,895 724.844 846,400 Dushanbe
2. Khujand 2 Хуҷанд خجند 45,528 77,465 103.217 130.353 160,458 147.061 162,825 181,600 Sughd
3. Qurghonteppa Қӯрғонтеппа قورغان تیپه 10,570 23,560 34,620 42,075 58.505 60.508 75,450 110,800 Chatlon
4th Kulob Кӯлоб کولاب 8,439 23,455 39,764 54,841 74,456 77,692 94,950 105,500 Chatlon
5. Istaravshan 3 Истаравшан استروشن 25,516 23,839 32,523 37,662 45,763 50,369 54,746 64,600 Sughd
6th Tursunsoda 4 Турсунзода ترسن زاده 4,040 13,532 18,430 28,493 40,593 37,794 46,712 53,700 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
7th Konibodom Конибодом کانی بادام 11.801 17,486 26,828 32,176 37,841 44,691 46,481 52,200 Sughd
8th. Isfara Исфара اسفره 13,123 13,590 22,163 27,320 34,524 36,850 42,941 50,700 Sughd
9. Punjakent Панҷакент پنجکینت 8,666 10,829 13,586 17,153 27.903 32,572 38,482 42,800 Sughd
Election date 6 Ваҳдат وحدت 4,701 13,108 23,904 31,471 45,731 44,678 40,627 42,800 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
11. Jowon Ёвон یاوان ... 2,673 9,034 13,884 20,148 20,000 29,400 36,100 Chatlon
12. Buston 5 Бӯстон بوستان ... 17,082 24,239 28,967 33,731 22,000 26,000 33,200 Sughd
13. Norak Норак نارک ... ... 13,165 19,126 20,752 19,256 24,831 30,900 Chatlon
14th Chorugh Хоруғ خارغ 3.831 8,218 12,295 17,843 20,318 27,421 28,098 30,300 Mountain Badachshan
15th Danghara Данғара دنغره 463 5,761 9,083 12,892 16,898 18,167 22,655 30,000 Chatlon
16. Hissor Ҳисор هسار ... 6.318 10,414 13,695 20,220 20,000 24,400 28,700 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
17th Farchor Фархор فرخار 1,366 7,081 11,375 13,616 17,915 19,486 21,491 24,800 Chatlon
18th Somonia 7 Сомониён ... 4,424 7,608 8,875 16,623 ... 20,100 24,600 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
19th Hulbuk 8 Ҳулбук ... ... 7.223 10,766 14,989 19,421 20,626 24,200 Chatlon
20th Moskva 9 Москва ... 4,454 8,857 12.111 16,756 18,074 21,264 23,100 Chatlon
21st Ghafurov 10 Ғафуров باباجان غفراو 2,644 14,985 16,849 18.806 18,916 14,887 16,900 20,300 Sughd
22nd Mirso Tursonsoda Мирзо Турсунзода ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,700 20,000 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
Safari floor Зафаробод ظفر آباد ... ... 8,849 8,128 11,191 ... 15,251 20,000 Sughd
24. Kolkhozobod Колхозобод 518 5,336 9,382 10,808 13,354 ... 15,500 18,700 Chatlon
25th Dustij 11 Дӯстӣ ... ... 5,053 6,372 8,886 10,460 14,471 18,500 Chatlon
26th Nawkat 12 Навкат ناو ... 5,952 8,827 11,328 13,863 12,964 15,142 18,400 Sughd
27. Shaidon 13 Шайдон 2,763 3,655 7,285 7,070 9,605 11,039 13.198 17,800 Sughd
28. Guliston 14 Гулистон ... 5,553 10,490 11,431 12,819 10,000 14,300 17,700 Sughd
29 Istiqlol 15 Истиқлол 857 11,283 10,871 14,716 20,166 12,237 14,196 17,300 Sughd
Lewakant 16 Левакант ... 3,457 8,479 10,090 14.006 10,874 14,222 17,300 Chatlon
Schahrtus Шаҳртуз شهرتوز 2,192 5,691 9,000 10,455 11,618 11,857 14,660 17,300 Chatlon
32. Mehrobod 17 Меҳробод 4,257 9,945 12,151 13,586 15,104 12,658 13,362 16,300 Sughd
33. Ghontschiy Ғончӣ ... 2,547 3,897 5,769 7,383 8,292 9,617 15,900 Sughd
34. Adrasmon Адрасмoн ادرسمان ... 4,683 7,649 9,660 11,298 ... 13,500 15,500 Sughd
35. Buston Бӯстон ... ... 7,961 9,920 12,178 ... 12,100 15,200 Sughd
36. Roghun Роғун ... ... ... ... 8,457 7,934 13,840 15,000 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
37. Wachsch 18 Вахш وخش 1,499 7,675 9,016 9.119 10,587 14,000 13,000 14,800 Chatlon
38. Sharora Шарора ... ... ... ... ... 9,000 10,233 13,900 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
39. Moominobod 19 Мӯминобод مومن آباد 1,428 ... 12,625 6,920 9,764 11.208 12,233 13,800 Chatlon
40. Abdurahmoni Dschomij 20 Абдураҳмони Ҷомӣ ... 3,650 6,523 7,941 9,704 9.132 11,516 13,700 Chatlon
41. Pandsch Панҷ 2,093 5,087 6,010 7,385 9,277 7,967 10,384 12,400 Chatlon
42. Numon Rosiq 21 Нуъмон Розиқ ... ... ... ... ... ... 10,662 12,200 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
43. Mehnatobod Меҳнатобод ... ... 4,472 5,894 7.191 ... 9,300 12,100 Sughd
44. Qubodijon Қубодиён ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 11,900 Chatlon
45. Obikiik 22 Обикиик ... ... ... ... 4,056 ... 6,554 11,400 Chatlon
46. Pachtakoron Пахтакорон ... ... ... 4,347 5,890 ... 9,000 11,100 Sughd
47. So far Совет ... 2,517 4,273 5,710 7,535 7,834 9,036 10,700 Chatlon
48. Faisobod Файзобод ... 1,549 ... 4.033 5,635 ... 8,737 10,300 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
49. Navobod Навобод ... 1,971 3,605 4,477 5,945 ... 8,200 10,000 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
50. Gharm Ғарм 919 4,773 2,934 4,320 5,358 ... 7,300 9,800 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
51. Ismoili Somonij 23 Исмоили Сомонӣ ... ... 4,513 4,588 6,179 ... 7,300 8,400 Chatlon
52. Bochtarijon 24 Бохтариён ... 15,383 19,255 3,259 3,689 ... 6,400 7,700 Chatlon
Mirso Tursunsoda 25 Мирзо Турсунзода ... 6,175 8,623 4,351 5,154 4,894 5,850 7,700 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
54. Orsu 26 Орзу ... ... 6,149 3,261 3,859 ... 5,100 7,300 Chatlon
55. Obigarm Обигарм 812 ... ... 3,545 7,995 6.143 5,347 7,100 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
56. 20-solagii Istiqlolijati Todschikiston 27 20-солагии Истиқлолияти Тоҷикистон ... ... 9,497 3,787 5,256 4,615 4,734 7,000 Chatlon
57. Election date 28 Ваҳдат 1,297 1,585 ... 3,852 5,286 ... 5,575 6,300 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
58. Konsoi Консой 2,609 5.013 4,743 4,462 4,616 ... 5,000 5,900 Sughd
59. Kirov 29 Киров 3,977 10,281 12,600 2,682 4.185 ... 4,300 5,700 Chatlon
60. Navobod 30 Навобод ... 4,856 3,108 3,718 4,236 ... 4,500 5,400 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
61. Buston qala Бӯстонқалъа ... ... ... 1,773 2,182 ... 2,700 4,700 Chatlon
62. Neftobod Нефтобод 622 6,183 4,203 3,305 3,841 ... 4,000 4,300 Sughd
63. Hajotinaw Ҳаётинав ... ... ... 1,618 1.939 ... 2,900 4,200 Chatlon
64. Choruqdarron Чоруқдаррон ... 4,182 4.166 3,985 3.710 ... 3,200 3,700 Sughd
65. Obschoron 31 Обшорон ... 2,823 2,970 2,883 3,196 ... 2,900 3,400 Sughd
66. Shurob 32 Шӯроб 3,465 10.177 9,019 9,022 8,354 ... 3,000 2,900 Sughd
67. Palos Палос ... ... 2,768 2,856 3,178 ... 2,200 2,800 Sughd
68. Sirdarjo Сирдарё ... ... ... 2,583 2,357 ... 1,800 2,700 Sughd
69. Sughdijon 33 Суғдиён 1,233 1,650 620 616 1,507 ... 2,100 2,200 Sughd
70. Sarafschon Зарафшон ... 866 693 1,828 2,050 1,969 2.143 2,500 Sughd
Takob Такоб ... 4,328 1,859 1,814 1,745 2,025 2,200 2,500 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
72. Sarnisor 34 Зарнисор ... 6,583 5,526 5,377 5,982 ... 2,100 2,300 Sughd
73. Nuraf already 35 Нурафшон 1,318 ... ... 1,637 2.210 ... 1,600 1,600 Sughd
74. Darband Дарбанд ... ... ... ... ... 1,071 1,208 1,300 Nohijahoi tobei dschumhurij
75. Nawgasan Навгазан ... ... 1,308 1,116 651 ... 500 400 Sughd
11921–1961 Stalinobod, in Russian Stalinabad
21939–1992 Leninobod, Russian Leninobod
3until 2000 Uroteppa, Russian Ura-Tjube
4thuntil 1972 Regar
5until 1936 Jangi-Bosor, in Russian Jangi-Basar, 1936–1992 Ordschonikidseobod, in Russian Ordschonikidseabad, 1992–2003 Kofarnihon
6th1956-2016 Chkalovsk
7thRussian until 1970 Possjolok imeni Sardarowa Karachana, 1970 – after 1989 Leninsky
8thuntil 1961 Poitugh, 1961–2018 Wosse
9Tajik also Maskaw until 2018 , Russian Moskovsky
101936–1953 Russian Stanzija Leninabad, 1953–1962 and 1964–1978 Sowetobod, Russian Sowetabad, 1962–1964 Khujand, Russian Khojend; City rights 1978 – after 1991
11until 1957 (?) Molotowobod, Russian Molotowabad
12until 2015 Now, in Russian Nau
13also ash
14th1957–1962 Khujand, Russian Khojend, 1962–2016 Qayroqqum, Russian Kairakkum
15thuntil 2012 Taboschar
16until 1996 Kalininobod, Russian Kalininabad, 1996–2018 Sarband
17thbefore 1933 Dragomirowo, until 2017 Proletar, Russian Proletarsk
18thuntil after 1965 Wachschstroi
19th1973–2012 Leningrad, Russian Leningradski
20thuntil 2018 Kuibyshev, in Russian Kuibyshevsk
21stearlier Warsob
22nduntil 2003 Pravda
23until after 1989 Oktjabr, Russian Oktjabrsk
24until after 1989 Kuibyshev, in Russian Kuibyshevsky
25thuntil 2018 Oktjabr, Russian Oktjabrski
26thuntil after 1970 Guliston, Russian Gulistan
27translated "20. Anniversary of the independence of Tajikistan ”, until 2012 Gharavutij, in Russian Garavuti
28until 2008 Jirgatol, Russian Jirgatal
29until after 1970 Russian sovkhos imeni Kirowa
30th City rights 1950–1959
31until 2013 Quruqsoi, Russian Kuruksai
32 City rights 1952–2007
33until 2015 Takelij, Russian Takeli
34until 2011 Altyn-Topkan
351929 – before 1959 Russian Possjolok imeni KIM, then until 2013 Kim

See also

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