List of street names in Freudenberg (Baden)
This list of street names in Freudenberg shows the names of the current and historical streets , alleys, paths and squares of the city of Freudenberg in the Main-Tauber district and its districts ( Boxtal , Ebenheid , Rauenberg and Wessental ) as well as their origin, namesake or meaning, if known.
The article is part of the higher-level list of street names in the Main-Tauber district . The list does not claim to be complete.
Cycling and hiking trails - literature - web links |
- Ahornstrasse - in the Ebenheid district
- Alte Steige - in the Wessental district
- At the Brandweiher - in the Rauenberg district
- At the fireplace
- Am Rankacker - in the Boxtal district
- At the red stone
- At the Steiggraben
- At the fir hump
- Aubweg - in the Boxtal district
- Bergstrasse - in the Wessental district
- Birch path
- Flower path
- Boxtaler Philosophenweg - in the Boxtal district
- Breitweg
- Brennplatzweg
- Brunnengasse - in the Boxtal district
- Brunnenstraße - in the Wessental district, before that as K 2830
- Brunnenstubenweg
- Buchwaldweg - in the Wessental district
- Castle path - leads to Castle Freudenberg on the castle path
- Burgweg - is located at Freudenberg Castle . Old connecting route between the medieval core town and the eponymous castle; in the lower section S-shaped course, rising steeply to the north from the height of the town hall, from the height of Burgweg 7 running straight and steadily rising over the castle slope; the buildings in the Hauptstrasse area are representative, with the town hall (from 1499) and the former administrative building (1627), the courtyard is closed off by a round arched portal and a sandstone wall running parallel to the castle path, the rest of the buildings are smaller and consist of mainly gable-side residential buildings built over high sloping floors - and farm buildings (15th – 19th centuries); An exception is Burgweg 5, with its broad structure and a distinctive, widely visible gable roof.
- Bussardweg
- Darrenkopfweg - in the Ebenheid district
- Doctor Street
- Dorlesweg
- Dürrbachstrasse
- Dürrbachweg
- Dürrhof - from the Rauenberg district to the Dürrhof residential area with a forest and forest house
- Dürrhofweg - at the Dürrhof residential area with forest and forest house
- Eichbaumweg
- Eichbergstrasse - in the Boxtal district
- Eichbergweg
- Eichwaldstrasse - in the Rauenberg district
- Eidelsgasse - in the Rauenberg district
- Erbsengasse - Narrow street that branches off from the main street and climbs steadily towards the east within the suburb, which was laid out in the 16th century, the name Erbsengasse was already listed in the 1898 district atlas; One to two-storey buildings with residential and farm buildings along the street, built on sloping floors, including a cultural monument from the 16th century, the rest of the buildings from the 18th to 20th centuries. Century partly heavily reshaped.
- Donkey trail
- Eugen-Mai-Strasse
- Falkenweg
- Faßgasse - Short connecting lane running between Hauptstrasse and Mainstrasse within the suburbs laid out from the 16th century onwards, widened in a funnel shape towards Mainstrasse and Hauptstrasse, opening into Haaggasse in its eastern extension; the name Fassgasse was already listed in the 1898 district atlas; One to two-storey buildings built on sloping floors with residential and farm buildings predominantly from the 18th to 20th centuries. Century, including a cultural monument.
- Fichtenweg
- Finkenstrasse - in the Ebenheid district
- Freudenberger way
- Friedhofstrasse - in the Ebenheid district
- Friedhofweg
- Fritzengasse - in the Rauenberg district
- Spring Street - in the Ebenheid district
- Gäulsweg
- Grenzweg
- Greuthweg
- Grohwedeweg
- Basic way
- Guggenberg - in the Rauenberg district
- Haaggasse - an access lane running almost parallel to the north side wall, branching off from the main street in two arms in an easterly direction within the suburb, which was laid out in the 16th century, widened like a square up to level no. 7, then it becomes increasingly narrower; the name was already mentioned in the district atlas of 1898 and can probably be traced back to "hedge" in the sense of "border"; One to three-storey buildings from the 18th to 20th centuries built on sloping floors Century, partly above older cellars, the southern side formed by a regular, closed and eaves-standing row of buildings, the northern, probably older side, on the other hand, built more loosely and irregularly.
- Haarleweg
- Hahnhof
- Hallengasse - a short connecting street running parallel to the main street and the city wall between Staudengasse and main street within the medieval core city; the eastern side is formed by the rear of the two-storey, gable-end main street buildings, the western side consists of a closed, eaves, two-storey row of buildings built over the city wall from the 18th and 19th centuries. Century (partly over an older core).
- Hartigstrasse - in the Ebenheid district
- Hauptstraße - (No. 63–121 odd, 32–154 even), "core city" : Historic main connection route through the medieval core city that is connected to supra-regional traffic and runs parallel to the Main and Burgberg, with small to very small lanes branching off at regular intervals two gates attached ("lower" and "outer" later "middle gate"); Baroque reorganization at the height of the town hall in the course of the new building of the office building and parish church (eaves!) and thus the formation of a “city center”. The rest of the street scene consists of a closed, predominantly two-storey row of residential buildings from the 15th to 20th centuries with gable ends. Centuries, including a large number of cultural monuments and high-quality, well-preserved buildings from the 16th / 17th centuries. Century. - (Nos. 123–165 odd, 156–226 even), “Vorstadt” : Historic main connection route through the early modern suburbs, connected to the supra-regional traffic and running parallel to the Main and the Burgberg, branching off small to very small alleys at regular intervals, probably in the 18th century the Sternplatz was laid out; Road once fortified with two gates ("Middle Gate" and "Outer Gate"); the streetscape of a closed, two- to three-story, eaves or gable-facing row of buildings from the 16th to 20th centuries. Century (the northern entrance to the city characterized by a distinctive, gable-facing group of buildings (No. 218, 220, 222)).
- Heidelgasse - Extremely narrow, located in the medieval core town and branching off the main street to the west, leading to a former pedestrian gate in the city wall; predominantly eaves, two-storey buildings from the 16th to 19th centuries Century.
- Heideweg - in the Rauenberg district
- Hessliweg
- Hindenburgstrasse
- Hirschbrünnelesweg
- Hirtensteinweg
- Flood protection
- Hofweg - in the Ebenheid district to the Ebenheiderhof on the district of Eichenbühl in the Miltenberg district in Lower Franconia
- Höhenring - in the Ebenheid district
- Hohlenweg - in the Rauenberg district
- In the commercial area
- In the Hirtengarten - in the Wessental district
- In Hüttenrain
- In Wasenfeld - in the Rauenberg district
- Jungholzstrasse
- K 2830 - in the Wessental district
- K 2831 - in the districts of Rauenberg and Ebenheid
- K 2879 - in the Boxtal and Wessental districts
- Ridge path
- Karl-Roth-Strasse
- Kindergartenstrasse - in the Boxtal district
- Kirchenweg - in the Wessental district
- Kirchstrasse - in the Boxtal district
- Kirchweg - in the Wessental district
- Small trail
- Köhlersgrund - Narrow alley branching off from the main road and steadily rising towards the east within the suburb, which was laid out from the 16th century, at Köhlersgrund No. 6, a small connecting alley running parallel to the main road leading to the Haaggasse in the south; the name Köhlersgrund probably goes back to the professional group that once resided here; Small-scale, one to two-storey buildings from the 18th to 20th centuries alongside the street and built on sloping floors. Century.
- Koenigstrasse
- L 575 - in the Boxtal and Wessental districts
- L 2310 - in Freudenberg
- L 2315 - in Freudenberg
- Long way
- Love oak path
- Lily path
- Lindenstrasse - in the Ebenheid district
- Lindtalstrasse
- Lindtalweg
- Maingasse - Short and comparatively wide connecting street between Hauptstrasse and Mainstrasse within the historic suburb; Row of buildings from the 19th century, closed on the eaves, to the south (including the former synagogue, Hauptstrasse 139), to the north predominantly built with buildings from the 20th century.
- Mainstrasse - Street running parallel to the Main and Hauptstrasse, expanded at the same time as the Main foreland in the 19th century or recently redesigned: partial exposure of the city wall, reorganization of traffic, creation of a new surface and flood protection, construction of uniform garage types instead of older ones, mostly wooden outbuildings and creation of public lounge areas (playground, etc.); the section south of the Main Bridge through a regular, dense, 2–3-storey row of buildings from the 16th to 20th centuries that was erected on the eaves or gable. The northern section is more suburban, with 1–2 storey, often formerly small farm properties and ancillary buildings from the 18th – 20th centuries. Century built on.
- Mariengasse - Short, in the medieval core town and from the main street to the west branching street, presumably leading to a gate tower assumed at this point ("Marientörle"); the alley through two-storey, eaves or gable-facing buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries belonging to the main street. Century.
- Maueräckerstraße - in the Rauenberg district
- Mautersbrunnenweg
- Mühlenweg
- Mühlgrundweg
- Mühltalstraße - in the Wessental district as a local thoroughfare, before and after from the northwest and northeast as K 2879 , from the southeast as K 2830 . The Mühltalstraße leads from Wessental in the direction of the Boxtal district to three eponymous mills or residential areas in the Wildbachtal : Blankenmühle , Antoniusmühle and Sägmühlen .
- New home
- Neuwiesenweg
- Upper Aub - in the Boxtal district
- Upper legs
- Upper Eberstrasse
- Obere Müssing - in the Rauenberg district (see also: Untere Müssing)
- Upper settlement street
- Odenwaldring
- Odenwaldstraße - in the Ebenheid district as a local thoroughfare, before and after that as K 2831
- Otto-Rauch-Strasse
- Panorama path
- Pfarrgasse - Short stab lane, located in the medieval core town and branching off from the main street to the west, originally leading to an existing gate tower, subsequently widened in the eastern section by demolishing a building; the name goes back to the former rectory (Hs.-Nr. 3); the short lane through the gable, three-storey buildings of the 18th / 19th century Century marked (No. 1 and No. 3), the opposite side more inhomogeneously developed.
- Philipp-Larens-Strasse
- Planengasse
- Rankweg - in the Ebenheid district
- Raubachstraße - in the Rauenberg district as a local thoroughfare, before and after that as K 2831
- Rauenbergweg
- Reitersgasse - Short lane running between Mainstrasse and Hauptstrasse within the suburb, which was laid out in the 16th century; the course of the alley through eaves and gable, mostly two-storey buildings from the 18th – 20th centuries Century, including some heavily overformed.
- Ringgasse - Short lane running between Ziegelgasse and Hauptstraße on the edge of the suburb, which was laid out in the 16th century; the course of the alley is characterized by mainly two-storey residential and farm buildings from the 19th and 20th centuries with eaves and gables.
- Rolf-Ronecker-Strasse
- Rosenweg
- Rotbuchenstraße - in the Ebenheid district
- Sawmill - at the Sägmühlen residential area in the Boxtal district
- Sandweg - in the Boxtal district
- Scheuergasse - parallel to the main street running street between Main- and Ziegelgasse in the suburbs laid out from the 16th century, the name goes back to the numerous barns; the eastern side of the street is dominated by the rear of the two-storey main street buildings built on a high slope, the western side by a largely closed, predominantly two-storey and eaves-facing barns and residential buildings from the 18th to 20th centuries. Century existing row of buildings formed.
- Shooting range path
- Schinderlesweg
- Schleusenweg
- Schulstrasse - in the Rauenberg district
- Sinseleinweg
- Spartacus Way
- Sportplatzweg - in the Boxtal district to the sports grounds (SC Eintracht Boxtal)
- Staudengasse - a short connecting lane running between Hauptstrasse and Mainstrasse within the core city, originally ending at the western city wall until the city was partially de-fortified; Slightly rising, curved course, widened like a square at the confluence of Hallengasse, this widening spatially limited to the east by the towering gable side of the residential building Staudengasse 5; the alley of two-storey, eaves and gable-free buildings erected on the sloping terrain from the 18th to 20th centuries Century.
- Steinbruchplattenweg
- Steinstrasse - in the Ebenheid district
- Sterngasse - Short lane running between Sternplatz and Mainstraße within the early modern suburb, the name derived from the historic “Stern” inn; heterogeneous building and plot structure with one to two-storey main and ancillary buildings built on the sloping terrain from the 18th to 20th centuries Century.
- Sternplatz - in the southern area of the suburb, which was populated from the 16th century; the name is derived from the adjacent Sterngasse or the old inn "Stern" (located in Ziegelgasse); the small square square on three sides of two-storey, mostly gable-side buildings from the 16th to 20th centuries. Century taken or opened to the main street, this in turn is connected to the main street by two narrow, the square tangential lanes; Because of the regular layout, it is probably a planned facility from the 18th century with later changes in the 20th century (elevation, redesign).
- Stubenrauchweg
- Sudetenstrasse - after the Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia , numerous Sudeten German families settled in the region
- Tremhof
- Türkeigasse
- Turmweg
- Lower Eberstrasse
- Untere Müssing - in the Rauenberg district (see also: Obere Müssing)
- Lower settlement street
- Forgotten way
- Cattle path
- Wachgasse
- Forest road
- Wendelin-Rauch-Strasse
- Wengertsweg
- Meadow path
- Wildbachstraße - in the Boxtal district as a local thoroughfare, before and after as K 2879 . The torrent , a left and southern tributary of the Main , gives the street its name.
- Wildbachweg
- Ziegelgasse
- Zollgasse
Biking and hiking trails
Jakobsweg Main-Taubertal
- Stage 1: Miltenberg - Boxtal
- Stage 2: Boxtal - Wertheim
- Main cycle path
Taubertal panorama trail
- Stage 5: Wertheim - Freudenberg
Taubertal cycle path , the sporty one:
- Stage 1: Wertheim to Freudenberg
- Stage 2: Freudenberg to Külsheim
See also
- List of district roads in the Main-Tauber district
- List of cultural monuments in Freudenberg (Baden) , with the cultural monuments of the city, sorted by street name
Web links
Commons : Streets and alleys in Freudenberg (Baden) - Collection of images, videos and audio files
- Geographic information system of the Main-Tauber district (map view) at
- Allocation of street names and house numbers at
Individual evidence
- ^ The state of Baden-Württemberg. Official description by district and municipality. Volume IV: Stuttgart district, Franconian and East Württemberg regional associations. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1980, ISBN 3-17-005708-1 . Pp. 315-318.
- ↑ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Monument Preservation Baden-Württemberg: Monument Preservation Value Plan for the Freudenberg Complex (PDF). Online at Retrieved March 6, 2019.
- ↑ a b Günther E. Ascher (author): Fascination Jakobsweg “Main-Taubertal”: A pilgrimage in 9 stages from Miltenberg am Main to Rothenburg ob der Tauber . RegioKom publishing house, Großheubach 2013.
- ^ "Liebliches Taubertal" tourist office: hiking - panorama trail . Online at Accessed January 31, 2018.