List of East Timorese Ambassadors in Australia

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Australia (green) and East Timor (orange)

This is the list of East Timorese ambassadors to Australia . The ambassador is also accredited for Fiji . He was responsible for New Zealand until 2014.


Embassy of East Timor in Canberra

The East Timorese embassy is located at 7 Beale Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600. Until 2014, the ambassador was also responsible for New Zealand . Furthermore, the ambassador is second accredited for South Pacific countries such as Fiji and Samoa .

List of ambassadors

Inês Maria de Almeida on the day her accreditation was handed over (2020)
East Timorese Ambassador to Australia
image Surname Term of office Remarks
East TimorEast Timor East Timor
Jorge da Conceição Teme small.jpg Jorge da Conceição Teme May 29, 2003 - August 2005 First East Timor Ambassador to Australia
Hernâni Coelho small.jpg Hernâni Coelho March 9, 2006 - November 2009
Abel Guterres Abel Guterres May 18, 2010 - 2019
2020-01-28 Inês Maria de Almeida 2.jpg Inês Maria de Almeida from 2020 Appointment: January 28, 2020;
Accreditation: February 19, 2020

See also

Web links

Commons : East Timorese Ambassadors to Australia  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Australian Government: Foreign embassies and consulates in Australia: Timor-Leste ( Memento of the original from February 28, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed April 6, 2015. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. SAPO: Oito novos embaixadores timorenses, incluindo em Lisboa, tomam posse este mês , January 17, 2020 , accessed on January 18, 2020.
  3. Embassy of East Timor in Australia: On February 19, 2020, Her Excellency Inês Maria de Almeida presented her official credentials to Australia's Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honorable David Hurley AC DSC (Retd). , February 19, 2020 , accessed on February 22, 2020.