List of East Timorese ambassadors in Cape Verde

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Cape Verde (green) and East Timor (orange)

This is the list of the East Timorese ambassadors in Cape Verde .


The competent diplomatic representation of East Timor for Cape Verde is located in the Portuguese Lisbon . On November 18, 2009, Natália Carrascalão Antunes was the first East Timorese diplomat to be accredited for Cape Verde. This made East Timor the second former Portuguese colony after Angola to be represented at ambassador level in Cape Verde.

East Timorese Ambassador to Cape Verde
photo Surname Term of office Remarks
Natália Carrascalão Antunes 2009-2013 Accreditation November 18, 2009
Maria da Paixão de Jesus da Costa small.jpg Maria da Paixão da Costa 2015-2020 from March 21, 2015
2020-01-28 Isabel Guterres 2.jpg Isabel Amaral Guterres from 2020 Appointed: January 28, 2020

Individual evidence

  1. Pambuzka News: Cabo Verde: Dili abre embaixada em Cabo Verde , November 19, 2009 , accessed on January 14, 2018.
  2. Público: Foi fundador da UDT João Carrascalão morreu em Díli , February 17, 2012 ( Memento of the original of April 19, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. Pambuzka News: Cabo Verde: Dili abre embaixada em Cabo Verde , November 19, 2009 , accessed on January 14, 2018.
  4. SAPO: Oito novos embaixadores timorenses, incluindo em Lisboa, tomam posse este mês , January 17, 2020 , accessed on January 18, 2020.