List of French newspapers

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The lists below show newspapers that appear or have appeared in France. They do not claim to be complete.

Newspapers currently published in France

National daily newspapers

The circulation corresponds to the number of newspapers sold in France according to the data of the Office de Justification de la diffusion (OJD) for the year 2008.

newspaper Founding
Press group Edition Remarks
Le Parisien 1986 Groupe Amaury 512,000 daily newspaper
Le Figaro 1826 Socpresse 320,000 Daily newspaper
since 1866
Le Monde 1944 La Vie-Le Monde 300,000 daily newspaper
L'Équipe 1946 Groupe Amaury 311,000 daily newspaper
Liberation 1973 SARL Liberation 123,000 daily newspaper
Les Échos 1908 DI Group 121,000 Daily newspaper
since 1928
La Croix 1883 Bayard press 94,000 daily newspaper
La Tribune 1985 DI Group 77,000 daily newspaper
L'Humanité 1904 Société nouvelle du
journal l'Humanité
49,000 daily newspaper

Other newspapers published in France

newspaper Founding
Press group Edition Remarks
Le Canard enchaîné 1915 500,000 Weekly newspaper
The Connexion 2002 Monthly newspaper
in English
Le Dauphiné libéré 1945 303,500 daily newspaper
Corse matin 1944 SA Corse Presse
Groupe Hersant Média
Regional daily newspaper
Courrier International 1990 190,000 Weekly newspaper
La Dépêche du Midi 1870 222,376
Regional daily newspaper
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace 1877 EBRA 200,000
Regional daily newspaper
Direct Matin Plus 2007 La Vie-Le Monde and
Groupe Bolloré
> 1,000,000 Daily
newspaper free newspaper
L'Express 1953 Weekly newspaper
International Herald Tribune 1887 New York Times Company 205.407 Daily newspaper
in English
Le Journal du Dimanche 1948 260,000 Sunday newspaper
until 1976 Sunday edition of France Soir
Marianne 1997 Weekly newspaper
metro 2002 Metro International > 800,000 Daily
newspaper free newspaper
Midi Libre 1944 Groupe Sud Ouest
Regional daily newspaper
minute 1962 40,000 Weekly newspaper
Le Monde diplomatique 1954 300,000 Monthly newspaper
Nice matin 1944 SAPO Nice-Matin
Groupe Hersant Média

Regional daily newspaper
Le Nouvel Observateur 1964 500,000 Weekly newspaper
Ouest-France 1944 800,000
Regional daily newspaper
Paris Match 1949 Weekly newspaper
Paris Turf ? Turf Editions 81.025 daily newspaper
Le Point 1972 Weekly newspaper
Le Progrès 1859 EBRA
Regional daily newspaper
La research 1946 (1970) Sophia Publications 65,000 Monthly newspaper
Telerama 1947 La Vie-Le Monde Weekly newspaper
Week End ? Turf Editions 32,516 daily newspaper
20 minutes 2002 Schibsted 870,000 Daily
newspaper free newspaper

Newspapers formerly published in France

newspaper Founding /
editor Edition Remarks
L'Ami du Peuple
originally Publiciste parisien
1789– Jean-Paul Marat daily newspaper
L'Aurore 1897-1914 daily newspaper
L'Aurore 1944-1985 Daily newspaper,
taken over by Le Figaro
La cause you peuple 1848–
La cause you peuple 1968-1972 Weekly newspaper,
then daily newspaper
Le Charivari 1832-1837 Daily newspaper, then
La Citoyenne 1881-1891 bi-monthly
Combat 1944-1974 daily newspaper
Courrier d'Avignon 1733-1793 François Morénas 9000 Bi-weekly, then the daily newspaper
Courrier des quatre-vingt-trois départements
originally Courrier de Versailles
1789–? Antoine-Joseph Gorsas
Le Courrier Musical 1902–
Direct Soir 2006-2010 Groupe Bolloré Daily
newspaper free newspaper
Excelsior (newspaper) 1939-1945 daily newspaper
France Soir 1944-2012 24,000 daily newspaper
La Gazette 1631-1915 Theophraste Renaudot Weekly newspaper
Le Globe 1824-1832
Les Hommes Nouveaux 1912
L'Imprévu 1972–
InfoMatin 1994-1996 daily newspaper
Je suis partout 1930-1944 Weekly newspaper
Le Journal 1892-1944 Weekly newspaper
Le Journal de Paris 1777-1811 Antoine Cadet de Vaux
Le Journal des débats 1789-1944 Weekly newspaper,
then daily newspaper
renamed several times
Le Matin de Paris 1977-1987 daily newspaper
Le Matin 1884-1944 daily newspaper
Le Ménestrel 1833-1940 Weekly newspaper
Mercure de France 1721-1825
Mercure Galant 1672-1720 Weekly, then monthly,
renamed Mercure de France
Le Monde de l'éducation 1974-2008 Groupe La Vie-Le Monde Monthly newspaper
Musica 1902-1915 Monthly newspaper
Le National 1830-1851 daily newspaper
Les Nouvelles Littéraires 1922-1945
Ordo 1938 Siegfried Thalheimer 1000 bi-monthly
organ of the Comité juif d'études politiques
in German
Paris Jour 1959-1972 Cino Del Duca daily newspaper
Moons 1928-1935 Henri Barbusse Weekly newspaper
Paris Soir 1923-1944 daily newspaper
Le Patriote français 1789-1793 Jacques Pierre Brissot
Le Petit Parisien 1876–1944 / 45 daily newspaper
Le Père Duchesne 1790– in a 3-day rhythm
Le Quotidien de la République 1998– daily newspaper
Le Révolté
(La Révolte)
1879-1894 Published bi-monthly, then
from 1885 in Paris
Le Temps 1861-1942 Daily newspaper
taken over by Le Monde
Les Temps Nouveaux 1895-1914
Weekly newspaper
every two months (January 1919 to February 1911)
La Voix des Femmes 1848-1852

Individual evidence

  1. OJD
  2. Entry Ordo in the Exile archive ( Memento of the original from June 7, 2007 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /