List of fountains in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe

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The fountain in the spa park was used as a logo for the spa in Bad Homburg for many years

This is a (incomplete) list of fountains in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe .

List of wells


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Dornholzhausen, Lindenallee, Brunnen.JPG Fountain on Lindenallee World icon

bad Homburg

Mineral fountain in the Bad Homburg spa park

The history of the spa in Bad Homburg is inextricably linked with the healing springs. These sources were probably already known in Roman times. Roman finds were found in the area of ​​today's spa park, which are held as consecration offerings for spring deities. However, use for bathing or healing purposes has not been proven. In 773 the Lorsch Codex mentions two salt springs that were used for salt production. Field names such as salt marshes or salt ground also indicate this function. Salt boiling was also practiced in the Landgraviate of Hessen-Homburg (from 1622). Landgrave Friedrich II had a graduation tower built. However, this was given up at the beginning of the 18th century and sold to Bad Nauheim . With the discovery of the Ludwigsbrunnen in 1809 and above all the Elisabethenbrunnen in 1834, the use as medicinal water began.

The operating company of the Bad Homburg casino acquired the mountain shelf of the Landgraviate of Hessen-Homburg and thus the exclusive right to use the mineral springs. With the annexation of the Landgraviate by Prussia, Prussia nationalized the Bergregal and transferred the administration to the Oberbergamt Bonn . On May 8, 1867, the company formally resigned. To protect the mineral springs, the Mining Authority issued a police ordinance on June 10, 1868, prohibiting further excavations in the entire area. A medicinal spring protection area has ensured the cleanliness of the water since 1985.

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Chulalong grain fountain World icon The fountain in the old salt marsh, which was trimmed in 1907 and named after Chulalongkorn , is now used in the Kur-Royal Day Spa.
Elisabethenbrunnen-Bad-Homburg-JR-G6-1793-2007-08-06.jpg Elisabethenbrunnen World icon Listed fountain in the form of a round temple and marble sculpture of the Greek goddess Hygieia from 1918 by the sculptor Hans Dammann .
Kaiserbrunnen Bad Homburg.jpg Kaiserbrunnen World icon This spring, already known to the Romans, was re-drilled in 1841/42. Several new versions, most recently in 1977.
Bad-homburg-kurpark-auguste-viktoria-quelle-002.jpg Kaiserin-Auguste-Viktoria-Brunnen World icon The architect Heinrich Jacobi designed a round monopteros in 1910 , consisting of eight columns on which a scaly copper roof rests. The work, which is reminiscent of an ancient temple, in particular the Lysikratesmonument , is a listed building.
Bad-homburg-spa-park-louisen + landgrafen-brunnen-002.jpg Landgrave Fountain World icon Today's fountain architecture was created in 1908 by the sculptor Anton Lussmann in the Art Nouveau style. The relief bust of Landgrave Friedrich II is the work of Ortud Krüger-Stohlmann . The fountain is a listed building.
Bad-homburg-spa-park-louisen + landgrafen-brunnen-002.jpg Louisenbrunnen World icon The spring, formerly known as the “sulfur spring”, provides almost inedible water, but from 1856/57 it was very popular with cardiovascular diseases. The inconspicuous small fountain is named after Louise, after Landgrave Gustav's wife. In the picture he can be found on the right edge next to the Landgrave's fountain.
Ludwigsbrunnen Bad Homburg.jpg Ludwigsbrunnen World icon In 1809, two playing children rediscovered the healing spring, which was already known to the Romans. Landgrave Friedrich V. Ludwig arranged for the edging and the fountain was named after him. The fountain is a listed building.
Bad Homburg, Kurpark, Samariterbrunnen.JPG Samaritan Well World icon The fountain from 1915 is a listed building.
Bad Homburg, spa gardens.  Solesprudel.JPG Brine fountain World icon The brine spring was first made in 1851, it was renewed in 1962. The water with a total of 12,000 mg sodium chloride per liter comes from a depth of 300 meters.
Bad-homburg-spa-park-stahlbrunnen-001.jpg Steel well World icon The steel well was the first well that the casino company had drilled in the autumn of 1841. The first iron socket was eroded after five years due to the high iron content of the water and was replaced by a cast iron fountain. This also only lasted 10 years, just like the following copper solution. The fountain was made of wood from 1869 to 1966 before it got its current shape.

Fountain at the Landgrave Palace

The water supply to the castle was probably originally ensured by draft wells. When the castle was converted into a palace and palace park, this water supply was not sufficient. In 1625, under Landgrave Friedrich I , the "Castle Water Pipeline" was created. For this was the Sangeborn in Oberstedten , a branch of cold water , caught and passed the water through ditches to the castle. An inspection of the wood and lead pipe system by Paul Andrich is documented in 1679. In 1684 the pipeline system was renewed. The water system was under Landgrave Friedrich III. (Contract 1726) with the creation of further sources in Oberstedten and the construction of the well room on Platzenberg. This water network was basically preserved until the water supply was re-regulated in 1901 with the construction of a high-pressure water pipe. The castle water pipeline supplied the fountain in the upper courtyard, the two basins with fountains that were laid out under Landgrave Friedrich II in the garden ground floor and the artificial pond in the small fir forest . In addition, water was diverted for agricultural use.

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Bad Homburg, castle, fountain at the White Tower.jpg Fountain in the upper courtyard World icon A fountain has been located on the south side of the White Tower in the castle courtyard since 1628. In 1684 it was described as a running fountain with a trough decorated with coats of arms and with the "monster of red sandstone pouring water". In 1831 the well was moved and cleared. The round baroque trough is provided with the Hessen-Leiningisches alliance coat of arms and a classicistic, cylindrical column with wrought iron tubes. The design comes from Moller / Westerfeld, the execution by Michael Adelmann, Bettingen.
Bad Homburg, castle, orangery fountain.jpg Orangery fountain World icon In front of the central part of the classical orangery, which is divided into a round arch on the ground floor, there is a fountain system with fountains.
Bad Homburg, castle, fountain in the castle park.jpg Fountain in the castle park World icon At the south exit of the palace there is a fountain with a fountain.
Bad Homburg, castle, fountain in the castle park.jpg Fountain in the castle park World icon There is a fountain on the south wall of the castle park.
Bad Homburg, Palace, Pompei Fountain.jpg Pompei fountain World icon The Pompei fountain is located in the forecourt of the palace. The name refers to the Pompeian Hall in the English Wing.

Other wells

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2007-09-16Bad HomburgBrunnen04.jpg Kurhaus fountain World icon In front of the Kurhaus Bad Homburg on Louisenstraße there is a fountain with three basins that taper towards the top.
2007-09-16Bad HomburgBrunnen06.jpg Lantern Festival Fountain World icon The fountain on the market square, reminiscent of the traditional lantern festival , was designed by Harry Freder in 1979.
Bad Homburg-Kurpark-Fontaene 2.jpg Fountain in the swan pond World icon The swan pond in the spa park is adorned with a fountain .
Bad Homburg, Wilhelm Filchner Monument.JPG Wilhelm Filchner Monument World icon The listed Wilhelm Filchner monument was designed as a fountain but was never supplied with water
Bad Homburg, Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 12, Brunnen.JPG Fountain in front of the Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade house 12 World icon The listed fountain Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 12
Bad Homburg, Louisenstraße, tuff column by Christof Krause.JPG Tuff column by Christof Krause World icon Christof Krause's tuff column on Louisenstrasse was originally designed as a fountain.
Bad Homburg, Bahnhofsplatz, Brunnen.jpg Fountain on the station square World icon A fountain system was set up in 2016 as part of the redesign of the station square.


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Three Lindenborn World icon to clarify


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Kirdorf, Am Schwesternhaus 2, Brunnen.JPG Pump well at the nurses house World icon This pump well is located in the courtyard of the sister house, which is a listed building with the sister house.
Bad Homburg, forest cemetery, consecration hall, fountain.JPG Fountain at the blessing hall of the forest cemetery World icon This fountain with a lion's head is located on the wall of the sanctuary of the forest cemetery , which is a listed building as part of the entire forest cemetery complex.
Bad-homburg-jubilaeumspark-durstbrunnen-002.jpg Well of thirst World icon The thirst fountain on the Schwedenpfad on the edge of the Jubilee Park was created by Hans Dammann . It was a gift from District Administrator Helmut von Brüning and is a listed building.
Fountain Fussgasse World icon At Raiffeisenstrasse 12, at the end of the foot lane, there is a round fountain edge made of several red sandstone parts, which are connected with iron clips. Today it is part of the property fence.


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Ober-Erlenbach, fountain at the church.JPG Fountain at the church World icon There is an unusual fountain in front of the church. From a designed crack in the wall, the water flows into a meandering trickle on the square.

Web links

Commons : Fountains in Bad Homburg vor der Höhe  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gerta Walsh: Mineral springs in Kronthal and Bad Homburg . In: Ingrid Berg, Eugen Ernst, Hans-Joachim Galuschka, Gerta Walsh (eds.): Heimat Hochtaunus . Kramer, Frankfurt am Main 1988, ISBN 3-7829-0375-7 , p. 30-33 .
  2. Heinz Grosche: History of the city of Bad Homburg in front of the height. Volume 3, Frankfurt 1986, ISBN 3-7829-0334-X , pp. 162-163.
  3. Ordinance on the protection of the state-recognized medicinal springs of the Kur- und Kongreß-GmbH Bad Homburg vdH of November 28, 1985 . In: Regional Council Darmstadt (Ed.): State Gazette for the State of Hesse. 1985 No. 51 , p. 2340 , item 1164 ( online at the information system of the Hessian state parliament [PDF; 10.3 MB ]).
  4. Heinz Grosche: History of the city of Bad Homburg in front of the height. Volume 3, Frankfurt 1986, ISBN 3-7829-0334-X , p. 199.
  5. Taunus Info
  6. ^ State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Elisabethenbrunnen In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  7. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Kaiser-Brunnen In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  8. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Empress Auguste Viktoria-Brunnen In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  9. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (Ed.): Landgrafenbrunnen In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  10. ^ State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Ludwigsbrunnen In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  11. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Samariterbrunnen In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  12. Brine fountain like new; in: Frankfurter Rundschau from February 19, 2013, online
  13. Gertha Walsh: An effective water for anemia; in: Taunuszeitung from July 27, 2012. p. 19
  14. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Castle and Castle Garden In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  15. Wolfgang Kullman: The man who brought the world to Bad Homburg; in: Taunuszeitung, May 6, 2017, p. 12.
  16. State Conservation Office Hessen (eds.): Kaiser-Friedrich-Promenade 12 in: DenkXweb, online issue of cultural monuments in Hesse
  17. Börnchen splashes again; in: Taunuszeitung of 25 June 2012 [1]
  18. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Am Schwesternhaus 2 In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  19. State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Hesse (ed.): Gesamtanlage Waldfriedhof In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  20. ^ State Office for the Preservation of Monuments Hesse (ed.): Kurpark, Durstbrunnen In: DenkXweb, online edition of cultural monuments in Hesse
  21. The fountain Fussgasse on the side of the Museum Kirdorf