List of personalities from Comano

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Coat of arms of Comano

This list contains personalities born in Comano and those who had their sphere of activity in Comano without having been born there. The list does not claim to be complete.


Chiara Simoneschi-Cortesi
Lara Gut in February 2017
  • Giacomo del Vicario (* around 1500 in Comano; † after 1545 ibid), by Comano, master builder in Lugano 1545
  • Giovanni Antonio Marchi (* around 1580 in Comano; † after 1625 there?), Plasterer
  • Valeriano Albicini (* 1753 in Forlì ; † 1832 in Comano), hermit, he moved to the hermitage of San Bernardo above Cornano in 1817
  • Giovanni Bizzozero (* around 1755 in Varese ; † after 1817 there), bell founder, he cast a bell for the parish church of Comano in 1777
  • Nag Arnoldi (1928–2017) painter, sculptor
  • Walter Cometta (born April 9, 1929 in Russikon ) from Arogno , Radiotelevisione svizzera - Head of Service, Head of TSI and RSI Department of Technology
  • Ada Soldini (born November 9, 1928 in Chiasso ; † November 28, 2015 in Lugano), painter with a studio in Comano
  • Gianfranco Arnoldi (* 1936 in Locarno?), Confectioner, Swiss confectioner of the year 2013
  • Sebastiano Martinoli (* 1943 in Acquarossa ), former chief surgeon at the Lugano Regional Hospital, Colonel.
  • Franco Thaler (* 1944 in; † September 9 in Lugano), TV film producer, lived in Comano
  • Renato Leonardi (* 1945 in Bedretto ), lecturer, poet, former middle school director, Bedretto's local community president
  • Spartaco Chiesa (* 1946 in Lugano?), Doctor of law, lawyer, former judge of the Appeal Court of the Canton of Ticino, member of the Swiss Pro Venezia Foundation.
  • Chiara Simoneschi-Cortesi (born April 21, 1946), sociologist, politician
  • Marco Valli (* 1946? In Comano), politician ( FDP The Liberals ), former mayor of Comano
  • Marco Borghi (* 1946 in Comano?), Lawyer, professor at the Università della Svizzera italiana .
  • Marie Hélène Rondi-Gay des Combes (born June 28, 1949 in Lugano; † May 20, 2016 ibid), writer, lived in Comano.
  • Filippo Martinoli (born October 6, 1971 in Basel ), economist, politician, councilor
  • Giovanni Molo (born November 18, 1971 in Lugano), economist, lawyer, doctor of law at the University of Geneva (2016), lecturer in tax law at the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI)
  • Lara Gut-Behrami (* 1991), skier, lives in Comano

Individual evidence

  1. Celestino Trezzini : Giacomo del Vicario. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 242 (PDF digitized version , accessed on October 22, 2017).
  2. ^ Giovanni Antonio Marchi. In: Sikart , accessed January 20, 2016.
  3. Celestino Trezzini: Valeriano Albicini. In the Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland. P. 210 (PDF digitized version , accessed on May 11, 2017)
  4. ^ Bizzozero, Giovanni . In: Ulrich Thieme , Felix Becker (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists from Antiquity to the Present . Founded by Ulrich Thieme and Felix Becker. tape 4 : Bida – Brevoort . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1910, p. 76 ( Textarchiv - Internet Archive ).
  5. Theo Mäusli: Walter Cometa. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland . July 15, 2010 , accessed May 6, 2020 .
  6. Ada Soldini in (accessed on: May 15, 2016.)
  7. ^ Gianfranco Arnoldi (Italian) on, accessed November 26, 2015.
  8. ^ Head physician Sebastiano Martinoli
  9. ^ Franco Thaler (Italian) on
  10. Spartaco Chiesa Obergericht (Italian) on
  11. Marco Valli (Italian) on
  12. Marco Borghi on
  13. ^ Gianni Ballabio: Quando lo scrivere è sapienza e cuore. In: Rivista di Lugano. Anno LXXXI, N. 13, March 29, 2019, pp. 19-21.
  14. Elena Rondi Gay des Combes Bibliography (Italian) on
  15. Filippo Martinoli (Italian) in (accessed on: May 11, 2016.)
  16. ^ Giovanni Molo (Italian) on (accessed December 30, 2016).