Lithocarpus corneus

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Lithocarpus corneus
Eurosiden I
Order : Beech-like (Fagales)
Family : Beech family (Fagaceae)
Subfamily : Quercoideae
Genre : Lithocarpus
Type : Lithocarpus corneus
Scientific name
Lithocarpus corneus
( Lour. ) Rehder

Lithocarpus corneus is a species of the species-rich genus Lithocarpus in the subfamily Quercoideae withinthe beech family (Fagaceae).


Lithocarpus corneus grows as an evergreen tree and usually reaches heights of under 15 meters. The bark of the branches is light tan to dark gray; the branches are bare or hairy with widely scattered raised lenticels .

The alternate and spirally arranged leaves on the branch are paper-like to leather-like and are usually heaped towards the branch tip. The leaf blade is about 10 to 15 cm long and 2 to 4.5 cm wide. The petiole is 0.5 to 4.5 inches long. The base of the leaf is pointed to rounded; it can be symmetrical, but it can also be crooked. The leaf margin is serrated and often slightly wavy. The sheet tapers to a point. Stipules are present.

The plant is actually single sexed ( monoecious ), at the spindle base of the male inflorescences , there are catkins , but sometimes also have female flowers . The male flowers contain ten to twelve stamens. The female inflorescences are less than 10 cm long. There are usually about three seed cups (cupula) together. The seed cup is thickened at the base; it is lignified with a wall about 2 to 3 millimeters thick. The seed cups are about 2.5 to 5 cm in size and about halfway around the fruit. The seed is shaped like an acorn. The flowering period is mainly from May to July; however, flowers are set almost all year round.

Distribution and location

The species is native to China , Vietnam, and Taiwan . In China, their occurrences extend over southern Fujian , Guangdong , Guangxi , southern Guizhou , Hainan , southern Hunan and eastern Yunnan . In Vietnam, the occurrences are limited to the northeast.

The preferred locations are sunny mountain slopes and drier locations in evergreen forests. The occurrences are found at altitudes below 1000 m.


The species was described under the name Quercus cornea by the Portuguese botanist João de Loureiro in 1790. The German-American botanist Alfred Rehder referred to this basionyma in 1917 , but classified the species as Lithocarpus corneus in the genus Lithocarpus and thus gave the name combination accepted today.

Another synonym for the species is Pasania cornea (Lour.) Oerst. , because the Danish botanist Anders Sandøe Ørsted also referred to the Basionym Quercus cornea in 1866 , but regrouped the species in the genus Pasania .

The species is very variable in its appearance; There are several varieties:

  • Lithocarpus corneus var. Angustifolius C.C. Huang & YTChang
  • Lithocarpus corneus var. Corneus
  • Lithocarpus corneus var. Fructuosus C.C. Huang & YTChang
  • Lithocarpus corneus var. Hainanensis (Merr.) CCHuang & YTChang
  • Lithocarpus corneus var. Rhytidophyllus C.C.Huang & YTChang
  • Lithocarpus corneus var. Zonatus C.C. Huang & YTChang


The seeds are edible raw or cooked. They do contain bitter-tasting tannins to a certain extent ; However, these can be removed by soaking the whole or even better the crushed seeds. The seed meal can, for example, be used to thicken soups or be added to grain mixes.


Single references

  1. Fl. cochinch. 2: 572. 1790. See entry in GRIN Taxonomy for Plants .
  2. ^ LH Bailey, Stand. Cycl. hoard. 6: 3569. 1917. See entry in GRIN Taxonomy for Plants .
  3. Vidensk. Meddel. Dansk Naturhist. Forums. Kjøbenhavn 1866: 83. 1866. See entry in GRIN Taxonomy for Plants .
  4. Guihaia 8: 14-15 (1988)
  5. Entry in Plants for a Future (Engl.)