Local sustainability strategy

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A communal or local sustainability strategy is an instrument for long-term control, transition or transformation of communes towards sustainability . It also serves to implement the SDGs , in particular Goal 11: "Sustainable cities and settlements - to make cities and settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable".


The instrument of the Local Sustainability Strategy represents a paradigm shift to the Local Agenda 21 and is based on the experience of over 2000 Local Agenda 21 processes in Germany, the majority of which have run suboptimally or have failed, on the experience with urban development planning and the first transformation studies ( Sustainable Germany ). The term Local Sustainability Strategy was introduced by the Council of European Municipalities and Regions in 1997. The background to local sustainability strategies is the instrumental paradigm shift from sustainability to sustainability strategy ( OECD 2002), which was carried out at the world summit in Johannesburg in 2002 and which also took place at the local level until 2012. In the run-up to Rio plus 20, Liane Möller stated: "The evaluation of previous experiences with the Agenda 21 processes heralds the initiation of a paradigm shift towards the local sustainability strategy" (Kramer 2010). In the study "Rio + 20 on site" inventory and future perspectives of local sustainability processes in Germany "with the support of the BMU and UBA, the Institute for Future Studies and Technology Assessment in Germany comes to the following recommendation for action:

“Sustainable development is a cross-sectional task that has to be solved in the long term, but tackled in the short and medium term and anchored in local politics and administration. The development and implementation of a comprehensive communal sustainability strategy or Agenda 21 with the central components of the guiding vision, objectives, action program and regular monitoring is necessary in order to be able to successfully shape the transformation process across society as a whole and across individual interests and legislative periods. Study Rio + 20 on site 2012, p. 128 "


A local sustainability strategy consists of a vision, a model with long-term goals, a program with measures and projects, as well as a dynamic management cycle for the implementation, which lead to the future viability and quality of life of a community. The aim is to develop, implement, update and regularly review the “most suitable strategy” for the future viability (or sustainability) of the municipality (review / monitoring). Specifically, it goes z. B. about climate protection , adaptation strategies for global warming , coping with demographic change , sustainable economy. A local sustainability strategy is a central prerequisite for anchoring municipal sustainability management.


The instrument of the local sustainability strategy integrates as an overall strategy:

  • the strategic goals (e.g. performance goals / double) and municipal goals for sustainable development (SDGs)
  • the planning bases and specialist plans, e.g. youth welfare plan, noise reduction plan, climate protection programs etc .;
  • urban development and infrastructure projects;

to a coherent overall strategy, which is anchored by a municipal sustainability management or control cycle. It contains a variety of methods of sustainability management , the new control model and can be connected to the Doppik . The overall strategy can also be structured multifunctionally, i. H. also fulfill the functions as an urban development plan, ISEK, mission statement, etc.


The global association ICLEI of around 2,000 cities, towns and counties for environmental protection and sustainable development has identified paths to the UN sustainability goals with local references, for example for cities and towns in the USA and Europe. Local sustainability strategies (Engl. Local sustainability strategy or local sustainable development strategy as the cities) have Cardiff , Copenhagen , Manchester , Oslo and Rugby and in Germany Augsburg , Ingolstadt , Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate , Garmisch-Partenkirchen , Ludwigsburg and Solingen realized. These also have the function of a sustainable urban development plan (or master plan) or, like the overall Landsberg 2035 strategy, they are interlinked with budget control (double).

Model project visions for Ingolstadt (method and instrument development)

With the support of the Free State of Bavaria (2000–2002), the city of Ingolstadt developed a complete sustainability strategy for a large city for the first time for the municipal sector with the prototype "Visions for Ingolstadt". This was presented at the world summit in Johannesburg (Rio plus 10) by Environment Minister Werner Schnappauf and the project manager Ralf Klemens Stappen as a contribution from the Free State of Bavaria. The development and implementation of sustainability was understood as a strategic task, whereby the overarching sustainability strategy of Germany, the Free State of Bavaria and the European Union were vertically integrated (see Visions for Ingolstadt). For the first time, sustainability was anchored as a basic principle for all planning processes and projects.

Model project Local Sustainability Strategy City of Neumarkt

The city of Neumarkt in the Upper Palatinate was the first city in Germany to develop and adopt a local sustainability strategy using the “Ingolstadt method” (prototype) as part of the “Local Sustainability Strategy City of Neumarkt” model project funded by the Free State of Bavaria. This was developed together with all citizens, companies, the administration, the city council and the associations. For example, the first draft was sent to all 18,000 households in the city, which has around 40,000 inhabitants. Every citizen and every institution could contribute their ideas, suggestions and suggestions for improvement. Another element was qualified and broad citizen participation, for example a “Day of Visions” was organized as a kick-off event with over 5,000 citizens, plus three future forums with 400 participants, six citizens' conferences with 200 participants, and a large number of working groups and workshops. The final result “Sustainable Neumarkt” was decided on July 20, 2004 by the city council. The focus is on 6 guiding principles, 24 guiding principles for future viability up to 2025, 17 leading projects and 164 measures and individual projects for sustainable urban development and the anchoring of municipal sustainability management (see literature). In 2012, the project was awarded the German Sustainability Prize as "Germany's most sustainable medium-sized city".

Globally Sustainable Municipality in NRW (GNK NRW)

On behalf of the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW) of Engagement Global in the project Global Sustainable Communities in NRW (GNK NRW), LAG 21 NRW accompanies 15 NRW communities in the development of strategies for global sustainable development. The aim is to make a systematic contribution to the 2030 Agenda. The 15 model municipalities develop their strategies in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They define references to the German sustainability strategy and the NRW sustainability strategy.

Model project Global Sustainable Municipality Thuringia

The model project Global Sustainable Municipality of Thuringia has enabled the Thuringian municipalities of Erfurt , Jena , Nordhausen , Arnstadt , Saalfeld , Bad Köstritz / Crossen an der Elster and Schmölln / Gößnitz to provide advice and support in the development of municipal sustainability strategies in the context of global sustainability goals Consideration of local conditions and sustainability strategies at federal and state level. As part of the 2nd phase of Global Sustainable Municipality of Thuringia , additional Thuringian municipalities will be supported in developing strategies from 2020 to 2021. The project Global Sustainable Municipality Thuringia is carried out by the Association for Sustainable Thuringia eV in cooperation with the Service Agency Communities in One World of Engagement Global gGmbH and financed with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development . The development of the communal sustainability strategy takes place in each of the communes using a participatory process in which politics, administration and actors from business, science and civil society work together in a steering group. In addition to an inventory, the process includes the identification of central topics such as climate and resource protection, global responsibility, education, mobility, health as well as work and economy. Specific goals, sub-goals and measures with deadlines in the period from 2020 to 2030 are developed for each of these. The objectives and measures are backed up with resource planning as well as with responsibilities and indicators. The sustainability strategy and its program of action are finally approved by the city council. Regular evaluation, reporting and further development of the objectives are planned below. The sustainability strategy serves as a comprehensive control instrument with which the municipalities face the current challenges and define and implement their own contributions to sustainable, globally fair development.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ICLEI - USA: How does ICLEI support UN's Sustainable Development Goals? Retrieved April 23, 2020 .
  2. ICLEI - Europe: 15 Pathways to Localize the Sustainable Development Goals. Retrieved April 23, 2020 .
  3. Globally sustainable municipality in Thuringia. Retrieved April 15, 2020 .
  4. ^ Association for the Future of Thuringia eV: Global Sustainable Municipality of Thuringia. Retrieved April 19, 2020 .
  5. ^ SKEW: Municipal sustainability strategies. Retrieved April 19, 2020 .