Lothar Lahn

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Lothar Lahn (born October 24, 1921 in Breslau ; † April 20, 1994 in Bonn ) was a German diplomat .


From 1940 to 1947 Lothar Lahn studied law and political science . His dissertation topic was The perpetrator motive in criminal law . Between 1949 and 1952 he completed his training as a court assessor and started a career in the higher foreign service . First he worked from 1952 to 1954 as a consultant in the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia , then from 1954 to 1956 he was legation counselor in the German embassy at the Holy See . For the next three years he was a consultant in the Foreign Office . From 1959 to 1962 he was appointed First Class Legation Councilor at the Madrid Embassy . From 1962 he was in charge of the Department of Disarmament and Security in the Foreign Office until he was appointed to Cairo for three years in 1966 . At this time, the government of Gamal Abdel Nasser broke off its relations with the Erhard I cabinet after the latter had announced on May 12, 1965 that it would establish diplomatic relations with the Levi Eschkol government . Lahn became head of the German staff at the Italian embassy in Cairo (protective power representation for German interests). The head of the protecting power representation was Giovanni Vincenzo Soro , from 1965 to 1966 Italian ambassador in Cairo.

In 1970, during Egon Bahr's negotiations with Andrei Gromyko on the Moscow Treaty , Lahn was deputy to the Ministerial Director Hans Hellmuth Ruete . From 1971 to spring 1973 he was ambassador to Santiago de Chile, where Salvador Allende ruled. In the mid-1970s, Ministerialdirektor Lahn headed Department 3 (Political Department) of the Federal Foreign Office.

In July 1976 Lothar Lahn, Director of the Foreign Office's overseas department, felt it was imperative to contact the military who had come to power in Buenos Aires and during the 1973 coup in Chile . General Jorge Videla recently assumed the office of President in Argentina. After his return he gave the putschists' version of the case of Klaus Zieschank to the press .

From 1977 to 1982, during the transition to Spain , Lahn was ambassador to Madrid . On March 26, 1981, he had an audience with Juan Carlos I, during which he spoke about the 23-F , which Lahn transmitted to Bonn in telex number 524.

His wife held a professorship in archeology at the University of Bonn . In 1986 he was retired.

Lahn had been a member of the Catholic student association KDStV Winfridia (Breslau) Münster since 1950 .

In April 2016, Federal Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier admitted that the Federal Foreign Office and the embassy staff at the time had “grave negligence for years because of the Colonia Dignidad sect settlement in Chile. 'From the 1960s to the 1980s, German diplomats looked the other way at best - at least they did clearly too little to protect their compatriots in this colony' ”.



  • The perpetrator motive in criminal law. 1949
  • A comparison of the British export credit insurance with the German export guarantees and guarantees (Hermes). 1953
  • Chile under Allende - personal impressions and experiences from my time in the embassy. In: Titus Heydenreich (ed.): Chile history economy culture of the present. Latin American Studies, Volume 25, Vervuert 1990, p. 76.
  • The end of regional arms control policy. In: From the School of Diplomacy.
  • "Chile twenty years ago". The failure of the socialist experiment. the lecture was given on December 4, 1991 in the Ibero-Club Bonn
  • Everyone on the world stage. An ambassador's conclusion.
  • Lothar Lahn: Walter Hallstein as State Secretary. In: Loth, Wallace and Wessels (eds.)

Web link

Individual evidence

  1. Redaktionsbüro Harenberg: Knaurs Prominentenlexikon 1980. The personal data of celebrities from politics, economy, culture and society . With over 400 photos. Droemer Knaur, Munich / Zurich 1979, ISBN 3-426-07604-7 , Lahn, Lothar, p. 258 f .
  2. Files on Foreign Policy, 1966, p. 908
  3. [1]
  4. Recepción en la Embajada de Alemania. In: ABC . December 1, 1979; Apoyamos el preceso político y económico de Espana. In: ABC. May 28, 1980
  5. ^ Sect settlement in Chile - Steinmeier zu Colonia Dignidad: "German diplomats did too little" , Der Tagesspiegel , April 26, 2016, accessed on April 27, 2016
predecessor Office successor
Horst Hauthal Head of the German staff at the Italian embassy in Cairo (protecting power representation for German interests)
Walter Jesser
Horst Osterheld Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Santiago de Chile
Kurt Luedde-Neurath
Georg von Lilienfeld Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Madrid / Spain
Guido Brunner
Rüdiger von Wechmar Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Rome / Italy
Friedrich Ruth