Louis-Gustave Binger

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Louis-Gustave Binger

Louis-Gustave Binger (born October 14, 1856 in Strasbourg , †  November 10, 1936 in L'Isle-Adam ) was a French officer and Africa explorer .


Binger stayed three times longer in Senegal and neighboring countries, which attracted the attention of French governor Faidherbe . He supported him in his undertaking to cross northwest Africa from the upper Niger to the coast of Guinea . In 1887 Binger traveled from Bamako via Tenetu to Sikasso and south to Kong , which he reached on February 20, 1888.

Here he found that the Kong mountains that had been entered on the maps up to that point did not even exist. To do this, he determined the narrow watershed between the tributaries to the Niger and the Lahu and Akha (or Komor) rivers flowing south into the Gulf of Guinea .

From Kong, Binger turned north and across the Black Volta at Boromo to Ouagadougou , which is east. Here he was forced to turn south and through Gurunsi in October he reached Salaga , then Kintampo and Bontuku . On January 5, 1889, he met with Treich-Laplène , who was sent to meet him, and followed the course of the Grand-Bassam on the Ivory Coast together with him . Through contracts with the chiefs in Tieba , Kong and Bontuku, he placed the vast stretches of land between the upper Niger and the Gulf of Guinea under French influence and showed new ways for trade to the French colony of Gross-Bassam .

Tomb of Louis-Gustave Binger in the Montparnasse cemetery / Paris

Binger described his journey in the two-volume work Du Niger au Golfe de Guinée (Paris 1891). Binger was placed at the head of a French mission in 1892 to delimit French and English territories in the Ashanti area . He was then governor of the French Ivory Coast for several years between 1893 and 1898 and became director of the French Colonial Ministry in 1898.

Since 1933 he was a corresponding member of the Académie des sciences .

Louis Gustave Binger died on November 10, 1936 in L'Isle-Adam in the Ile de France and is buried in the Montparnasse Cemetery in Paris.


  • Siegfried Schmitz : Louis Binger. In: Siegfried Schmitz: Great explorers and explorers. A history of world discovery from antiquity to the 20th century in biographies and pictures. 2nd Edition. Econ, Düsseldorf 1983, ISBN 978-3-612-10008-5 , p. 46.

Web links

Commons : Louis-Gustave Binger  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Individual evidence

  1. Pierre Bertaux: Africa - From Prehistory to the States of the Present. Weltbild, Augsburg 1998, ISBN 3-89350-989-5 , p. 217.
  2. ^ Directory of members since 1666: Letter B. Académie des sciences, accessed on September 20, 2019 (French).