Louise Nowitzki

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Louise Nowitzki (* 1981 in Leipzig ) is a German actress , puppeteer and puppet maker.


Louise Nowitzki studied sculpture at the Art Academy of Dresden and drama at the University of Music and Theater in Rostock . She lives in Halle (Saale) .

Theater (selection)

Nowitzki made her stage debut during her training in 2006 at the Mecklenburg State Theater in Schwerin with the role of Beatrice in Carlo Goldoni's comedy The Servant of Two Masters . In 2008 she appeared at the Bad Hersfeld Festival as Franziska in Lessing's Minna von Barnhelm and in a trouser role as Mercutio in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet . For the latter role she was awarded the Hersfeld Prize . During the 2009/2010 season she was engaged at the Ingolstadt Theater. Here you saw them u. a. in Danton's death by Georg Büchner and as Little Prince based on the story of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . From 2010 to 2015 Nowitzki was a member of the Thalia Theater ensemble in Halle. There she played, among other roles, the Kunigunde in Kleist's Käthchen von Heilbronn and the Lammchen in Little Man - what now? based on the novel by Hans Fallada . In 2013 she was in the monologue Fressen Lieben Kotzen on the stage of the New Theater in Halle.

Since the beginning of the 2015/16 season, Louise Nowitzki has been engaged as a puppet maker and player at the Puppentheater Halle . She built all of the puppets in the production for the play The Strange Fall of Doctor ETA Hoffmann, based on his fairy tale Klein Zaches, called Zinnober , which premiered on November 2, 2013 . She made further figures for the visit of the old lady by Friedrich Dürrenmatt , with whom the Puppentheater Halle performed as part of the International Puppet Theater Festival in Munich's Schauburg in October 2015 , and Gabriel García Márquez 's Love in the Times of Cholera . The dolls built by Louise Nowitzki - including the dictators Hitler and Stalin as well as numerous artists and intellectuals such as Alma Mahler , Thomas Mann and Sigmund Freud - for the play 1913 - The Summer of the Century based on the novel by Florian Illies and directed by the caused a national sensation Puppet theater director Christoph Werner .

In addition to her theater engagements, Louise Nowitzki has also been in front of the camera, in the series of radio plays about the character Monika Häuschen she can be heard in episode 12 ( Why do mosquitoes bite? ).

Filmography (selection)

  • 2003: Medieval criminal cases ( MDR production)
  • 2004: Trust ( short film )
  • 2005: To the sun ( movie )
  • 2011: recipe for success (short film)


  • 1999: Special prize from the Thuringia regional association as part of the 2nd Central German Children and Youth Photo Prize 1999
  • 2007: Scene award at the Salzburg drama school meeting
  • 2008: Hersfeld Prize

Individual evidence

  1. Profile at schauspielervideos.de , accessed on October 4, 2015
  2. a b Short portrait on the Bühnen Halle website , accessed on October 4, 2015
  3. a b c Sedcard at pucksbar.de , accessed on October 4, 2015
  4. ^ A b Claudia Crodel: Die neue Puppenbauerin Nowitzki , Mitteldeutsche Zeitung of October 20, 2013 , accessed on October 4, 2015
  5. ^ Claudia Crodel: Louise Nowitzki: Debut on the Halle puppet stage . In: Mitteldeutsche Zeitung . ( mz-web.de [accessed on August 26, 2017]).
  6. Schauburg website  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed October 4, 2015@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.schauburg.net  
  7. site fidena.de , accessed on October 4, 2015
  8. FOCUS Online: New piece in the puppet theater with mini Hitler and Stalin . In: FOCUS Online . ( focus.de [accessed on August 26, 2017]).
  9. Review on hoerspielhoelle.de , accessed on October 4, 2015
  10. ^ Website of the Society for Photography e. V. , accessed October 4, 2015