Lucia Steigerwald

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Lucia Steigerwald (born January 22, 1913 in Lodz ; † August 17, 1995 in Hanover ) was a German painter and sculptor .


Lucia Steigerwald grew up in Gdansk , where she studied painting, art history and English . After her marriage to an English teacher, she traveled to the art metropolises of Europe and also stayed for a long time, for example in Paris , London and Athens .

Lucia Steigerwald had four children, including the art historian Frank Neidhart Steigerwald .

After the Second World War , she first settled in Munich , then from 1950 in Hanover. Here she became a member of Gedok (Hanover) and the BBK Lower Saxony as well as an advisory board member of the Kunstverein Hanover .

“An expressive, vital style of painting characterizes” the work of Lucia Steigerwald. Her works have been shown in numerous exhibitions by Gedok and the BBK Lower Saxony and regularly in the autumn exhibitions of the Kunstverein Hannover.


Lucia Steigerwald was honored with prizes and medals in Paris, Athens and Madrid , and in 1995 with the “6. Art Prize of the Stadtsparkasse Hannover ”.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Hugo Thielen: Steigerwald, Lucia (see literature)
  2. Hugo Thielen: STEIGERWALD, Lucia (see literature)