Ludwig Theodor Schulze

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Ludwig Theodor Schulze (born February 27, 1833 in Berlin , † January 26, 1918 in Rostock ) was a German Evangelical Lutheran theologian and university professor .


Ludwig Theodor Schulze graduated from high school in his native Berlin in 1851 . He then devoted himself to the study of theology, philosophy and oriental languages at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität , in 1856 he received his doctorate as Lic. Theol. , 1858 those for Dr. phil. In 1859 he completed his habilitation there as a private lecturer in New Testament exegesis . In 1864 Schulze accepted a call from the Albertus University in Königsberg as associate professor of theology, two years later he moved to Magdeburg , where he was appointed inspector of the monastery of Our Lady and head of the theological-pedagogical seminar at the grammar school.

In 1874 he was appointed full professor of theology at the University of Rostock . Schulze also acted there seven times as dean , as administrator of the professors 'widows' fund, as a member of the theological examination commission and the scientific examination commission for the higher teaching post and as rector in the academic year 1893/94. In 1908 he was retired . He received an honorary doctorate in theology from the University of Rostock in 1874 , the Commander's Cross of the House Order of the Wendish Crown in 1906 and the commemorative medal of Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III. excellent Ludwig Theodor Schulze emerged in particular through treatises relating to his field.


  • De fontibus ex quibus Hycsosorum historia haurienda sit. Dissertation, Schade, Berlin, 1858
  • Martha and Maria. Two images of life according to the script. Gotha, 1866
  • From the Son of Man and the Logos: A Contribution to Biblical Christology. Gotha, 1867
  • Philipp Wackernagel after his life and work for the German people and the German Church: a picture of life. Dörffling & Francke, Leipzig, 1879.
  • The sources of the New Testament salvation history are examined and presented. 3rd edition, Nördlingen 1889.
  • August Neander  : a memorial sheet for Israel and the Church. Academic bookshop (W. Faber), Leipzig, 1890
  • Our sources for the life of Jesus Christ according to their credibility in the light of contemporary scientific research. Bertelsmann, Gütersloh, 1909
  • The doctrine of the Last Supper of the Lutheran Church, according to its biblical basis, is a biblical-theological investigation with regard to the modern conceptions of the present. Bertelsmann, Gütersloh, 1910
  • Doctrine of baptism in the Lutheran church according to its biblical basis: a biblical-theological investigation with regard to the modern conceptions of the present. Bertelsmann, Gütersloh, 1911


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