Magda Trott

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Magda Trott (born March 20, 1880 in Freystadt ( Silesia ), † May 12, 1945 in Miedzyzdroje ( Pomerania )) was a German writer and women's rights activist.

Autograph by Magda Trott from 1922 both under a pseudonym and under her name.


Magda Trott was the daughter of an opera singer. However, the mother stopped practicing her profession after the children were born. In 1903 Magda moved with her five siblings and her parents to Berlin, where she attended the kindergarten teacher seminar in the Lettehaus and passed the state kindergarten teacher exam. For a while she worked in the municipal kindergarten, where she was an all-popular "aunt".

In 1907, at the age of 27, she founded the Berlin “Frauenbank” with other wealthy women. Until the late 1920s she was considered one of the most radical women's rights activists of the time. One of her comrades-in-arms was Thea von Harbou , the successful screenwriter of Die Nibelungen and Metropolis . Magda Trott's greatest dream at the time, which she also processed in 1914 in a novella From the Founding of the Women's State, was to found an Amazon state in the Lüneburg Heath with Lüneburg as its capital. The Lüneburgers were outraged and attacked Magda Trott in the local press.

In 1915 Magda Trott moved to Międzyzdroje on the island of Wollin , where later in the summer she visited small and large readers, sometimes entire groups from children's homes. In Międzyzdroje Magda Trott probably began to devote herself intensively to her literary work. This is supported by the immense number of works published in the following years. She also published under several pseudonyms: G. Claudius, Lena Torahn, Lena Mageda, J. Marein, Rud Mavege.

According to the blurb of some of the original Pucki volumes from the late 1930s, Magda Trott is also said to have been a mother; there is no tangible information about her children or possible further descendants.

A few days after the end of the Second World War , the now very successful author died at the age of 65. The cause of death is still unknown today.

Today Magda Trott is mostly only known as the children's book author of the series Pucki and Goldköpfchen . However, children's books only make up a fraction of their extensive work. Magda Trott wrote trivial and suspense novels, various guides primarily for women, plays, short stories and short stories. But since she started writing, Magda Trott occasionally wrote children's books and short stories for young readers. At the end of the 1920s she began to write various series of books for girls (Pommerle, Goldköpfchen, Pucki) and thus established herself as a young adult author. Her works for children have already been classified as trivial by contemporary critics. In 1933, some of her earlier novels were put on the index as "undesirable literature", which is not surprising in the case of titles like The Lovers of Chaste Marianne .

Magda Trott's productivity is amazing and indicates a disciplined, steady writing. Almost all of her works appeared after 1919 (when Magda Trott was already 40 years old) to 1942, i.e. in a period of only 23 years.


The role of women in Magda Trott's work

Today the books in the Pucki series are Magda Trott's best-known books. However, these books in particular are atypical for their work and have the strong character of commissioned work based on given, requested patterns.

From today's point of view, the arch-conservative image of women in the middle Pucki volumes of the series is certainly worrying: viewed soberly, the young wife is denied any individuality, instead she has to subordinate herself entirely to the views and demands of the man and to function exclusively as a housewife and mother. Claus and Pucki are not equal partners who influence each other, but are in a kind of teacher-student relationship: he educates them according to his wishes, may evaluate their actions and behavior and, if necessary, punish them. Pucki is not allowed to effectively criticize her husband's behavior and opinions. Because of this, Pucki often continues to behave like a child out of fear: She tries to cheat her husband if she makes a mistake and finally listens to his rebukes with her head bowed. After a successful “upbringing”, Pucki, as the almost perfect “Pucki-mother” of the last volumes, becomes an admired role model and an adviser for the other women in town. Pucki is changing from the imperfect (and therefore sympathetic) figure of identification in the first volumes to the abstract, exaggerated model for readers (at the time).

How the former feminist was able to reconcile this adaptation to the strongly Nazi ideology with herself remains open. In the Pommerle volumes, which appeared from 1928 and in which the author continued to write parallel to Pucki , Pommerle is superior to her older friend Jule in terms of sophistication and maturity. Here Magda Trott also draws a completely different, partnership-like relationship between the parents, in which man and woman are on an equal footing as adults. The mother is portrayed as an educated woman with her own interests, the father, a professor and local researcher, can even work in the kitchen on occasion.

While Pucki is a good housewife, other von Trotts heroines are self-confident, independent women who take their lives into their own hands and do not need a man. Pommerle becomes a gardener, works in this profession with a lot of enthusiasm and likes to forego a marriage with her childhood friend Jule, who marries the daughter of his teacher. Bärbel (Goldköpfchen) is a photographer and opens her own studio after the death of her first husband. Pucki also learns a profession (kindergarten teacher), which she does not pursue after completing her training, but marries and immediately becomes a housewife (she even planned to drop out of training after the engagement, but her mother advised her against it).

Magda Trott sees women's professional training and work as an alternative to being a housewife in a marriage, perhaps also because after the end of the First World War there was a shortage of young men in Germany and women had to build up their own (not least financial) livelihood when they couldn't find a possible partner.

In some of the books one finds indications that it is no longer appropriate to wait for a husband and that as a woman you can shape your own life. “When the hour came for Brigitte to want to follow a man of her choice, she (Isa) couldn't hold her back. But just wait for this hour, don't look longingly at this one goal, don't let year after year pass in excruciating fear. Oh no, go quietly on your way, keeping a goal firmly in sight. Work helped over everything, work healed every wound. ” You can also find a reference to this in Angela : “ I advise you, Margot, learn something too! You feel so upscale when you're no longer a drone. You have to work, and it is an old-fashioned view these days that young women sit lazily at home, waiting for the man who may never come. "

Nevertheless, Magda Trott could certainly understand when women don't want to work. Angela's friend Margot replied to their career plans: "I would thank you if someone asked me to earn my living."

For Magda Trott, a job that fulfills you and makes you happy is worth striving for, but when the external conditions require it, perseverance and self-discipline are the right attitude towards professional life. This is summarized in the saying that engineer Weißlinger writes in Angela's poetry album: "I slept and dreamed that life was joy, I woke up, and behold, life was duty, I acted and lo, duty was joy."

The woman before choosing a career is one of the central themes in Magda Trott's work, as some of her advisors also show: Ways to maintain health and beauty for professionals (1926) and The woman before choosing a career (1928).

Localization of the stories

Magda Trott was a native of Silesia and lived in Silesia and Pomerania , so many of her stories take place in what is now East Germany (then Central Germany) and in what is now western Poland (then East German areas).

Brigitte lives in Brigitte creates work in Gollersdorf , which was near Bunzlau in Lower Silesia .

The Pommerle series takes place in Pomerania and the Silesian Giant Mountains .

Also Pucki plays in the original editions probably in Lower Silesia. In “Pucki Becomes a Happy Bride”, Pucki does her training in Leipzig , after 1945 the city was changed to Hanover . In this volume, too, Claus receives a letter in which he is supposed to represent three colleagues in the Silesian capital, Wroclaw . After the end of the war, the location was changed to Braunschweig , as Breslau fell to Poland. The Silesian town of Rothenburg , where Pucki goes to high school, became Rotenburg (Wümme) . The localization of the stories in the new editions shifted from Silesia to Lower Saxony . (This also explains why Trott's birthplace Freystadt was sometimes confused with the small town of Freistatt in Lower Saxony.)

Autobiographical references in the books

Unfortunately, very little is known about Magda Trott. However, since many authors let their personal experiences flow into their books, some conclusions can be drawn about the author.

If you look at the productivity of Magda Trott and assume that Angela can both typewriter and shorthand from the book Angela , one can assume that Magda Trott typed her books and not (like Else Ury, for example ) wrote her books by hand .

She must have been politically and culturally interested and very well informed. As an example, one can cite that the city of Wuppertal was founded on August 1, 1929 by the unification of the independent cities of Elberfeld and Barmen under the name Barmen-Elberfeld as an independent city. In Angela Elberfeld and Barmen are correctly named as Barmen-Elberfeld, although Magda Trott lived on Wollin . In the book Angela published in 1929, she consciously refers to current events at the time. (In 1930 the place was renamed Wuppertal.)

Similar to Else Ury , popular religious echoes from everyday life can be found in the books and stories (example: “How wonderfully God put everything back together in heaven!”), But no church attendance or other religious activities are mentioned. In dare, Monika! the electrician even installs the electric lighting for a garden party on Sunday mornings. All of this suggests that Magda Trott has a more pragmatic attitude towards religion.

In 1934 Franke-Verlag brought an edition of Pommerle - a German girl with Pommerle in a BDM jacket with a "Heil Hitler" gesture on the brown cover picture, probably to increase sales.

It is no longer known whether Magda Trott was a National Socialist after 1933. Purely speculative speaks against the fact that Irene Graebsch, herself a staunch National Socialist, almost disregards Magda Trott in her work on youth literature The History of the German Youth Book and only inserts a short comment about the "second class" of Trott's stories. Presumably a party member would have received more attention.

Children's books

  • 1919: Am Staffin . Phoenix Publishing House
Steffys Backfischzeit , Vogel & Vogel Leipzig (1922 +1927 Leipzig graphic works)
Later published under the title Jungmädelstreich (1940 Paul Franke Verlag / 1951 Füllhorn Verlag / 1954 Engelberg Verlag)
  • 1922: Young girl's step into life. at the Leipzig graphic works (new editions 1927, 1930, 1933 and 1940)
  • 1922: chirping bird. under the pseudonym L. Torahn
Published in 1940 under the title Storming Youth Finds the Way by Paul Fanke Verlag and 1953–1960 under the title Wildfang Doris by Engelbert Verlag
  • 1925: The smart little violinist and other fairy tales (W. Gensch, Elberfeld in the fairy tale series. Volume 44.)
  • 1929: Angela. (Gustav Weise Verlag, Leipzig)
  • 1931: Ursel's backfish time. (Leipzig graphic works), 1940: Paul Franke Verlag,
Published in 1954 under the title Ursel the cheeky secondary woman (Engelbert Verlag, Die lustigen Engelbert books No. 4)
  • 1933: The moon thistle and other fairy tales. (Youth library of the Löwen-Verlag, Berlin)
  • 1935: The German Girls Book. (Paul Franke Verlag)
  • 1936: Brigitte creates work. (Paul Franke Verlag), new edition 1942
  • 1937: The sponsored children of the secondary school. (Paul Franke Verlag)
Published in 1945 under the title The godchildren of Tertia (Engelbert Verlag, Die lustigen Engelbert books 5)
  • 1937: Not so stormy, Friedel! (Hans-Jörg Fischer-Verlag)
Published in 1954 under the title Susanne is to blame for everything! (Engelbert Verlag, The Funny Engelbert Books No. 2)
  • 1938 Gustel's haunted castle. (Hans-Jörg Fischer-Verlag), new edition 1950/51 Verlag die Boje, Stuttgart
  • 1939: where the alpine roses bloom. (Hans-Jörg Fischer-Verlag)
  • 1940: Barbara the unlucky fellow. (Hans-Jörg Fischer-Verlag), new edition 1950–53 Verlag die Boje, Stuttgart
  • 1940: Dare Monika! (Hans-Jörg Fischer-Verlag)
  • 1946: Marga in a thousand distress. (Hans-Jörg Fischer-Verlag)

Children's book series


  • 1928: Pommerle. (1928 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, 1951 Füllhorn Verlag)
  • 1930: With Pommerle through the Kinderland. (1930 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, 1951 Füllhorn Verlag)
  • 1932: Pommerle's youth. (1932 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, 1951 Füllhorn Verlag)
  • 1934: Pommerle a German girl. (1934 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag)
  • 1936: Pommerle on the move. (1936 Paul Franke Verlag, 1951 Füllhorn Verlag)
  • 1938: Pommerle in the spring of life. (Paul Franke Verlag) ( online  - Internet Archive )
  • 1939: Pommerle's last school year. (Paul Franke Verlag)

Gold heads

  • 1928: Gold heads. (1928 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert Verlag, ISBN 3-933637-01-5 )
  • 1929: Goldkopf's school days. (1929 Leipziger graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, today H.Levermann oHG, ISBN 3-536-00002-9 )
  • 1929: Goldköpfchen's backfish time. (1929 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-536-00003-7 )
  • 1930: Goldkopf's apprenticeship. (1930 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert Verlag, ISBN 3-536-00004-5 )
  • 1931: Goldkopf's wedding day. (1931 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-536-00005-3 )
  • 1932: Goldkopf as a mother. (1931 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-933637-06-6 )
  • 1932: Goldhead's happiness and sorrow. (1932 Leipziger graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-933637-07-4 )
  • 1933: Gold heads at work. (1933 Leipzig graphic works, 1936 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-933637-08-2 )
  • Between 1936 and 1939: Goldkopf's big decision. (1936/39 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-933637-09-0 )
  • Between 1936 and 1939: little gold heads among happy youth. (1936/39 Paul Franke Verlag, from 1949 Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-933637-10-4 )
  • 1939: Goldkopf's Children: The Two Fips. (1939 Paul Franke Verlag, 1949–69 Engelbert Verlag)
  • 1939: Goldköpfchen's children: Erna's funny journey. (1939 Paul Franke Verlag, 1949-? Engelbert-Verlag, ISBN 3-536-00012-6 )
  • 1953: Goldkopf's children: Marion. (Engelbert-Verlag (total circulation only 30,000))


  • 1935: Forester's Pucki. (1935 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4201-3 )
  • 1935: Pucki's first year of school. (1935 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4202-1 )
Special edition of the first two volumes: Pucki's first adventures (2003 Bassermann, ISBN 3-8094-1502-2 )
  • 1936: Pucki and her friends. (1936 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4203-X )
  • 1936: Pucki starts high school. (1936 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4204-8 )
  • 1937: Pucki's new pranks. (1937 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4205-6 )
  • 1937: Pucki's first step in life. (1937 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4206-4 )
  • 1937: Pucki becomes a happy bride. (1937 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4207-2 )
  • 1937: Pucki's young marriage. (1937 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig)
From 1951 under the title Pucki as a young housewife (from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4208-0 )
  • 1938: Pucki's family happiness. (1938 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4209-9 )
  • 1938: Pucki and her 3 boys. (1938 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4210-2 )
  • 1939: Pucki our mother. (1938 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4211-0 )
  • 1941: Pucki's summer of life. (1941 A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, from 1949 Titania Verlag, ISBN 3-7996-4212-9 )

The editions from Titania Verlag have been processed. In addition to the change of place names, whole chapters were partially rewritten. From 1950 a total of 7 million copies have been sold.


The first two Rosemarie books were published under the name Erika before the war .

  • 1951–1956: Rosemarie the heather child. (Titania-Verlag Stuttgart)
Published between 1941 and 1949 under Erika das Heidekind (A. Anton and Co, Leipzig)
  • 1951–1956: Rosemarie and her mother. (Titania-Verlag Stuttgart)
Between 1941 and 1949 Erika got a mother published (A. Anton and Co, Leipzig)
  • 1951–1956: Rosemary's Heath Experience. (Titania-Verlag Stuttgart)
  • 1951–1957: Rosemarie our sunshine. (Titania-Verlag Stuttgart)

Short stories

Short stories for children and teenagers

Published in Das Kränzchen
  • 1918: summer threads. Pp. 46–47, Sunday Lantary. Pp. 422–424 (Das Kränzchen Volume 31)
  • 1919: About coffee. Pp. 719–722, Die kluge Lerche , pp. 700–702, Some surprising attempts , pp. 156–157, Irrlichter. P. 769–771 (Das Kränzchen Volume 32)
  • 1924: Something to worry about. P. 783 (Das Kränzchen Volume 37)
  • 1925: All sorts of entertainment on New Year's Eve. P. 255f (Das Kränzchen Volume 38)
Appeared in Uncle Anton's children's calendar
  • 1922: The journey with obstacles. (Uncle Anton's children's calendar 1922)
  • 1926: The game of frogs and toads. (Uncle Anton's children's calendar 1926)
  • 1926: Two board games: The frog and toad game. P. 79, What do you wish for me? , P. 73, (Uncle Anton's children's calendar 1926)
  • 1937: a true story. (Uncle Anton's children's calendar 1937)
Appeared in daughter album
  • 1919 Primroses and What They Say about the Cuckoo. (Daughters Album 65)
  • 1921: The wrist warmers. P. 191 (Daughters Album 67)
Appeared in Meidinger's children's calendar
  • 1919 König Gedetto , pp. 72–77, The disobedient princess Snow White. (Meidinger's children's calendar 1919)
  • 1920: Klärchen and the stork. 88, How Roasting Was Invented in China , 102-104, The Elfenstein. Pp. 113–120 (Meidinger's children's calendar 1920)
Other yearbooks
  • approx. 1910: The twelve lazy sisters of Magda Trott. (Märchenzauber A collection of new children's fairy tales with full color images by Ernst Kutzer Bing-Spiele und Verlag GmbH Nuremberg)
  • 1915: The punished fish. (Goldener Märchenstrauss, a collection of charming new fairy tales and stories. Ring-Spiele Verlag Nürnberg)
  • 1913–1918: In the realm of children. Supplement to the children's wardrobe . Contributions from Magda Trott, among others
  • 1921: The punished Easter Bunny. P. 47–49, 1 ill., Die Filzpantoffel , pp. 99–113, 3 ill., The gift of the dwarf. Pp. 175–182, 2 figs. (Herzblättchens Zeitvertreib Volume 66, Flemming & Wiskot Berlin 1921)

Short stories for adults

  • 1917: Der Schatten recounted to the report of a Pomeranian country storm man (GERLACH, 5th year issue 5, February 1917)


  • 1921: 660 tried and tested cooking regulations from just a few days. (Volksvereins Verlag. M. Gladbach)
  • 1921: General playbook for the house: Collection of the most popular youth, folk and family games - indoor and outdoor games. - (Ravensburg, Otto Maier Verlag)
  • 1923: Children's games and self-employment. A playbook for children from 3 to 7 years (published by Otto Maier, Ravensburg)
  • 1924: General playbook for the house: Collection of the most popular youth, folk and family games - indoor and outdoor games. (Otto Maier, Ravensburg)
  • 1925: The housewife's support. A practical guide for domestic workers and anyone who wants to become one. (M. Hahn, Neubabelsberg)
  • 1925: Little's laundry and clothes. A guide to making and purchasing for babies and running children, as well as an appendix: How do I keep my child busy. (M. Hahn, Neubabelsberg)
Away with the stain! 550 tried and tested means for removing stains of all kinds (Franksche Franckh'sche Verlagshandlung)
  • 1926: Ways to maintain health and beauty for working people. (M. Hahn, Neubabelsberg)
The cookbook of the kitchen-less , 206 tried and tested recipes with short cooking times. A guide for residents and the furnished. (Verlag Friedrich Bauer - Kirchberg Jagst, compiled by Magda Trott, Kleine Hausfrauen Bücherei Volume 1)
Quick help at home: a guide z. Help with household injuries , M. Gladbach: Volksvereins-Verlag
  • 1928: How do you organize house parties? A practical guide for all festive occasions (Hachmeister & Thal; Leipzig, Lehrmeister Bücherei 886)
  • 1928: The woman before choosing a career. A guide for women entering the working world (Hachmeister & Thal, Lehrmeister Bücherei (889/890 and 891/892))
  • 1929: How do I behave? Handbook of good clay for all situations (A. Bergmann, Bergmanns Hausbücher Volume 8)
  • 1934: I'm getting married !: What does a bride need to know about her future home and her duties? (Stollfuß, Bonn, series: Help yourself! Vol. 90)
  • 193 ?: Universal housekeeping book. Golden advice for your own home revised by Magda Trott
  • 193 ?: The happy wedding book. Poems, lectures, humor. Scenes and jokes about stag and hen parties by Magda Trott (Verlag A. Bergman, Leipzig, Attenkofer'sche book and art print, publishing house Straubing)
  • 193 ?: Lexicon of Life. A helper and advisor in all situations. Volume 5: The practical way of life. Ed .: G. Buetz, Wolf Henry Döring, Ernst Eitner, Käthe Gaebel , Alexander Hartwich, Elise Hoffmann, Erna Horn, Hermann Pfeiffer, Walter de Planque, Johannes Prüfer, Therese Roth, Wilhelm Sasse, Magda Trott , Hermann Ullrich, Alice Urbach u. Helene Wulff. (Verlag Dr. Karl Meyer, Leipzig / Vienna / Zurich)


  • 1921: The invention. (Alfred Jahn, Leipzig, New Workers Stage Volume 3)
The Benefit , social drama in 1 act (A. Hoffmann's Verlag)
Vampires , time image in 1 act (A. Hoffmans Verlag)
Anna and Euphrosyne , comedy in 1 act (A. Hoffman's Verlag)
  • 1925: Anna. Comedy in 1 act (Alfred Jahn, Leipzig, Funny Stage No. 10)
  • 1931: Diana or Anna. Comedy in 1 act (Alfred Jahn, Leipzig, Funny Stage No. 10)
  • 1933: Laura. (The village stage, Volume 35)
  • 193 ?: Mieke and Mieze . Humorous one-act play (B. Höfling, Höflings Mädchenbühne)
  • 193 ?: Found again. Christmas play in 1 act (Alfred Jahn, Leipzig, New Social Christmas Stage No. 14)


  • 1914: From the founding of the women's state. (Novella)
  • 1915: Faithful German. 2 stories from the time of the Russian invasion of East Prussia (J. Neumann, later in Hansa Romane Volume 068)
Around Herd and Fatherland (Verlag des Verein der Bücherfreunde, Berlin)
Under Russian rule , retold from a true story from the 1914/15 war. (Enemies all around! Volume 15, Reutlingen, Enßlin & Laiblin)
  • 1916: Faithful to the plaice. Novel from the present (Association of Book Friends Vol. 196), also published under the title Reconciled War (A. Schall, Berlin) and War Storm. (Reutlingen, Enßlin & Laiblins Verlagbuchhandlung) The story “Under Russian Rule” by Magda Trott is included
  • 1919: The strongest. (Otto Weber, Heilbronn / 1950s: Paul Feldmann Verlag, Marl-HülZ)
Winner love (Verlag Otto Weber)
  • 1920: Sorrowful laurel. (Verlag Otto Weber, Heilbronn)
The homeland calls , Roman from the Upper Silesian voting area. (Rekord-Verlag, Breslau)
Around East Africa's German soil (Berlin: Publ. Of the Green People's Books, Green People's Books, Vol. 3)
Doesn't judge (Breslau: Rekord-Verl., Illustr. Sitten-Romane Vol. 18)
Two women; Moral novel from Berlin W. (Breslau Rekord-Verl., Illustr. Moral Romane Vol. 14)
  • 1921: Passing luck. Novel from the life of an artist (Rekord Verlag Krömer und Co, Leipzig)
Basiliskenblick (Rekord Verlag Körner)
The lovers of the chaste Marianne (Breslau: record publ.)
Errende Kunst (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels Volume 10)
The cash messenger (Berlin, publishing house for popular literature and art, guilt and atonement, vol. 38)
  • 1922: The Filou. A crook story from the occupied Rhineland (Carl August Tancré Verlag, Die Vaterlandsbücher)
Fair game on the Rhine (CA Tancré, Naumburg, The Fatherland Books)
The golden burden (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels, Volume 23)
The banker's daughter (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels, Volume 24)
Love fights (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels Volume 29)
Broken by hatred (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels, Volume 34)
Little Princess Waltraut (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels, Volume 37)
Love sacrifice (Lübeck: Wessel, Wessel's Roman volumes, Vol. 5)
Between two hearts , society novel (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. Und Kunst, Roman-Perlen, vol. 435)
Hapless legacy (Berlin: Verl.-Haus for folk literature and art, Roman-Perlen, vol. 453)
  • 1923: Wandering souls. (Berga Verlag, Dresden)
Unhappy love (Leipzig, F. Rothbarth, Rothbarths Volksbücher Volume 15)
Where you are going. ..; Society novel (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 475)
Stranddistel (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen Bd. 489)
Auf Martinsaue (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels Volume 47)
Around the Inselhof (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels Volume 54)
The fourth commandment (Berlin: Verl.-Haus for folk literature and art, Roman-Perlen vol. 456/1935: Neugebauer, Prague, Leipzig, Glück-Romane vol. 48/1954: Bach, Düsseldorf)
  • 1924: Einsiedel Castle. (Leipzig, F. Rothbarth, Rothbarths Volksbücher Volume 19)
He should be your master! (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Loreley-Romane Vol. 76)
Lonely ways (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Loreley-Romane Vol. 121)
An eye for an eye (Berlin, publishing house for folk literature and art, Loreley novels, Volume 98)
The perpetual motion machine; A funny story of inventors (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 497)
The mistress of Elgersloh (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen Vol. 78)
  • 1925; Under the spell of will. (D. Weber, Bunte Collection Volume 108)
The shot in the back , crime novel (Publishing House of Folk Literature and Art, Berlin, Nemesis Kriminalsromane Volume 9)
The Rodelfex , a humorous novel from the Silesian countryside (D. Weber, Heilbronn, Webers's modern library, volume 264)
Frau Sehnsucht (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen Bd. 522)
The victim of a woman (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Loreley-Romane Vol. 150)
The white woman at Schloss Einhusen (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Loreley-Romane Bd. 196)
  • 1926: who are for each other. (Rothbarth, Rotbarths Taschenbücher)
The lifeline (Roman Perlen Band 618)
Katharina Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII (Freya Publishing House, Women of Love, Volume 054)
Agnes Sorel, Charles VII of France's good spirit (Freya Publishing House, Women of Love, Volume 061)
Marion Delorme (Freya Publishing House, Women of Love Volume 066)
Let me free (Wama-Schatz-Bücher. Romanausg. 2, Wama-Verl. Berlin)
  • 1927: Sacrifice. (Kegel & Co publishing house, Leipzig)
The Death Jumper (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. Und Kunst, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 676)
Shadows of the Past (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman Perlen Volume 647)
The fashion queen (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. Und Kunst, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 651)
The ordeal of Senta König (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen Bd. 626)
Random journeys of the heart (Berlin: Verl.-Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 664)
Burglar in Rehberg (Berlin: Verl.-Haus for folk literature and art, Roman-Perlen, vol. 669)
  • 1928: The Owl House. Detective novel (Enßlin & Laiblin, Enßlin, Enßlin's interesting library, Volume 52)
Emilie Öltropp, the beautiful daughter of a jeweler (Freya Publishing House, Women of Love, Volume 096)
Henriette Fromm. The unmarried wife of Louis Ferdinand (Freya Publishing House, Women of Love, Volume 101)
Willi seduces , humorous story (Rothbarth, Rothbarths Taschenbücher Nr. 62)
A voice called , stories (Verlag des Evangelischen Bund, Volkserzählungen für das Deutsche Haus, Volume 2)
From guilt to guilt (Rheingold Romane Volume 53)
Amor im Kantor (Rheingold Romane, Volume 57)
  • 1929: The iron will. (Munz & Co, Leipzig, Bücherei Frauenliebe Volume 3/1953 ABV women's novel, August Bach Verlag, Düsseldorf)
The great sacrifice (Munz & Co, Leipzig, Bücherei Frauenliebe Volume 42/1953 August Bach Verlag, Düsseldorf)
Fates of women (Munz & Co, Leipzig, Library Frauenliebe Volume 9/1953 August Bach Verlag, Düsseldorf)
What love can do (Verlag Munz & Co. GmbH Leipzig Bern / 1953 Bach, Düsseldorf)
Chess for Death (Herbert Fischer Verlag, Dresden / 1953 Iltis-Verlag, Düsseldorf)
  • 1931: Seconds forge chains. (New book publisher, Books for the Weekend Volume 90)
Jane Shore, the humiliated mistress of King Edward IV of England (Freya Publishing House, Women of Love Volume 145)
Without a home (more than 82 issues with over 2624 pages in total)
In the shadow of guilt (Star novel Volume 34)
  • 1932: The twin sister. (Roman Stars 78)
An artist's love , (Heim Verlag, Basel (Neufeld & Henius), Novels of Life Volume 1)
Susanne's struggle for happiness (Heim Verlag, Basel (Neufeld & Henius), Novels of Life Volume 7)
A drop of poison (Ende Verlag, Collection of golden women novels 11)
The curse of the ancestors (illustrated novel magazine Ich bin Dein - Issue of the novel magazine Take Me from Verlag Ewald & Co Nachf. / Leipzig: 5th year 1932 / Freude ins Haus issue 1, 1st year 1932, Die Neue Romanzeitung, Verlag von Ewald & Co. Nachf.Leipzig / 1935; Rothbarth, Leipzig)
  • 1933: ... and love wins! (Erika Verlag, Berlin, The exciting love novel / 1956 under the title Mother Riemer and Her Children. Asta Verlag, Düsseldorf)
Goldenes Elend (Bergmann, Roman Sterne Volume 102)
Revenge is mine (Eden Verlag, collection of golden women novels 22 and as a novel in the daily entertainment supplement to the Gablonzer Tagblatt)
His brother's wife (Ende Verlag, Berlin, Collection of golden women's novels, Volume 18)
  • 1934: The thorn path of love. (Berlin: New Publishing House for People's Literature, Roman-Perlen Vol. 984)
  • 1935: The ancestral curse. (Rothbarth)
The Gambler's Daughters (Lucky Novels 61)
  • 1936: 2 sisters on the way of the cross of life. (Derflinger & Fischer, Delfi Romane Volume 1)
A serious life (Ewald, reading circle 13th year, issue 19)
Drive without tax (Olten and Konstanz, Otto Walter A.-G.)
Hotel Henschel (Prague; Leipzig: Gustav Neugebauer, Glück Romane vol. 80)
The foolish heart (Prague; Leipzig: Gustav Neugebauer)
  • 1937: One of them murdered. (Derflinder & Fischer, Delfi Romane Volume 32)
Clown Teddo (Neugebauer, Prague, Roman series blue gold)
Life without life (Verlag Friedrich Rothbarth, Leipzig / also in Rothbarth Verlag)
Life burden (Manz, Munich / 1950s Cuno Altendorf-Verlag, Bad Godesberg)
Love's great heartbreak (Rothbarth, Leipzig)
  • 1938: Maria helps! (Albendorf novel, Glatzer Bucherstube (Glatz))
  • 1939: Country home. (Rothbarth)
Dance of fate (Uhlmann Verlag / 1953 Rappen-Verlag Goslar)
St. Marien am Steinberg (St. Josephs Verlag, Reimlingen)
  • 1940: Why do you hurt me so much? (Rotbarth)
The love of Captain Roger (novel series Der Sonntags-Roman from Vienna , issue 13)
My heart is calling you Heinz (novel series Der Sonntags-Roman from Vienna , issue 26)
Poor little Melitta (novel series Der Sonntags-Roman from Vienna , issue 37)
Love everywhere (novel series Der Sonntags-Roman from Vienna , issue 42)
  • 1941: Camilla's temptation. (Rothbarth / Janke)
  • 1942: The Marienwinkel. (Printing and publishing of the bookstore Ludwig Auer, Pedagogical Foundation Cassianeum in Donauwörth)
Gebrüder Kettler (Rothbarth / Janke)
  • 1952: The key to the heart. (Moewig)
  • 1962: Erika's fault. (Novel series Der Sonntagsroman from Vienna )

Unknown release date:

  • Silent heroism. (Lipsia Books Volume 17) - published 1911
  • Wrong turns. (Otto Weber Books, Otto Weber Verlag Heilbronn) - published 1921
  • The marble rider. (Das Schwälbchen, novel magazine for home and family, 2nd year Leipzig, Ewald & Co, from page 818–1679)
  • Forgive and Forget! (Women and fashion newspaper: Der goldene Überfluss / Paul Feldmann Verlag No.566)
  • Ahasver. (Bells Books, Volume 16) - published 1919
  • Artist madness. (Hansa books volume 017) - published 1919
  • Back home. (A novel every week! 234)
  • About the fatherland. (Hansa Romane Volume 061)
  • Sacrifice of love. (Hansa Romane Volume 222) - published 1920
  • Caviar and mice. (Illustrated Big City Novels Volume 19)
  • The queen of the air. (Illustrierte Großstadt Novels Volume 21) - published in 1924
  • Children of Montenegro. (Illustrated Roman Week Volume 86, / Vogels Familien Bücherei Volume 1) - published in 1916
  • Ant-el-Amara. (Leipzig novel books volume 1 / phoenix books volume 1)
  • Victim of knowledge. (Residence Books Volume 86) - published 1919
  • Breach of faith. (Residence Books Volume 63)
  • Drive without tax.
  • Between German and Welsch. (Novel Week Volume 78) - published 1916
  • Shameful fetters. (Mascotte Books Volume 10) - published 1920
  • Circus blood. (ZW Books No. 28) - published in 1929
  • The Brave Prince and other World War I tales. (F. Waldeck)
  • Seriousness and pain in the trenches. (J. Neumann)
  • At the right hour. (Rothbarth, Novella Books No. 52) - published in 1927
  • How they found each other. (Rothbarth, Rothbarths Novellenbücher Volume 56) - published 1928
  • The wrong way. (Rothbarth, Rothbarths Novellenbücher Volume 59) - published 1928
  • About the legacy. (Rothbarth's novella books Volume 66) - published 1930
  • Dawn. (Weber's Modern Library No. 240)
  • And the night rang softly. (Weber's Modern Library Volume 279)
  • A reprehensible game. (Weber's Modern Library No. 292)
  • The beautiful head of department. (Sweet Business Girls Volume 1)
  • The poor running girl. (Sweet Society Girls Volume 4)
  • Miss Yellow Star. (Sweet Business Girls Volume 9)
  • The first position. (Sweet Society Girls Volume 15)
  • Between German and Welsch. (Friend and Enemy Volume 076 / Princess Novels Volume 27)
  • Germany over everything. (Princess Novels Volume 50)
  • Vampire war. (Princess Novels Volume 58)
  • Atoned for guilt. (Princess Novels Volume 148)
  • Adam the hero. (Enemies All Around! Volume 2)
  • Waldeck the brave prince. (Enemies All Around! Volume 8)
  • Deported to Siberia. (Enemies All Around! Volume 68)
  • You owe much suffering. (The Sunday novel from Vienna Volume 49)
  • Mercy Christmas time! (L. Bergmann, Roman Stars Volume 74)
  • The hard tolerance. (Minetta Novels Volume 6)
  • Under shameful suspicion. (Mineta Novels Volume 10)
  • The Vampire. (Mascotte Books Volume 8)
  • The wild marriage. (Mascotte Books Volume 5)
  • The last will. (Mignon Romane Volume 188)
  • Sacrifice of love. (Hansa Romane Volume 222)
  • The family emeralds. (Verlag Reinh. Klinger, volume 4 of the crime and detective novels series )

Foreign language editions


  • Magda Trotta: Baltais marmora jātnieks (= The Marble Rider), Riga: Orient, 1932 a. Riga: Elita, 1993
  • Magda Trotta: Kādēļ sāpini mani? (= Why do you hurt me so much?), Riga: Elita, 1993
  • Magda Trotta: Triju gredzenu noslēpums (=?), 2 vols., Riga: Avots, 1992


  • Steffy's dolle Bakvisjaren (= Steffy's Backfischzeit) (Uitgeversfonds "Het Boekhuis", Antwerp)


  • Muž, který nepoznal lásky: Román / Magda Trottová; Přeložil V. Mara
  • Nevlastní matka a syn: román / Magda Trottová

Works under a pseudonym

Lena Torahn

  • 1921 The way to the abyss. Big city novel (Breslau: record publishing, Illustr. Großstadt-Romane vol. 33)
  • 1922 chirping bird. (Torahn, Lena)
A love sacrifice (Torahn, Lina) (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen Bd. 428)
I'll call you! Society novel (Berlin: Publishing House for Folk Literature and Art, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 456)
  • 1923 Sold! (Berlin: Publishing house for folk literature and art, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 483)
Purified hearts. (Berlin: Publishing House for Folk Literature and Art, Loreley Novels Vol. 59)
Late happiness (Berlin: publishing house for folk literature and art, pearls, vol. 461)
Between eight and nine o'clock. (Dresden: Mignon-Verlag)
  • 1924 Ebba, the artist. (Berlin: Verlagsh. F. Volkslit. U. Kunst, Loreley-Romane Vol. 84)
  • 1927 The Dancer's List. (Berlin: Verl. House for Folk Literature and Art, Loreley-Romane Vol. 213)
Marie Anders. (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen Bd. 659)
  • 1928 The dream of happiness. (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 708)
The old guilt. (Berlin: Verl. House for Popular Literature and Art, Roman-Perlen, Vol. 720)
  • 192? The shooting gallery. (Roman beads volume 597)
  • 1929 Miss Hochaus. (Roman Perlen Volume 729) (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art)

J. Marein

  • 1924: The Lord Count. (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Loreley-Romane Vol. 111)
  • 1925: I love you! (Berlin: Verl. Haus f. Volkslit. And Art, Loreley-Romane Vol. 143)

further reading

  • Aiga Klotz: Children's and young people's literature in Germany: 1840–1950. Complete list of publications in German. Metzler, Stuttgart 1990-2000, ISBN 3-476-00701-4 .
  • Peter Geils: Complete directory of German-language literature. Saur, Munich, ISBN 3-598-30000-X .

Web links


  1. Magda Trott: Pucki and her friends. Verlag von A. Anton & Co, Leipzig, 1935, cover text
  2. Irene Graebsch: History of the German youth book. Verlag Otto Harrassowitz, Leipzig, 1942, p. 261.
  3. Magda Trott: Brigitte creates jobs. Paul Franke Verlag, 1934, p. 81.
  4. a b Magda Trott: Angela. Gustav Weise Verlag, Leipzig, 1929, p. 57.
  5. ^ Magda Trott: Angela. Gustav Weise Verlag, Leipzig, 1929, p. 109.
  6. Gabriele Haefs: "Magda Trott - a patriotic feminist?" in Ariadne 24, 11.93
  7. ^ Magda Trott: Angela. Gustav Weise Verlag, Leipzig, 1929.
  8. Magda Trott: Brigitte creates work. Paul Franke Verlag, 1934, p. 134.
  9. Magda Trott: Dare it, Monika !, Hans-Jörg Fischer-Verlag, 1940.
  10. Specimen copy DNB 362910049 at the German National Library
  11. Specimen copy DNB 362910227 at the German National Library
  12. Specimen copy DNB 362909555 at the German National Library
  13. Specimen copy DNB 362910324 at the German National Library
  14. Specimen copy DNB 362910677 at the German National Library
  15. Specimen copy DNB 362910308 at the German National Library
  16. Specimen copy DNB 362910278 at the German National Library .
  17. Specimen copy DNB 362910685 at the German National Library .
  18. Specimen copy DNB 362909660 at the German National Library .
  19. Specimen copy DNB 36290989X at the German National Library .
  20. Specimen copy DNB 362911282 at the German National Library .
  21. Specimen copy DNB 362910944 at the German National Library .
  22. Specimen copy DNB 362911215 at the German National Library .
  23. Specimen copy DNB 362911169 at the German National Library .
  24. Specimen copy DNB 362909849 at the German National Library .