Magdalena Montezuma

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Tomb of Magdalena Montezuma

Magdalena Montezuma (* 1942 in Würzburg as Erika Kluge ; † July 15, 1984 in Berlin ) was a German actress and set designer .


After breaking off her German studies at the University of Heidelberg , she met the director Werner Schroeter in 1968 , who, along with Rosa von Praunheim, is considered to be her discoverer. Under her stage name, which she chose after the heroine of the American photo novel Little Me , she became a leading actress in his avant-garde films. Her roles often experimented with the audience's imagination, for example as SS-Obersturmbannführerin in Der Bomberpilot or as a bald Herod in Salome . The film critics Adolf Heinzlmeier and Berndt Schulz wrote about them:

“She decided on a single expression and made it a mystical experience. Moonstruck and ecstatic, she declaimed and swam pale, monumental, passionate with large, stylized gestures through baroque, fearful, happy, yearning-laden films that never stop. The camera knelt in front of her. This is how she became the archaic cult statue of avant-garde film. "

Later she also worked for other directors of the New German Cinema , especially Rainer Werner Fassbinder .

She made her stage debut on May 28, 1972 in a production by Schroeter by Emilia Galotti in the Malersaal of the Deutsches Schauspielhaus in Hamburg. Later she played several times at the Schauspielhaus Bochum and at the Schauspiel Frankfurt , where, as in Schroeter's films, she also participated in the equipment.

Magdalena Montezuma, who was temporarily a cult figure in the alternative scene, had suffered from cancer since 1982, to which she succumbed at the age of 41. The film producer Peter Berling recalls:

“In 1986 [sic!] Schroeter was hit by the loss of Magdalena. The Montezuma cancer was recognized too late, and the battle dragged on for years. When she knew it was going to end, she wished she'd die on the set. Many friends contributed to the creation of the requiem "The Rose King". Elfi Mikesch created pictures of breathtaking beauty, Magdalena was surrounded by Antonio Orlando and Mustafa [Djadja], the young friends, but she did not die while filming in Portugal, but only 14 days later in Munich [sic!]. "

The film The Rose King , completed by Schroeter after her death , was dedicated to her. She found her final resting place in the cemetery on Bergmannstrasse in Berlin. The grave is located in Dept. 12-11-07 (Magdalena) of the cemetery of the Jerusalem and New Church Congregation . In 2015, her tombstone was moved to Werner Schroeter's grave . After his death in Kassel in 2010, Schroeter was buried in the cemetery on Bergmannstrasse. Magdalena Montezuma's grave site still exists and has not yet been leveled.



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Individual evidence

  1. other information: Heidelberg
  2. other information: July 26th
  3. ^ Adolf Heinzlmeier, Berndt Schulz: Lexicon of German film and TV stars . Lexikon Imprint Verlag, Berlin 2000, p. 250, ISBN 3-89602-229-6 .
  4. Died: Magdalena Montezuma . In: Der Spiegel . No. 30 , 1984, pp. 144 ( online - 23 July 1984 ).
  5. Peter Berling : The 13 years of Rainer Werner Fassbinder. His films, his friends, his enemies . G. Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 1992, p. 541, ISBN 3-7857-0643-X .