Mahamadou Danda

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Mahamadou Danda (born July 25, 1951 in Tahoua , then French West Africa ) is a Nigerien politician. He was Prime Minister of Niger from 2010 to 2011 .


Mahamadou Danda attended schools in his native Tahoua and then studied general administration at the École nationale d'administration in Niamey . In the 1970s he worked for the military regime under Seyni Kountché . In 1973 he worked in the administration of the Arrondissement of Keita and in 1974 in the administration of the Arrondissement of Mirriah . From 1977 to 1978 he was deputy prefect of the Niamey department and from 1983 to 1987 sub-prefect of the Filingué arrondissement .

Prime Minister Hamid Algabid appointed him to the government on November 20, 1987 as Minister of Livestock and Water Management. He held this office until the end of Hamid Algabid's government on July 15, 1988. He now studied regional planning and spatial planning , initially from 1989 to 1990 at the Institut Panafricain pour le Développement en Afrique de l'Ouest (IPDAO) in Ouagadougou and from 1991 to 1993 at the Laval University in Québec . Mahamadou Danda also worked as secretary of the MNSD-Nassara party . From 1996 to 1997 he studied political science at the University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV . He was subsequently technical advisor to Prime Minister Ibrahim Hassane Mayaki, who has been in office since 1997 . After the coup d'état by Daouda Malam Wanké , Mahamadou Danda was appointed Minister for Sport, Culture and Communication and as government spokesman in the interim government on April 19, 1999, from which he resigned on December 23, 1999. For the next ten years, Mahamadou Danda retired from active politics and worked as a political advisor to the Canadian embassy in Niamey. In 2004 he received his PhD in Political Science from the University of Montesquieu Bordeaux IV.

On February 18, 2010, Salou Djibo deposed Nigerien President Tandja Mamadou in a coup. The non-party Mahamadou Danda was considered a neutral political figure and was appointed Prime Minister of a transitional government until the next elections by decision of the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy on February 23, 2010. Following the presidential elections in Niger in 2011 , President-elect Mahamadou Issoufou appointed Brigi Rafini as Mahamadou Danda's successor on April 7, 2011 .


Individual evidence

  1. Portrait d'un homme d'Etat. Le Premier Ministre Mahamadou Danda . In: Le Miroir. Bimensuel Nigérien d'Information, et de Culture Générales . Edition of December 7, 2010 ( online version ( memento of the original from October 18, 2011 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this note. ( PDF file; 743 kB)), p. 5. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Lauranne Provenzano: Mahamadou Danda, Premier ministre de consensus . Jeune Afrique, published February 24, 2010, accessed May 18, 2012.
  3. ^ Oumarou Moussa: Le Premier ministre, M Brigi Rafini: un homme d'une grande expérience politique à la tête du gouvernement ( Memento of March 8, 2012 in the Internet Archive ). Le Sahel website, published April 11, 2011, accessed April 27, 2012.