Manfred Schiedhelm

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Manfred Schiedhelm (born March 5, 1934 in Worms ; † August 9, 2011 in Berlin ) was a German architect and university professor .


Manfred Schiedhelm studied architecture from 1954 to 1958 at the Technical University of Darmstadt . After passing the main diploma examination, he first worked for Heinrich Bartmann in Darmstadt and Marcel Lods in Paris. In 1962 the collaboration with the architects Candilis –Josic– Woods began , from 1966 as their equal partner. In this position, he realized the construction of the so-called “rust bower” of the Free University of Berlin , which is considered one of the most important examples of structuralism in Europe.

From 1968, Schiedhelm then worked as a freelance architect. Already with his early competition design for the Center Pompidou in Paris, with which he won second prize against prominent competitors, he achieved an "international breakthrough" in the professional world in 1971. As a member of the team of architects Team 10 , he organized their meeting in Berlin in 1973 and then regularly took part in the meetings. In the mid-1970s, he was visiting professor at Harvard University and the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). There he founded an office community with Karen Axelrad-Schiedhelm in 1978, which both then continued as Schiedhelm and Partner Architects in Berlin until his death. He was also invited to various European universities (Vienna University of Technology, Munich Art Academy, Glasgow University of Technology, Budapest University of Technology) and between 1987 and 1999 was Professor of Building Construction at the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Braunschweig .

Schiedhelm's architectural work mainly includes university and residential buildings in Berlin. However, his unrealized competition designs and project studies from the mid-1960s onwards have at least the same significance: initially pneumatic and mobile lightweight constructions, later structuralist large forms that were characterized by the joy of experimentation and playful innovations. In the last years of his life he was increasingly in demand as a contemporary witness or a member of Team 10, although the interest internationally was much greater than within Germany. Manfred Schiedhelm's estate is in the architecture collection of the Berlinische Galerie .

Institute buildings of the Free University of Berlin, Candilis-Josic-Woods-Schiedhelm, 1967–1979
Facade of the "Rostlaube"


  • 1967–1972: Humanities institutes at the Free University of Berlin, 1st construction phase (so-called "rust bower")
  • 1972–1979: Humanities institutes at the Free University of Berlin, 2nd construction phase (so-called "Silberlaube")
  • 1980–1984: Library for Educational Sciences at the Free University of Berlin
  • 1981–1983: Town houses on Lützowplatz in Berlin, as part of the IBA 1987
  • 1983–1984: Energy-saving house on Lützowufer in Berlin, as part of the IBA 1987
  • 1993–1996: Housing development on Nordstrander Strasse in Wiesbaden-Sauerland
  • 1993–1998: Housing development on Pankgrafenstrasse in Berlin-Pankow
  • 1988–2002: Refurbishment of the chemistry building at the Technical University of Berlin



  • Mobile home. Maison mobile. Mobile house. In: Building + Living . Volume 26, No. 4, 1972 (room cells - building systems), page 191. doi : 10.5169 / seals-334374
  • Work report. In: Peter P. Schweger (ed.): Architectural Concepts of the Present. Architects report. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1983, ISBN 3-17-008115-2 , pp. 186-190.
  • Ideas for a city today. A city building system. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung . No. 7, 1970, pp. 482-488.
  • (with Jean Prouvé): Institute buildings at the Free University of Berlin. An interim report, In: Bauwelt . No. 47, 1968, pp. 1499-1507.
  • Signs of change. Old knowledge and new ways to create an environment worth living in. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung. No. 3, 1976, pp. 21-27.


  • Free University Berlin. Candilis, Josic, Woods, Schiedhelm. (= Exemplary projects, Architectural Association , Volume 3.) Architectural Association, London 1999, ISBN 1-870890-76-0 .
  • Manfred Schiedhelm (1934–2011). Memories from Helmut Schulitz . In: Bauwelt. No. 36, 2011, p. 6.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Josef Paul Kleihues (Ed.): Building in Berlin 1900–2000. Nicolai, Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-87584-013-5 , p. 299.
  2. ↑ Photo montage of the design. Online collection of the Berlinische Galerie, accessed on February 6, 2017.
  3. a b Manfred Schiedhelm (1934–2011). Memories from Helmut Schulitz. In: Bauwelt . No. 36, 2011, p. 6.
  4. Website on the history of Team 10 from ArchiNed, Rotterdam and the architecture faculty of the TU Delft. Retrieved February 3, 2017
  5. ^ Roland Böttcher, Kristiana Hartmann, Monika Lemke-Kokkelink : The architecture teachers of the TU Braunschweig 1814-1995. (= Braunschweiger Werkstücke, series A, publications from the city archive and the city library , ISSN  0175-338X , volume 41.) Braunschweig 1995, ISBN 3-87884-046-2 , p. 169. ( PDF 363 KB ( Memento des Originals vom March 7, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. ) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Energy-saving houses on the Landwehr Canal at, IBA 87 research initiative , accessed on February 15, 2017.