Manfredo II Marchese Maletta

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Manfredo II. Marchese Maletta († after 1282) was an Italian nobleman who played an essential role in the fall of the Hohenstaufen in southern Italy.

In 1257 he appeared as a friend and chamberlain of King Manfred of Sicily and in 1258 married Filippa de Antioch, whose niece, daughter Friedrich of Antioch and granddaughter of Emperor Frederick II. In 1259 he was Count of Mineo , and the following year he was the Grand Chamberlain. He became Count of Frigento and procurator of the recently founded city of Manfredonia .

In the battle of Benevento on February 26, 1266 he fought on the side of his king against Charles of Anjou , to which he defected after the battle and the death of Manfred - taking with him the crown treasure.

In the summer of the same year, however, he was with Filippa's cousin Konradin in Germany, but not long enough to make his move to Italy or even to experience his defeat. In 1267 he went to Venice .

His wife fell into the hands of Charles, who put her in prison, where she died in 1273 .

In 1282, in turn, he joined the battle of King Peter III. from Aragon to the Kingdom of Sicily , the last information available about him.

Manfredo's descendants are not known.