Marcelo Caruso

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Marcelo Alberto Caruso (* 1968 in Vicente López in the Province of Buenos Aires , Argentina ) is Professor of Historical Educational Research at the Humboldt University in Berlin .


After attending school (during Videla's military dictatorship ) and studying educational science in Buenos Aires , Caruso worked as a research assistant and junior researcher in the Education and Society Department of the Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) as well as a research assistant at the University of Buenos Aires . From 1997 to 2001 the doctorate to Dr. phil. with work biopolitics in the classroom. On the organization of leadership practices in the Bavarian elementary schools at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich with the help of a doctoral scholarship from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation . Caruso then worked as a research assistant at the HU Berlin with Jürgen Schriewer . This was followed in 2008 with the habilitation there with the historical-comparative study Geist or Mechanik. Teaching regulations as cultural constructions in Prussia, Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein) and Spain 1800–1870 .

In 1999 and 2000 Caruso Heisenberg received a scholarship from the German Research Foundation (DFG), after which he held a professorship for educational science at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster for one year . 2011 was made reputation as Professor of History of Education (successor Heinz-Elmar Tenorth ) to the Humboldt University of Berlin.

Research and work

Marcelo Caruso deals with the subject of schools from a historical-comparative perspective on the macro level ( school systems ) and micro level (interactions and processes within the school). At the macro level, under the key words transfer, diffusion and reception, he researches the synchronous and diachronic change in school systems, i.e. their privatization , their role in the formation of states , etc. At the micro level, Caruso researches the performance of power and rule techniques (performance assessment and selection, transitions, etc. .). Regional focuses of his research are the African and American continents, Europe , India and East Asia , the observation period extends from the 18th century to the present .

Current projects (as of May 2017) funded by the DFG are Die Bureaucratisierung der Gruppe. Local and transnational innovation dynamics in the introduction of year classes in compulsory schooling (Prussia, USA, Spain; approx. 1830–1930) as well as the emergence and control of 'mixed' organizational norms in transfer comparison (Spain, Ireland, India, approx. 1840–1900) .

In addition to his work in research and teaching, Caruso holds a variety of (honorary) positions, including A. as a board member of the German Society for Educational Science (since 2012), as a liaison professor of the Heinrich Böll Foundation (since 2014), as managing editor of the Zeitschrift für Pädagogik (since 2015) and member of the editorial board of the yearbook for historical educational research (since 2010) and from Paedagogica Historica. International Journal of the History of Education . In addition, Caruso is a member of various international specialist societies and advisory boards and also acts as a reviewer for various scientific organizations.

Publications (selection)

  • M. Caruso: Classroom struggle: Organizing elementary school teaching in the 19th century. Peter Lang Publishing Group, New York 2015.
  • M. Caruso: adult / child as the key difference. On the emergence of the modern teaching order for the masses in the 19th century. In: C. Groppe, G. Kluchert, E. Matthes (eds.): Education and difference. Historical analysis of a current problem. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2015, pp. 65–92.
  • M. Caruso, C. Kassung: Machines and mechanization in the history of education. In: Yearbook for Historical Educational Research. 20, 2014, pp. 9-20.
  • M. Caruso: Common heritage and different structures. A brief outline of Latin American educational history (s). In: V. Oelsner, C. Richter (Ed.): Education in Latin America. Structures, developments, challenges. Waxmann, Münster 2014, pp. 15–40.
  • M. Caruso: Universidad para el pueblo. Politicization of Latin American academics in the long 20th century. In: F. Buck, M. Kabaum (Ed.): Ideas and Realities of Universities. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2013, pp. 35–52.
  • M. Caruso: Spirit or mechanics: teaching regulations as cultural constructions in Prussia, Denmark (Schleswig-Holstein) and Spain 1800–1870 (teaching regulations as cultural constructions in Prussia). Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2010.
  • M. Caruso: Liberal governance and the making of hierarchies. Senior teacher in Munich's elementary schools (1871–1918). In: Journal of Educational Administration and History. 41 (3), 2009, pp. 223-238.
  • VE Roldán, M. Caruso: Imported modernity in post-colonial state formation: The appropriation of political, educational, and cultural models in nineteenth-century Latin America. Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main 2007.
  • M. Caruso: Biopolitics in the classroom: on the order of leadership practices in Bavarian elementary schools (1869-1918). Beltz, Weinheim 2003.
  • I. Dussel, M. Caruso: La invención del aula: Una genealogía de las formas de enseñar. Santillana, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1999.

Web links

Website of the historical educational research department at the HU Berlin

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Aljoscha Peters: Vita - Department of Historical Educational Research. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  2. Tobias Ritterskamp: “The bureaucratisation of the group. Local and transnational innovation dynamics in the introduction of year classes in compulsory schooling (Prussia, USA, Spain; approx. 1830–1930) ”- Department of Historical Educational Research. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  3. ^ Daniel Toepper: Development and control of "mixed" organizational norms in the transfer comparison (Spain, Ireland, India, approx. 1840-1900) - Department of Historical Educational Research. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .
  4. ^ Aljoscha Peters: Networking and International Affairs - Department of Historical Educational Research. Retrieved May 13, 2017 .