Marek Walczewski

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Autograph Marek Walczewski (1987)

Marek Walczewski (born April 9, 1937 in Krakow , † May 26, 2009 in Warsaw ) was a Polish actor .

Marek Walczewski studied acting in his hometown Krakow and received his diploma in 1960. He was then engaged at the Slowacki Theater in Krakow. In 1964 he went to the renowned Teatr Stary in Krakow, where he worked with the great directors of the time: Konrad Swinarski , Jerzy Jarocki and Józef Szajna . In 1972 Erwin Axer hired him to his Teatr Współczesny in Warsaw , but in 1973 he went to the Warsaw Teatr Ateneum . The other two major theaters in Warsaw, Dramatic Theater and Studio Theater , gave him an artistic home between 1976 and 1992.

The very expressive Walczewski played a wide variety of characters in his career, especially the shallows lunatic, he has always given a face and a voice. In the film, too, these characters are particularly remembered. In the years before his death, Marek Walczewski suffered from Alzheimer's . He played his last role in 2004 in the film Life in me by the young director Małgorzata Szumowska . For this role, the lyrics were recorded for him so that he could still play them. One last time he received great recognition for his acting performance with the award for the best supporting role at the Polish National Film Festival in Gdynia 2004. Walczewski was married to the actress Małgorzata Niemirska .

Important theater work

Filmography (selection)

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