Maria Dorn (Eisenkappel)

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South view

The Roman Catholic pilgrimage church Maria Dorn is surrounded by a cemetery and is located north of Bad Eisenkappel on a slope and can be reached via a covered staircase with 83 steps. It is a branch church of the parish church of St. Michael .


The chapel "Heilige Maria Obriach", mentioned in a document in 1145, is considered to be the predecessor building. The church was consecrated in 1386. The late Gothic church was built in the last third of the 15th century and still contains wall parts from the 14th century.

Building description

The Gothic north tower with twin windows in the bell storey is crowned by a pointed helmet. To the west of the tower is a late Baroque chapel extension with an iron plate door. The polygonal choir is supported by three-tiered buttresses . The two-storey sacristy annex attached to the south has an ogival south portal with an iron plate door. There are three late Gothic portals on the west facade. The walled-in central portal was decorated with a painting of Maria in the thorn in the Baroque era, the side portals have iron plate doors. A staircase leads to the gallery on the northwest side. The late Gothic wall paintings above the south portal, created around 1490, depict the Lamentation of Christ and the death of the Virgin . On the adjacent buttress you can see an Anna herself and a half-length figure with two lions, either St. Vitus or St. Jerome . On the western south wall there is an overpainted picture of Christophorus .

Inside the two-aisled, two-bay nave, the vault rests on a polygonal central pillar. While the vault in the western yoke is designed as a star rib vault , the eastern yoke consists of a warped mesh rib vault . The middle arch in the eastern yoke divides into two narrower arches that are supported by the ascending branches of the choir arch. The almost square nave creates a transverse rectangular spatial impression due to the baroque, two-axis, groin-vaulted gallery. The choir arch is marked 1385 on the northern wall of the choir arch. The one-yoke choir with a five-eighth end has a ribbed vault, the sinks of which are caught by a sill . The keystones have reliefs with the head of Christ and a rosette. An oratory with a wooden coffered ceiling is located above the sacristy on the south side of the choir, which was probably added in 1814 . On the north side of the choir, a Gothic portal leads into the groin-vaulted tower ground floor. The Anne Chapel on the north side of the nave, mentioned in a document in 1515, was rebuilt in the third third of the 18th century.


The uniformly baroque furniture was made in 1760-1770.

The high altar with lavishly designed columned retable and sacrificial passage portals conceals a Maria-Dorn statue in the shrine, which is flanked on the side by the figures of Saints Catherine , Anna , Joachim and Barbara . There is a Trinity group and large angel statues at the top.

The left side altar with a columned retable carries the figures of Saints James , Nicholas and Florian , as well as a Johanneshaupt in the top , flanked by Saints Nepomuk and Christophorus.

On the right side altar are statues of Saints Joseph , Lucia and Apollonia , on top of the entablature the figures of the Holy Family and Saint Vincent of Paul and Elisabeth . The conclusion is a radiation monogram of Mary.

The baroque chapel altar with canopy architecture bears a group of figures representing the teaching of Mary , to the side the statues of Saints Sebastian , Joachim, Zacharias and Rochus , as well as a trinity group in the top .

The pulpit is decorated with the figures of the four evangelists .

The organ, made around 1600, was installed in 1652 and painted in 1657.

The church also features a large canvas painting with the Annunciation from the first half of the 18th century, a painting by Johann Nepomuk from the second half of the 18th century, a votive painting from 1723, a beautiful Madonna from around 1410 , an Ecce-Homo Figure , as well as a neo-Gothic monstrance made in 1806 .


  • Dehio manual. The art monuments of Austria. Carinthia. Anton Schroll, Vienna 2001, ISBN 3-7031-0712-X , p. 34 f.
  • Wilhelm Deuer:  Jauntaler Kulturwanderungen - An art-historical companion through the Völkermarkt district.  Verlag Johannes Heyn, Klagenfurt 2001,  ISBN 3-85366-977-8 , p. 58.

Web links

Commons : Maria Dorn (Eisenkappel)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 46 ° 29 ′ 25.5 "  N , 14 ° 35 ′ 25.8"  E