Maria Hueber

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Maria Hueber (born May 22, 1653 in Brixen , South Tyrol ; † July 31, 1705 there ) in the call of holiness, was the founder of the Order of the Tertiary Sisters of St. Francis .

Maria Hueber


Maria Hueber was born in Brixen as the youngest of five children to parents Nikolaus Hueber and Anna Tapp. After a poor childhood - after the father had not returned from the war - she had to be entrusted by the mother to a noble family. Later Maria came back to her mother. Even as a child she was particularly pious and preferred prayer to play. As a girl, she worked in various posts in Brixen, Bozen, Innsbruck and Salzburg as a housemaid, always in contact with spiritual advisers. When she returned to Brixen from Salzburg, she cared for her sick mother and deepened her faith in a special way through intense prayer, fasting and suffering. In 1700 she founded a school for poor girls in Brixen on the impulse of the Franciscan Father Isidor Kirnigl, which she taught in reading, writing and sewing. Maria Hueber died in Brixen in 1705, already famous as a prayer and a woman who was noticed several times due to prophetic statements.

Beatification process

The beatification procedure was initiated for Maria Hueber . In the course of this, Pope Francis recognized the heroic degree of virtue on March 19, 2019 .


Web links

Commons : Maria Hueber  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Promulgazione di Decreti della Congregazione delle Cause dei Santi. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office, March 19, 2019, accessed March 19, 2019 (Italian).