Marianne Manda

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Marianne Manda (born January 17, 1943 in Kempten (Allgäu) ) is a contemporary German visual artist , action artist and archaeological draftsman . She lives and works in Kempten and Cairo .


After her training as a partial designer for mechanical engineering and as a garden and landscape planner (1959 to 1977), Marianne Manda studied painting and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich with Mac Zimmermann from 1978 to 1982 . She then received the Arge Alp scholarship from the Bavarian Ministry of Culture in Munich and was a master student of Robin Page . In 1984 she received the diploma for painting and graphics from the Munich Art Academy.

Since 1984 Marianne Manda has been working temporarily as a documentation artist on excavations at the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin , including in Turkey , Syria , Yemen , the United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia . She was visiting professor at Ankara University , Girnavaz excavation, Turkey, for scientific drawing. 1985-88 she had a teaching position for free and scientific drawing at the Kempten University of Applied Sciences .

In 1989 she bought a mud house in Rawda , a suburb of Sanaa / Yemen, and lived and worked there until 1992. In 1999 she built a house in Aden on the Indian Ocean and moved there until 2013. Since 1987 Marianne Manda has been commuting between her homes and studios in the countries of the Middle East and Germany. This has been followed by stays in Egypt since 2011 and months of freighter voyages and circumnavigations of the world.

Marianne Manda realized numerous exhibitions and projects in Europe and outside of Europe. Her artistic work includes graphics , paintings and performances . It is shaped by the many stays in the Middle East and other countries and work stays at excavation sites .

In the period from 1990 to 2007 she had teaching assignments as an assistant, etching class, International Summer Academy of Fine Arts , Salzburg. From 2008 to 2010 Manda was a lecturer in painting and graphics at the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts, Hortus Niger, Halbenrain, Austria. In 2012/13 she held a visiting professorship for painting and graphics at the October 6th University, Cairo and in 2016/17 a visiting professorship for painting and graphics The Language of Images at the October 6th University of Cairo.

Marianne Manda has been married to the philosopher Georg Meggle since 2012 . In 2018 she received the Carsten Niebuhr Prize of the German-Arab Society .

honors and awards

  • 1991 Funding by the Senate for Cultural Affairs, Berlin, artist book Der zarte Innere Kompass
  • 1992: Graphics Prize, City of Senden
  • 2007: Slavi Soucek Prize , Salzburg State Government
  • 2010: “Modern Calligraphy”, 4th International Calligraphy, Sharjah Biennale, United Arab Emirates
  • 2014: Great Swabian Art Prize of the City of Augsburg
  • 2018: Carsten-Niebuhr Prize of the German-Arab Society Berlin

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1986: Living space , room installation, drawings, Urnina Gallery, Goethe Institute, Damascus / Syria
  • 1986: Müssiggengel-Zunfthaus gallery, drawings, collages, Kempten
  • 1987: living space , room installation, drawings, women's culture center, Munich
  • 1988: Gallery No 1, drawings and etchings, Sanaa / Yemen
  • 1988: Krezweg , room installation, drawings and objects, Börsensaal im Kornhaus, Kempten
  • 1989: Way of the Cross , room installation, drawings and objects, Frauenkulturzentrum, Munich
  • 1990: Black and White, Yes No, Heiss Kalt , room installation, drawings, objects, St. Virgil, Salzburg
  • 1990: Abendland Morgendland , spatial staging with pictures, etchings, music / noises, fragrances, Alte Münze, Kempten
  • 1991: Abendland Morgendland , spatial staging with images, etchings, music / sounds, fragrances, Prehistoric State Collection, Munich
  • 1992: State Library, Etchings, House of Culture - Beit Al Thaqafa, Sanaa / Yemen
  • 1994: Of ravens and people , room staging, pictures and objects, stock exchange hall in the Kornhaus, Kempten
  • 1995 WASSERGLUT, fire installation, Great Garden, Dresden
  • 1996: Introvers Extrovers , etchings, gallery in the lecture hall, University of Leipzig
  • 1996: Period , works on paper, Saarland University, Saarbrücken
  • 1996: Human relics , imaginary relationships, transformance, Cambodunum Archaeological Park, Kempten
  • 1997: Edge leaps , graphics, Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld
  • 1998: Introvers Extrovers , Hadda Gallery, pictures and fire installation, Sanaa / Yemen
  • 1998: Drunken ship , drawings, object, Plauen train station, Dresden
  • 1999: Magma , fire installation at ebb and flow, Gulf of Aden / Yemen
  • 2001: Weilakum! (Woe to you!) Marib Province, Wadi Joufaynah / Yemen
  • 2003: Secret Embassies , Deutsche Haus eV, etchings and installations
  • 2003: Line and swing , etchings, House of Culture - Beit Al Thaqafa, Sanaa / Yemen
  • 2007: Galerie im Traklhaus, etchings, on the occasion of the Slavi Soucek Prize of the Salzburg Provincial Government, Salzburg
  • 2007: Secret messages , in the garden by the great minaret, etchings and installation in the minaret with herbs, Aden / Yemen
  • 2007: … The flowers of the grass , room installation and performance, music by Nane Frühstückl, Kunsthalle Kempten
  • 2008: … The flowers of the grass , room installation, music by Nane Frühstückl, galleries of the city of Salzburg
  • 2008–2018: Participation in an exhibition at the International Calligraphy Biennale, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
  • 2009: A festival of lines , etchings, Tafelhaus Kempten 4th International Calligraphy Biennale Sharjah / United Arab Emirates
  • 2011: On the Disappearance of Shadows - Archaeological Drawings, Altstadthaus, Kempten
  • 2012: Paths - Past, Present, Future, Drawings and Prints, University Library of October 6 University, Cairo
  • 2013: … And other worlds , room installation with drawings, prints and objects, Kreuzherrnsaal, Memmingen
  • 2014: Selections , prints, silhouettes, archaeological drawings, October 6th University, Culture and Science City, Cairo
  • 2015: Gaia is sleeping , installation in the city park, objects and music, Art Night Kempten
  • 2016: Fruits of Heritage , silhouettes, University of Sharjah, special exhibition of the 4 winners of the 5th International Calligraphy Biennale, Sharjah, UAE
  • 2016: World Theater , drawings, etchings, Cairo Opera House, Music Library, Cairo
  • 2017: Messages and dreams , drawings and etchings, Moroccan Embassy Cultural Center, Berlin
  • 2017: Terra Nostra , drawings, Stadtgalerie Museumspavillon Salzburg, presentation of the art volume "Marianne Manda Graphics & Actions 1978-2018", Edition Tandem, ISBN 978-3-902932-83-9
  • 2017: Ptolemy and I , installation in the Residenzhof Kempten with 39 painted pictures, Kempten
  • 2018: animal. Human. Character. , Drawings, etchings, silhouettes, Kunsthalle Kempten

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Artist database based in Vienna. Retrieved January 22, 2019 .
  2. Scan: Lecturer at the Kempten University of Applied Sciences (1986)
  3. Marianne Manda from Kempten is always drawn to the Orient. In: (Allgäuer Zeitung). October 9, 2013, accessed January 22, 2019 .
  4. Georg Meggle: 9.4. Review: First Carsten Niebuhr Prize for Marianne Manda on April 27, 2018 in the Topoi-Château of the Free University of Berlin (PDF). German-Arab Society . Retrieved January 22, 2019.
  5. ^ Sibylle Klefinghaus , Marianne Manda: The tender inner compass . Ed .: New Society for Literature with the support of the Senate Department for Cultural Affairs. No. 56 . Edition Mariannenpresse , Berlin 1991, ISBN 3-922510-59-0 .
  6. Scan: Send Art Prize (1992)
  7. ^ Winner of the Senden graphic exhibition. Kunstverein Senden eV, accessed on January 22, 2019 .
  8. Land Kultur Salzburg (Ed.): Awards 2007 . 2007, p. 18, 19 .
  9. Scan: Emirates Art Prize (2010)
  10. Scan: Carsten Niebuhr Prize Berlin (2018)
  11. ^ German Arab Society eV: press release. In: Deutsch Arabische Gesellschaft eV May 4, 2019, accessed on January 22, 2019 .
  12. Prehistoric State Collection Munich (ed.): Exhibition catalog Abendland Morgenland, A journey through time and space . tape 19 , 1991.
  13. ^ Yemen Times Newspaper (ed.): Review of the exhibition in the State Library . June 24, 1992, p. 10 .
  14. Georg Meggle: OF RAVENS AND PEOPLE. In: Website Uni Leipzig. University of Leipzig - Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy, 1994, accessed on January 22, 2019 .
  15. Dresden Secession 89 (Ed.): Mnemosyne, Art AM & WITH water . Dresden 1995, p. 19 .
  16. ^ University of Leipzig, custody, gallery in the lecture hall building (ed.): Exhibition catalog introvers extrovers . 1996.
  17. ^ German house: Marianne Manda. In:, accessed March 2003 .
  18. State of Salzburg awards printmaking awards. In: ›Culture. April 24, 2007, accessed January 22, 2019 .
  19. Dep. of Culture & Information, Sharjah, UAE (Ed.): "Visual Abundance" at the University of Sharjah . Sharjah, Calligraphy Biennial, Newsletter, Seventh Edition, 8 May 2016, p. 12, 13 .
  20. ^ The Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation will hold an exhibition of Calligraphy and scientific drawings by the German artist Mrs. Marianne Manda. In: The Faculty of Languages ​​and Translation. December 12, 2012, accessed January 22, 2019 .
  21. "Meilenweit" through all genres. In: Kurier - Memminger Kultursommer 2013. June 22, 2013, accessed on January 22, 2019 .
  22. ^ Art Alert: World Theater exhibition opens at the Cairo Opera. In: Ahram Online. December 27, 2016, accessed January 22, 2019 .
  23. New in the city galleries: multi-layered heads, paradisiacal worlds. In: Culture portal of the city of Salzburg. August 18, 2017, accessed January 22, 2019 .
  24. ^ Kemptener Kunstnacht, exhibition "Ptolemy and I". In: Volkssternwarte-Kempten eV September 16, 2017, accessed on January 22, 2019 .