Maria Vasilyevna Pavlova

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Marija Wassiljewna Illitsch-Schischazkaja (1874)

Marija Wassiljewna Pavlova born when Marija Wassiljewna Gortynskaja , ( Russian Мария Васильевна Павлова , maiden name Russian Мария Васильевна Гортынская ; born June 15 . Jul / 27. June  1854 greg. In Kozelets ; † 23. December 1938 in Moscow ) was a Russian paleontologist and university professor .


Maria Vasilyevna's father was the doctor Vasily Stepanowitsch Gortynski. She attended the Kiev Institute for Noble Girls with graduation in 1870, and then gave private lessons to children from poor families. In 1871 she married the country doctor NN Illitsch-Schischazki and moved with him to Astrakhan . In 1880 Illitsch-Schischazki died of typhus .

In 1884 Marija Wassiljewna began studying at the University of Paris . Under Jean Albert Gaudry's direction, she studied the collections in the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle . She met Master Alexei Petrovich Pavlov , who had come from Moscow for scientific purposes. She passed the final exams and returned to Chernihiv . At the beginning of 1886 she came to Moscow at the invitation of Pavlov and worked in the Geology Museum of the University of Moscow (MGU) and in the Lyubanka courses for women, which were similar to high schools. In May 1886 she married Pavlov.

In 1887 Pavlova published her essay on the evolution of fossil ungulates as the first edition of Этюды по палеонтологической истории копытных (Studies on the paleontological history of ungulates), which she published for 20 years. In 1888 she became a member of the Moscow Society of Naturalists (MOIP).

1911 Pavlova professor at the 1908 opened Municipal Moscow Schanjawski - People's University . MGU students also attended their lectures . In 1916 the professors of the Schanyawski People's University succeeded in getting Pavlova to do his doctorate in zoology .

After the October Revolution , Pavlova was the first female professor to teach at the MGU, whose chair for paleontology she founded and headed. She was elected a full member of the All-Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in 1921 and a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1925. In 1922 she described the extinct species Indricotherium transouralicum , related to the rhinos , which then became known as Paraceratherium transouralicum . On the basis of her lectures, the two-volume course on paleozoology , which she published 1928–1929, was created. The MGU Geology Museum was named after Marija Pavlova and Alexei Pavlov in 1926 (now the Vernadsky State Geology Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences ).

Pavlova carried out fundamental work on the history of ungulates and elephants , with horses and elephants in the center. Her studies of fossil vertebrates continued the work of Vladimir Onufrijewitsch Kowalewski . She described numerous fossil mammals found on the territory of the USSR . Together with her husband, she set up a large palaeontological department in the MGU's geology museum, where she worked until 1935.

Pavlova was buried in Moscow's Novodevichy Cemetery.

Honors, prizes

  • Gaudry gold medal of the Société géologique de France (1926 together with Alexei Petrovich Pawlow)
  • Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1928)
  • Honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1930)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Большая российская энциклопедия: ПА́ВЛОВА Мария Васильевна (accessed December 20, 2019).
  2. a b c Р.А. ЧАУРИНА: Мария Васильевна Павлова (accessed December 19, 2019).
  3. a b c d e f MGU: Павлова Мария Васильевна (accessed December 19, 2019).
  4. a b c d Russian Academy of Sciences: Павлова Мария Васильевна (a) (accessed December 20, 2019).
  5. a b c d e f g Russian Academy of Sciences: Павлова Мария Васильевна (b) (accessed December 20, 2019).
  6. Lucas SG, Sobus JC: The Systematics of Indricotheres . In: The Evolution of perissodactyls . Oxford University Press , 1989, ISBN 978-0-19-506039-3 , pp. 358-378 .