Markgräfler Musikverband

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Markgräfler Musikverband
legal form registered association
founding August 21, 1892
Seat Ehrenkirchen
Chair Bernhard Metzger
Members 35 clubs earlier 36 (2017)

The Markgräfler Musikverband e. V. (MMV) comprises 35 member associations from Schallstadt-Wolfenweiler in the north to Bad Bellingen in the south with over 2,000 members and is a member of the Federation of German Brass Music Associations (BDB) . The Markgräfler Music Association also includes the Markgräflerland e. V. (VBO, since 1991), the Association Seniors Orchestra (VSO, since 2002) and the Association Brass Ensemble (VBE, since 2017).


Surname local community founding year
Musikverein Auggen e. V. Eyes 1865
Musikverein Bad Bellingen e. V. Bad Bellingen 1920
Trachtenkapelle Badenweiler e. V. Badenweiler 1530
Parish chapel Bad Krozingen Bad Krozingen 1865
Musikverein Ballrechte-Dottingen e. V. Ballrechte-Dottingen 1855
Musikverein Biengen e. V. Bad Krozingen 1825
Musikverein-Trachtenkapelle Bollschweil e. V. Bollschweil 1863
Musikverein Bremgarten e. V. Hartheim am Rhein 1888
Musikverein Britzingen e. V. Muellheim (Baden) 1865
Miners' Chapel Buggingen e. V. Buggingen 1879
Musikverein Eggenertal e. V. Schliengen 1925
Ehrenstetten fire brigade and winegrower's chapel Ehrenkirchen 1866
Musikverein Eschbach e. V. Eschbach / Markgräflerland 1899
Musikverein Feldberg e. V. Muellheim / Baden 1921
Musikverein Feldkirch e. V. Hartheim am Rhein 1921
Musikverein "Eintracht" Grißheim e. V. Neuchâtel on the Rhine 1879
Musikverein Grunern e. V. Staufen im Breisgau 1826
Musikverein Heitersheim e. V. Heitersheim 1793
Musikverein Hügelheim e. V. Muellheim (Baden) 1870
Fire Brigade and Trachtenkapelle Kirchhofen e. V. Ehrenkirchen 1740
Stadtmusik Müllheim e. V. Muellheim (Baden) 1812
Musikverein Schwarzwaldkapelle Münstertal e. V. Münstertal / Black Forest 1885
Trachtenkapelle Münstertal e. V. Münstertal / Black Forest 1811
Stadtmusik Neuenburg e. V. Neuchâtel on the Rhine 1863
Musikverein Norsingen e. V. Ehrenkirchen 1910
Musikverein Offnadingen e. V. Ehrenkirchen 1919
Musikverein Schlatt e. V. Bad Krozingen 1919
Musikverein Schliengen 1888 e. V. Schliengen 1888
Stadtmusikverein Staufen e. V. Staufen im Breisgau 1724
Trachtenkapelle Steinenstadt e. V. Neuchâtel on the Rhine 1926
Stadtmusik Sulzburg e. V. Sulzburg 1870
Musikverein Tunsel e. V. Bad Krozingen 1854
Musikverein Wettelbrunn e. V. Staufen im Breisgau 1866
Musikverein Wolfenweiler-Schallstadt e. V. Schallstadt 1892
Musikverein Zienken e. V. Neuchâtel on the Rhine 1929


The association was founded on August 21, 1892 under the name "Breisgau-Markgräfler Musikverband" as the oldest brass music association in the German-speaking region in Buggingen . From 1898 it was renamed the Oberbadischer Musikvereinsverband . Until 1921, most of the Markgräfler music associations and clubs from southern Breisgau belonged to this association, which stretched from Heitersheim to Offenburg . The music associations from the southern part of the Markgräflerland joined the "Upper Rhine Music Association" founded in Rheinfelden in 1912 (from 1924: Alemannischer Musikverband ). With the aim of raising the musical level of its member clubs, the Breisgau-Markgräfler Musikverband organized association festivals, which were mostly associated with competitions, the “prize games”.

After the association festival in Ettenheim in 1921 , the delegates of the music association from the districts of Staufen and Müllheim met on August 14, 1921 in Buggingen. They decided to leave the large association, which was branched out across the country, and to found an organization that was more economical to look after, which they initially called the "Unterer Markgräfler Musikvereinsverband". This association also saw its task in regular "association musicians' days", at which complete choirs should be performed at the end, and prize games.

At the general meeting on November 13, 1926 in Norsingen , the Untere Markgräfler Musikverband joined the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Baden und Württembergischer Musikvereine", which had previously been founded. This working group, which from 1928 called itself the “Bund Südwestdeutscher Musikvereine”, was the forerunner of today's Bund Deutscher Blasmusikverbände. At its first brass music festival, which took place in Freiburg from June 3 to 5, 1933, 105 bands took part in the prize game in seven bars with 18 judges. From the Markgräfler Musikverband area, seven bands from 21 affiliated associations took part.

The Federal Music Festival was the conclusion of the Federal Southwest German Music Associations, which was dissolved in Berlin on April 13, 1934 the following year. All associations were taken over into the Reichsmusikkammer , where they were listed as the "Block des Alemannen gaues ". Not only the brass bands were registered in these blocks, but also accordion , guitar , mandolin and zither clubs , a total of 184. From now on, the conductors of the music bands had to carry ID cards with a picture, which were checked during police checks. Wild dance bands were prohibited. With the outbreak of the Second World War , the regional music festivals fell silent and the club bands only appeared occasionally at funerals, mourning days and other extraordinary occasions with only a few musicians.

One year after the end of the war, only in 1946, it was possible to apply to the French military government to re-establish the associations through the district office . This was done with many questionnaires in German and French and the submission of new association statutes, because no one from the circle of board members of all associations was allowed to belong to the NSDAP or one of its subsidiary organizations. The reestablishment of the associations took a little longer. According to the founding protocol, the Hügelheim Music Association invited the representatives of the former Lower Markgräfler Music Association to a meeting on March 19, 1950. The invitation was followed by delegations from 24 associations, a total of 70 people, who decided to re-establish the “Markgräfler Musikverband”. The foundation ceremony took place on August 20, 1950 in Hügelheim as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Hügelheim music association. Fritz Geppert (President), Leo Grozinger (Vice President), Robert Kreiner (Secretary and Calculator), Albin Flemig (Association Conductor), Ernst Seemann, Albert Möbius, Heinrich Burgert and Stefan Kappeler (all music advisors / association conductors) were elected as members of the presidium of the new association . Rector Anton Mückel from Kenzingen , who was the association president from 1927 to 1933 during his activity in Krozingen , was appointed honorary president.

Previous association presidents and managing directors

Term of office Association conductor comment executive Director
1921-1922 Fritz Maier Max Gugel
1922-1929 Heinrich Tritschler Anton Münkel
1929-1933 Anton Münkel Honorary President Karl Geiger
1933-1935 Karl Geiger
1945-1950 Karl Geiger
1950-1952 Fritz Geppert Sr. Leo Grozinger
1952-1970 Leo Grozinger Honorary President 1952–1960 Paul Zirlewagen

1960–1970 Peter Steinbrecher

1970-1977 Peter Steinbrecher Honorary President Hugo Neymeyer
1977-1984 Hugo Neymeyer Honorary President Kurt Ströhlein
1984-1994 Kurt Ströhlein Cross of Merit (CISM) 1984

and Federal Cross of Merit 1991

Kurt Frohlin
1994-1999 Kurt Frohlin ?
since 1999 Bernhard Metzger Jörg Kitzmann

Previous association conductors

Term of office Surname comment
1921-1952 Albin Fleming
1952-1972 Karl Zettelmayer Honorary conductor
1972-1985 Otto Daiger Honorary conductor
1985-2017 Hellmut Blaudzun Honorary conductor
2017 - today Wolfgang Wetzel


Association wind orchestra (VBO)

The Sinfonisches VerbandsBlasOrchester Markgräflerland e. V. is a high-level orchestra and was launched in its current form in 1991 as the “Markgräfler Verbandsblasorchester” by Jürgen Markwart.

The aim was and is to form an orchestra with enthusiastic and motivated musicians from different associations, if possible from the Markgräfler Musikverband, which meets the increasing musical demands of the musicians. In addition to the experience of making music together at a high level and occasionally reaching your musical limits, the focus is on having fun making music.

For this reason, a wide variety of projects are rehearsed in one to two project phases per year with two to three trial weekends each. The performance of demanding concert literature is just as much a part of the program as participation in various conducting courses and master classes in the form of the workshop orchestra. The rehearsals usually take place in the Markgräflerland area. The approximately 60 instrumentalists are mostly amateur musicians from this region and the Freiburg area, but guest musicians are also welcome at any time.

The first artistic director was Bernhard Volk from Singen am Hohentwiel. After his professional departure to Hamburg as musical director of Stella AG, Hans-Peter Blaser from Scherli-Au (CH) became conductor of the orchestra. He was professor for wind orchestras in Zurich and Bern and directed the orchestra from 1997 to 2003. From 2003 to 2018, music director Helmut Hubov from Stockach was artistic director of the orchestra. The autumn phase 2019 took place under the conductor Christian Steinlein (conductor and trombonist, Music School Southern Black Forest). The autumn phase 2020 should be organized with Christian Weng from Günzburg (headmaster of the Music Center Mindeltal, conductor and music teacher). Due to the corona virus, it is not yet clear whether this event can take place.

Brass Band Ensemble (VBE)

With the aim of establishing a permanent brass ensemble in the Markgräfler Musikverband, Simon Schäfer, a member of the Association Conductor team since 2017, had the idea of ​​inviting particularly talented and motivated musicians and, in the form of a chamber music workshop, topics such as intonation, rhythm, teamwork and joint development to deal with advanced brass literature.

Association Seniors Orchestra (VSO)

At several senior citizens' meetings, the first in Offnadingen in 1992, there was always a group of music-loving senior citizens who played a few marches and polkas in a makeshift orchestra to the delight of the invited guests. From these beginnings 10 years later a first rehearsal was held on February 6, 2002 in Wettelbrunn and the VSO was founded. From then until 2017, the musical direction was in the hands of music director Hellmut Blaudszun, when he handed over the baton to Albert Riesterer in 2018.

This first rehearsal counted 19 instrumentalists, today there are 40 musicians from all over the Markgräflerland with an average age of 77 years. Not only marches, polkas and waltzes are played, but also overtures, operetta cross-sections, concert waltzes and potpourris; So consistently conventional brass music, with which the seniors grew up and were cultivated and loved by these convinced lovers for 50 or even 60 years and more. This ensemble has constantly evolved and is now a regular and gladly heard guest at many fixed events.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b clubs., accessed on March 26, 2020 .
  2. history., accessed on March 26, 2020 .
  3. Orchestra., accessed on March 26, 2020 .
  4. Senior orchestra ., accessed on March 26, 2020 .
5. Blasmusik im Markgräflerland, 100 Jahre Markgräfler Musikverband, Hrsg. Kurt Ströhlein, 1992
6. Blasmusik in Baden, Prof. Wolfgang Suppan, Musikverlag Schulz, 1983