Markus Egetmeyer

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Markus Egetmeyer (born July 20, 1964 in Essen ) is a German classical philologist .


He attended schools in Hamburg from 1970 to 1983 . After graduating from the Sankt Ansgar School in June 1983 and doing military service (July 1983 to September 1984) as a tank and truck driver, he studied Indo-European and Classical Philology at several universities in Germany and Italy . From 1984 to 1986 he studied in Würzburg with Günter Neumann and the Hittite scientist Einar von Schuler and in Erlangen with Karl Hoffmann , from 1986 to 1987 in Munich with Klaus Strunk andHeinrich Hettrich as well as with the Hittite scientist Annelies Kammenhuber and the armenologist Julius Aßfalg , followed by Pisa and Florence from 1987 to 1988 with Enrico Campanile and Filippo Motta and from 1988 to 1989 again in Munich. He obtained his master's degree in comparative linguistics and classical philology. From 1989 to 1993 he prepared a full version of a Greek dictionary for Cypriot syllabary (published in June 1992); parallel to 1994, he began a dissertation in Munich on the supplementary verbal paradigms in Indo-European , continued in Florence and Hamburg.

From 1993 to 1996 he continued his studies in Paris , from 1993 to 1994 as a guest student at the École pratique des hautes études , followed by the decision to change the topic and location of the dissertation, and from 1994 to 1996 with the doctoral thesis at EPHE. On 29 June 1996 he defended the dissertation , entitled Grammaire historique du dialecte grec ancien du chypre with Laurent Dubois , Catherine Dobias-Lalou , Charles de Lamberterie , Olivier Masson and Michael Meier-Brügger , where he the note très honorable avec félicitations received .

From 1997 to 1999 he taught ancient Greek at all levels as an attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche at the University of Lille III in the Lettres Classiques department . From 1999 to 2008 he was a lecturer in Classical Philology (Greek and Latin ) at the Department of Langues anciennes at the Université Toulouse-Jean Jaurès . On 16 December 2005 he defended in Toulouse the Habilitation entitled Etudes sur le dialecte grec ancien de Chypre in de Charles Lamberterie , Laurent Dubois, Jean-Pierre Maurel , Michael Meier-Brügger, Jean-Pierre Olivier , Anna Orlandini and Paolo Poccetti . The Conseil national des universités recognized the qualification as professor on January 30, 2008 . Since 2008 he has been teaching Greek and other Indo-European languages, especially Anatolian and Iranian (languages ​​and scripts), as professor at the University of Paris IV at the Institut de Grec (Linguistique ). In spring 2012 (April to June 2012) he was visiting professor at the University of Verona . His main ongoing projects are Corpus des Inscriptions in Cypriot Script (2017) and An Introduction to the Ancient Persian Language (2018).

His research topics are comparative grammar of the Indo-European languages ​​(especially the languages ​​of the Mediterranean: Greek, Anatolian and Italian) and the epigraphy of the Aegean scripts. The married father of one child speaks the following modern languages ​​(reading, writing, speaking): German (mother tongue), French, Italian, English (fluent); Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian); Indonesian, Javanese (intermediate level).


  • Dictionary of the inscriptions in the Cypriot syllabar. Taking into account a work by Almut Hintze (= Kadmos. Journal for Pre- and Early Greek Epigraphy . Supplement 3). De Gruyter, Berlin et al. 1992, ISBN 3-11-012270-7 .
  • Le dialecte grec ancien de Chypre . De Gruyter, Berlin et al. 2010, ISBN 978-3-11-021751-3 .
    • Tome I. Grammaire
    • Tome II. Repertoire des inscriptions en syllabaire chypro-grec
  • “Do you speak Golgic?” Notes on an overlooked language , in: Études mycéniennes 2010. Actes du XIII [e] colloque international sur les textes égéens (Sèvres, Paris, Nanterre, 20-23 September 2010), Pisa / Rome 2012, p 427-434

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