Martha Schad

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Martha Schad 2008

Martha Schad (born March 12, 1939 in Munich ) is a German freelance historian and author .


Schad studied history and art history at the University of Augsburg between 1980 and 1985 and was able to successfully complete this course with her dissertation “The women of the Fugger von der Lilie”. Many of her works have been filmed and translated into 16 languages ​​so far.

She is a member of the Münchner Turmschreiber and honorary chairwoman of the Richard-Wagner-Verband Augsburg and honorary home nurse of the city of Augsburg for cultural matters. Martha Schad is married and has two children.





  1. The Belgian royal family.
  2. The Bonapartes.
  3. The Danish royal family.
  4. The French Bourbons.
  5. The Habsburgs.
  6. The Luxembourg house.
  7. The House of Württemberg.
  8. The Hohenzollern.
  9. The Italian royal family.
  10. The Dutch royal family.
  11. The Norwegian royal family.
  12. The Romanovs.
  13. The Swedish royal family.
  14. The Spanish royal family.
  15. The Thurn and Taxis.
  16. The Wettins.
  17. The Wittelsbachers.
  18. The Windsors.

Film adaptations

  • The women of the house of Fugger von der Lilie (Bavarian television)
  • Bavaria's queens (Bavarian television)
  • " God's mighty servant " and Pope "Pius XII." (Ziegler-Film, Berlin)


  • Wilfried Bottke: Martha Schad. "I do not judge, my readers should judge". In: Christian Boeser (Ed.): Vorneweg und mittendrin. Portraits of successful women. Helmer, Koenigstein / Ts. 2006, ISBN 3-89741-216-0 , pp. 165-170.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Archived copy ( Memento of the original from August 22, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /