Martin Schlott

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Martin Schlott (born November 11, 1891 in Breslau , † March 5, 1950 in Wuppertal ) was a German zoologist . Between November 1, 1934 and March 15, 1946 he was the fifth director of the Breslau Zoo and the last German director of this facility.


Schlott began studying science at the University of Breslau in 1919 . In 1931 he received his PhD for his work on spiders . From 1931 he worked for the then director Honigmann at the Breslau Zoo , whereupon he took up this post in 1934. As director of the zoo, shortly before the Second World War , he accompanied the expansion of enclosures and stables for antelopes, zebras and giraffes, an outdoor enclosure for baboons (1939), a pool for seals and sea lions and an outdoor enclosure for bears (1937/38).

The announcement of the Breslau Fortress and the fighting against the Red Army from January to May 1945 led to the liquidation of the garden and the death of most of the particularly large or dangerous animals in the garden, which were shot on the orders of the German authorities. By June 1945, however, about 200 animals survived that Schlott still kept. In June they were taken to other Polish zoos.

Since the end of June 1945 Schlott worked in other places due to the dissolution of the local zoo, including in the Breslau Zoo Museum, and after leaving Breslau in March 1946 he worked at the Hanover Zoo , from 1947 until his death he was director of the Wuppertaler Zoos .


Schlott published u. a. a guide through the Zoological Garden in Wroclaw, published by Aktien-Gesellschaft Breslauer Zoologischer Garten, 1941, Wrocław, as well as scientific papers, including: "Biological studies on Agelena labyrinthica Cl." (Breslau 1931).

Individual evidence

  1. In memory of Martin Schlott . In: Vogelwelt. Journal of Bird Conservation and Ornithology . No.  70-71 , pp. 156-157 .
  2. a b c Leszek Solski, Harro Strehlow, Małgorzata Słabicka, Wrocławski Ogród Zoologiczny, Strehlow, Harro (1948-), Słabicka, Małgorzata, Wrocławski Ogród Zoologiczny: Biblioteka Politechniki Krakowskiej '36 . ZOO, Wrocław 2015, ISBN 978-83-936847-2-4 , p. 113 .
  3. a b Encyklopedia Wrocławia. Wyd. Dolnośląskie . Wrocław 2000, ISBN 978-83-936847-2-4 , p.  741 .
  4. a b Dybalska W .: Zagłada i odbudowa wrocławskiego zoo ( The destruction and rebuilding of the Wroclaw Zoo ) . Gazeta Wyborcza, Wrocław 2015, p. 16 II .
  5. Maciejewska B .: Szaber w majestacie prawa . Gazeta Wyborcza (edycja wrocławska), 2013.