Matthias Gülger

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Matthias Gülger (* 1565 ; † May 18, 1628 in Rein, Gratwein-Straßengel ) was an Austrian Cistercian , prior and abbot of two monasteries.

life and work

Gülger (also Gilger or Gülcher) was born in Lüttich in 1565 and came to Austria around 1588. Under Abbot Johannes Rueff (1585–1599) he entered the Heiligenkreuz Abbey and in 1589 made his religious profession. From 1590 to 1595 he was prior of the monastery. In 1595 he left the monastery due to internal conflicts, but remained a Cistercian. After Gülger traveled to the General Chapter in Cîteaux in 1598 , he was appointed prior of the Neuberg Abbey with the permission of Abbot General Edmund de la Croix . 1599 took place at the instigation of the Abbot General the appointment Gülgers abbot of the New Monastery in Wiener Neustadt .

After the death of abbot Georg Freyseisen from Rein, Gülger was appointed abbot of Rein Abbey on August 21, 1605 . Among other things, he renewed the monastery building. From May 23, 1609 Gülger was also vicar general (deputy general abbot) for Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Styria, Carinthia and Carniola. As such, he united in Generalvikariat Rein: Lilienfeld , Wilhering , Schlierbach Monastery , Stift Neukloster, Pin Viktring , Kostanjevica monastery (Landstrass) and monastery parakeet . He received the order from the general chapter of the order to acquire the St. Gotthard monastery in Hungary again for the order, which he did not succeed. But he won back the former Cistercian monastery Schlierbach and settled it in 1620 with monks from the Rein monastery.

Gülger was also the  secret council of the emperors Matthias and Ferdinand II and a member of the Styrian estates . Matthias Gülger died on May 18, 1628 in Rein and was buried in the collegiate church there. A monument in the Reiner Stiftskirche, which the Styrian Estates had erected, commemorates him.


  • Florian Watzl, Die Cistercienser von Heiligenkreuz presented in chronological order according to the sources (Graz 1898), p. 55.
  • Gabriel Malis, Die Abtei Rein in Steiermark, in: Sebastian Brunner (Ed.), Ein Cisterzienserbuch , pp. 354–402 (here: 246, 384–388).
  • Peter Franz Pöschek and Hans Bruno Schneider, Abbot Mathias Gülger (1565–1628) von Rein and the Vicars General of the Cistercian Order in Austria, in: Analecta Cisterciensia 47, 1991, pp. 143–329; 49, 1993, pp. 3-145.

Individual evidence

  1. There are different death dates in the literature. Florian Watzl mentions May 15, 1628 in brackets; Pöschek-Schneider (p. 87) mention May 8th.