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Merckelbach coat of arms

Merckelbach is the name of a German-Dutch noble family ( ministerial nobility ). Its headquarters are in the village of Merkelbeek, today part of Onderbanken in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands .


The history of the Merckelbach family goes back to Reynart Huyne von Merckelbeich, son of the knight Jan Huyn the Elder. During the Brabant feud in 1371 he fought with his father and brother Jan for Duke Wenzel I of Luxembourg against Duke Wilhelm II of Jülich in the Battle of Baesweiler . They were captured and locked up with the Duke in Nideggen Castle. After paying a ransom, they were released. In 1374 Reynart was rewarded by the Duke with the enfeoffment of House Merckelbach. Since then, the von Merckelbach family has called itself. Reynart was married to Katharina von Doenrade and had three children.

Heynrich Huyn von Merckelbach, Reynart Huynes son, became mayor and bailiff of the glory Frechen near Cologne . His second marriage was to Druytgen von Baer, ​​daughter of Peter von Baer from Cologne. The marriage was not happy, however, and was annulled in 1455 after an eight-year trial before the Archbishop of Cologne, Archbishop Dietrich .

Leenart von Merckelbach, Heynrich's son, inherited the office in Frechen and in 1463 owned the farm "zo Dauwe" in Huntzgassen in Cologne. He was married to Grete Palant , daughter of the wealthy Cologne cleric Reinhart von Palant.

Wittem Castle

Wittemer line

Eymond von Merckelbach, Leenhardt's son, was rent master of the Wittem estate in Limburg , which had been acquired in 1466 by Diederik von Palant, apparently a relative of his mother's. He was married to Adelheid von Mechelen .

In 1486 his son Johann von Merckelbach was the master of the Emont von Palant at Maubach Castle and the Engelsdorf moated castle .

His son Heynrich von Merckelbach was rent master of Johann Palant-Wittem and was named as aldermen in Sittard in 1521 .

His descendants Simon Merckelbach (1751–1815) succeeded in 1807 with the support of his father-in-law Johann Gerhard Schervier in acquiring the Wittem fort with the property belonging to it from the French state. He modernized the property, expanded it with a post office and lived there until his death in 1815. Wittem remained in the family until the 20th century.

Soest line

Johann Georg von Merckelbach 1648

A second son of Eymond and Adelheid was called Reinhard von Merckelbach († after 1562). From 1536–1549 he was rent master of the Dahlen manor . With his wife Maria von Wirtzen (von Wirth) he had four sons, Gottfried, Peter, Heinrich and Thomas.

Gottfried von Merckelbach († 1571) moved to Soest in 1563 , became city secretary there and in 1566 married Agathe Deppe, daughter of the mayor Thomas Deppe, with whom they had two sons, Goswin and Thomas. After his death, his brother Peter took over the position of city secretary and was councilor and master of the zis .

Goswin Merckelbach (1569-1641) was a doctor of law . In 1604 he became mayor of the city of Soest and in 1629 chancellor of the Duchy of Braunschweig-Lüneburg in Celle . His brother Thomas was also a lawyer and in 1596 became assessor for the Upper Rhine District at the Imperial Court of Justice in Speyer

Johann Georg von Merckelbach (around 1609–1680), son of Thomas in Speyer, was bailiff of Badenweiler , then court counselor to Margrave Friedrich von Baden-Durlach and, in 1648, his envoy at the peace treaty in Münster

Elevation of the nobility and Palatinate ad personam

On October 17, 1623, Goswin Merckelbach was raised to the nobility by Emperor Ferdinand II and appointed Palatine and Court Count .

coat of arms

Coat of arms of those of Merkelbach

The coat of arms, which has been used by all branches of the family since 1385, is derived from the Huyn coat of arms. It shows an equilateral cross with two snake heads at each of the four ends. It is still part of the coats of arms of the Limburg municipalities of Jabeek, Merkelbeek, Bingelrade, Oirsbeek, Onderbanken , Schinnen and Geelen . The associated motto was: "Esto prudens sicut serpens".

The coat of arms of the Soest family branch shows a silver anchor cross in red . On the helmet with red and silver blankets a growing silver eagle.

More family members


  • Max Dechamps: The Origin of the Merckelbach Family , (manuscript without place and date)
  • Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie: Nederland's Patriciaat, vol. 89 , s'Gravenhaage 2009, pp. 201–224
  • JLMPT Hovens: Het Wittemse patriciërsgeslacht Merckelbach . In: Limburgs Tijdschrift voor de Genealogie No. 82 (2004), pp. 44–49.
  • Leo Pierey: Origin of the Merckelbach , Heerlen 2002
  • Hans Rupprecht: The Merckelbach in the service of the city of Soest from 1563 to 1661 . In: Soester Zeitschrift Nr. 81, Soest 1969, pp. 58-78.
  • Fritz Stahler: The Merckelbach in the Palatinate . In: Pfälzische-Rheinische Familienkunde 9 (1978–81), pp. 241–265.
  • Knesebeck: Historical paperback of the nobility in the Kingdom of Hanover , 1840, p. 209 ( Google books )

Web links

  • Henry K van Eyken: From Merkelbeek to Märckelbach: A Social History with Deep Roots [1]

Individual evidence

  1. Max von Spießen: Book of Arms of the Westphalian Nobility, Görlitz 1901-1903, Volume 1, p. 89