Mfantsiman District

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Mfantsiman District
Location of the Mfantsiman district within the Central Region
country GhanaGhana Ghana
region Central region
Capital Saltpond
District shape Ordinary
District Chief Executive Robert Quainoo Arthur
surface 612 km²
population 152,000 (2002)
Population density 248 Ew. / km²

The Mfantseman District is one of 13 districts in the Central Region of Ghana . It stretches about 21 kilometers along the coast of the Gulf of Guinea and, on average, reaches 13 kilometers deep inland.


The Mfantseman district is mostly inhabited by Fante .


The largest town in the district, Mankessim , plays a central role in the history of the Fanti, who make up the majority people of the entire Central Region. According to legend, the Fanti, who came from Techiman inland, first settled here 750 years ago. Mankessim was also the capital of the Fanti Confederation in the 19th century.

The district was exposed to the influence of Europeans very early on - Portuguese from the 15th century, and later Dutch and British. In Anomabu the British Fort William is now a tourist attraction, in Kormantse Fort Amsterdam .

Economy and Infrastructure

75% of the population live from agriculture, cocoa , palm oil , pineapples , oranges , plantains , beans and yams are produced . In Egyaa sugar cane is processed into "Local Gin", in Akobima palm oil is further processed.

The coastal towns of Biriwa, Anomabo, Otuam, Abandze and Kormantse mainly live from fishing. Trade is also an important factor, Mankessim in particular is of national importance here.

The district is rich in mineral resources, especially kaolin (which is processed into ceramics in Saltpond ), but also tin , granite , beryllium , gold and other things. Oil has been produced off the coast of the district since the 1970s .

The beaches of Biriwa and Saltpond and the above-mentioned slave castles of Anomabu and Abandze attract a number of tourists, so that tourism has become a local economic factor.

Climate and environment

Mfantsiman district has a relatively mild climate with average temperatures between 24 and 28 ° C. Only a few small islands remain of the original dense forest, especially around sacred groves.

Important localities

The port of the place Biriwa
Fort William in Anomabo
Historical representation of Fort Amsterdam
place Population (2000)
1 Mankessim 25 481
2 Saltpond 16 212
3 Anomabo 9 437
4th Biriwa 7 737
5 Cormantse 6 296
6th Narkwa 5 859
7th Otuam (Tantum) 5 093
8th Asaafo 4,273
9 Abandze 3 354
10 Baifikrom 2 805
11 Kyeakor 2 231
12 Dominase 2 193
13 Yamoransa 2,080
14th Immuna 1 784
15th Ekumpoano 1 779
16 Essarkyir 1 682
17th Abor 1 556
18th Eyisam 1 452
19th Essuenhyia 1 429
20th Ekrawfo 1 367


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See also

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