Michael-Alexander Beisecker

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Michael-Alexander Beisecker (born December 30, 1959 in Darmstadt ) is the German editor-in-chief , non-fiction author, specialist translator, organizational programmer and IT consultant . Like Jörg Schieb, he is one of the pioneers of German PC specialist literature, but comes from IT practice through his professional activities as a programmer and computer center manager.

First Beisecker gained experience with mainframes, then with medium-sized data technology ( Unix ) and worked with the first microcomputers with CP / M operating systems. Privately and professionally, he experienced his home computer days and worked with the IBM PC Model 5150 from December 1982. From then on, he used all subsequent PC generations and operating systems such as MS-DOS , PC DOS , OS / 2 and Windows version 1.0 or higher to today's Windows 10 .

life and career

After graduating from high school in 1980, Michael-Alexander Beisecker studied natural sciences at the University of Duisburg and worked as a student trainee in the IT and organization department of the Elastoform Polstermöbel company on an IBM 4331 mainframe computer and later as a student assistant in the aerosol measurement technology department of the University of Duisburg under Heinz Fißan.

In 1984 he trained as an organizational programmer at the Control Data Institute in Dortmund and studied business administration at the European Institute for Management. From 1985 to 1987 he worked as an organizational programmer at the Computer Center for Church and Diakonia (RKD) and built up the PC programming department. He then became head of the IT and organization department at Helmut Knipping Bauelemente, Hamminkeln, and took over the ordering process from a WANG MVP 2200 to a Nixdorf 8870 M75.

From 1988 to 1990 he was head of specialist editing and later production at SYBEX-Verlag GmbH and developed the book series QuickDisk, QuickStart, Das Buch, reference manual, professional book and the collective manuals (loose-leaf publications). The QuickStart series in particular was a great success in Germany and also in France, the Netherlands and the USA, as over 60 titles were published and the total circulation reached millions. "Up & Running with DOS 3.3" alone, the American edition of "QuickStart DOS 3.3", sold 180,000 copies within a year.

From 1990 to 1995 Beisecker worked as an IT management consultant for small and medium-sized companies and as a publishing consultant for his own company, data-consult, which has existed since 1986. In 1984 he was also a project manager for the Translingua company and later managing director of the Translingua Doku company in Bonn. In 1996, founded the company Beisecker 2media GbR together with Rudolf ring, a fax-on-demand system, a mailbox operation, a hotline service and programming of multimedia CDs and DVDs and now with online marketing on Social media and websites deals.

Worked as a PC security advisor

As a programmer and consultant, Beisecker had to fend off and remove computer viruses at a very early stage, such as the first boot viruses and blackmail Trojans, which in the 1980s and 1990s were still transmitted by floppy disks and even then with virus construction kits based on the modular principle compiled and varied. He warned of macro viruses such as Melissa , which appeared on a massive scale in the late 1990s, and showed his advisory customers and readers the protective measures.

During his time as a programmer and data center manager, he fended off attacks from the intranet and developed secure data transmission via modem at a time when data was still mainly transmitted by magnetic tape and courier. He warned of BTX hacks and BTX fraud in his publications . With the advent of the internet and the spread of electronic banking , reporting and help with online banking fraud and phishing was added.

As an expert in Internet and PC security, Michael-Alexander Beisecker is editor-in-chief of “Your PC Security Advisor” and author of “Live Safe in Germany”. He was interviewed several times by radio and television stations, including in programs such as ZDF heute-journal , ZDF heute in Germany , ZDF heute , ZDF-Mittagsmagazin and WDR aktuell .

Activity as a non-fiction author

At the end of the 1980s, Beisecker began writing non-fiction books and has published over 350 works to date, mainly on the subjects of operating systems , databases , programming languages and Internet and PC security in books and magazines. Today he mainly writes for Computerwissen, a VNR publishing house for the German economy . Translations of his articles and specialist books have appeared in several languages.

For Computerwissen Verlag, Beisecker has been the editor-in-chief of the advice “Der EDV-Beratung”, “Das PC-Handbuch”, “Der PC-Pannenhelfer” (since 2009) and “Der PC-Sicherheits-Advisor” (since 2013 ) active. In this publishing house he has also published several books, of which the “Lexicon of PC Technical Terms” has appeared in 14 editions since 2004.

Beisecker has published around 1,000 articles on PC, Internet and security topics in loose-leaf publications, magazines and online. He also publishes on his own website Modellbahntechnik-aktuell on the subject of digital model railways and, as a private pilot, has written articles on air sports , flight simulation and flight planning , such as the article "DAeC flight safety training: when the oars block", Aerokurier 8/2003 or an overview of flight planning programs at Experto.de.

Activity as a specialist translator

In the 1980s and 1990s, Michael-Alexander Beisecker translated numerous IT specialist books and worked as a specialist translator for several companies. He worked on well-known programs such as Borland C ++, Lotus 1-2-3 , Microsoft Flight Simulator , Microsoft Money and Windows for Workgroups . In January 2017 he was awarded the silver badge of honor by the BDÜ for his 25 years of membership in the association.

Works (selection)

Individual evidence

  1. Profile Heinz Fissan. In: uni-due.de. Retrieved February 4, 2017 .
  2. ZDF today in Germany from November 28, 2016 , from 2:27 min. (No longer available online.) November 28, 2016, archived from the original on February 4, 2017 ; accessed on February 4, 2017 .
  3. ZDF today broadcast on November 28, 2016 , from 1:57 min. (No longer available online.) November 28, 2016, archived from the original on February 4, 2017 ; accessed on February 4, 2017 .
  4. Michael-Alexander Beisecker. In: club.computerwissen.de. Retrieved February 4, 2017 .
  5. Modellbahn: Imprint. Retrieved February 4, 2017 .
  6. Apps for flight planning and flight navigation via iPad. In: experto.de. Published by bcs.marketing UG, May 9, 2012, accessed on February 4, 2017 .