Michael Masula

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Michael Masula (born March 24, 1968 in Berlin ) is a German theater and film actor and member of the Vienna Burgtheater ensemble .


Growing up in Bergneustadt , Masula completed his acting training in Cologne . He was a member of the ensemble in Würzburg , Bielefeld and Dortmund, among others . Since the 1999/2000 season he has been engaged at the Burgtheater Vienna. He worked with Karin Beier , Jan Bosse , Andrea Breth , Dieter Giesing , Dimiter Gotscheff , Matthias Hartmann , Andreas Kriegenburg , Martin Kušej , Stefan Pucher , Jérôme Savary and Joachim Schlömer .

As a film actor, he worked in Michael Kreihsl's The Long Rain (2000), Caspar Pfaundler's Schottentor (2008) and Oskar Roehler's Jud Süss - Film Without Conscience (2009). As a television actor, for example, he was seen as Theodor Herzl in the TV documentary The Dream of the Promised Land: Theodor Herzl and modern Israel (2010) by Monika Czernin and in Hansjörg Thurn's historical film Isenhart - The Hunt for the Soul Catcher (2011).

Filmography (selection)

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