Miguel Romano Gomez

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Miguel Romano Gómez (born January 21, 1959 in El Paso , Texas , USA ) is auxiliary bishop emeritus in Guadalajara .


Miguel Romano Gómez received the sacrament of ordination for the Archdiocese of Guadalajara on May 26, 1985 .

On March 18, 2000 appointed him Pope John Paul II. To the titular of Vagal and auxiliary bishop in Guadalajara. The Archbishop of Guadalajara, Juan Cardinal Sandoval Íñiguez , donated him episcopal ordination on April 9 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were the Bishop of San Juan de los Lagos , Javier Navarro Rodríguez , and the Bishop of Tlaxcala , Jacinto Guerrero Torres , and the Bishop of León , José Guadalupe Martín Rábago .

Pope Francis accepted his early resignation on November 17, 2014.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rinuncia di Ausiliare di Guadalajara (Messico). In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , November 17, 2014, accessed November 17, 2014 (Italian).