Military engineering university

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Former seat of VITU, engineering castle (or Michaelsburg ) St. Petersburg (former residence of Tsar Paul I , where he was murdered in 1801). Today a branch of the Russian Museum .

The St. Petersburg Military Engineering University ( Russian Санкт-Петербургский Военный инженерно-технический университет , or ВИТУ / VITU for short ) is a technical university in Saint Petersburg and Russia's first polytechnic university. It is located in the historic city center not far from the Engineers' Castle, Summer Garden , Tauride Palace and Suvorov Museum .


The history of this military academy dates back to 1810. It was the first higher education institute for engineers in Russia. At that time, a military engineering school was founded, which was renamed the Nikolayevsky Military Academy of Engineering in 1855 . Further renaming followed in 1917 (Military Academy for Pioneers), 1923 (Military Academy for Pioneers and Electrical Engineering), 1925 (Military Technical Faculty of the State Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg). The facility has had its current name since 1997.

Famous graduates and professors


  • Михаил Семенович Максимовский: Исторический очерк развития Главного Инженерного училища 1819–1869. Типография Императорской академия наук, Санкт-Петербург 1869.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Military engineering-technical university
  2. ^ Stephen Timoshenko Engineering Education in Russia , McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1959
  3. Russian emperor's army
  4. Saint Petersburg Military engineering-technical university