Mikhail Andreevich Miloradowitsch

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Mikhail Miloradovich
Coat of arms of the Miloradowitsch family

Count Mikhail Miloradovich ( Russian Михаил Андреевич Милорадович , scientific. Transliteration Mikhail Andreevič Miloradović ; born October 1 . Jul / 12. October  1771 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † December 15 . Jul / 27. December  1825 . Greg ibid) was a general in the Russian army .


Miloradowitsch entered the Russian military service young , took part in the wars against the Turks in 1787 and against the Poles in 1794 and then served under Suvorov , whose vanguard he led as major general , in Italy and Switzerland . At the Battle of Dürnstein on November 11, 1805, he led the attack on the French under Mortier . In December 1805 he commanded the Battle of Austerlitz together with the Austrian General Kolowratthe fourth column with about 23,000 men. In 1808 he led an independent command in Wallachia and defeated the Turks at Obileschti and Giurgiu . In 1810 Miloradowitsch became general of the infantry.

In the campaign of 1812 he fought with Borodino . Together with Bennigsen he defeated the French on October 18, 1812 in the battle of Tarutino and on October 24 under Kutuzov's command at Malojaroslavets , Vyazma , Dorogobusch and Krasnoi .

On February 8, 1813, he occupied Warsaw , then covered the left flank of the allies in the battle of Großgörschen and, as commander of the Russian barrier guard, had to face the battles at Rochlitz , Dresden , Bischofswerda and on Kapellenberg, whereupon he was raised to count.

He led the vanguard in the battle of Bautzen on May 20 and 21 . After the armistice he commanded the Russian-Prussian guards and reserves under Grand Duke Constantine and fought with distinction at Kulm , Leipzig and La Rothière .

Appointed military governor of Petersburg after the peace treaty in 1818 , he fell at the side of Emperor Nicholas I in the uprising of December 26, 1825 - he was fatally wounded by the Decembrist Pyotr Grigoryevich Kachowski .

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