Mohammad Ilyas Kashmiri

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Mohammad Ilyas Kashmiri ( Urdu محمد الیاس کشمیری DMG Muḥammad Ilyās Kašmīrī ; * January 2 or February 10, 1964 in Bhimber ; † June 3, 2011 in Waziristan ) was a Pakistani terrorist . As an Arab legal scholar, he held the titles Mufti and Maulana and also used the names Elias al-Kashmiri and Naib Amir Ilyas .


Kashmiri was born on either January 2 or February 10, 1964 in the Pakistani village of Bhimber in the Samahani Valley in Kashmir . In the 1980s he fought on the side of the Mujahideen in the Soviet-Afghan war against the Soviet armed forces. Kashmiri, who was already considered fanatical and extremely violent at the time, joined Islamist rebels in his native Kashmir after the war . On February 26, 2000, he carried out a guerrilla operation with 25 militants against the Indian armed forces in what was then the Nakyal sector, surrounded one of their bunkers and shot at it with grenades. He kidnapped an injured officer and later cut his throat. Kashmiri returned with his head and presented it to the then chief of the army, General Pervez Musharraf (* 1943), whereupon he was rewarded with 100,000 Pakistani rupees .

Ever since Musharraf worked with the United States as President of Pakistan , Kashmiri has been seen as a militant opponent and has fought his government. After an unsuccessful assassination attempt on Musharraf on December 14, 2003, Kashmiri was placed under arrest but had to be released for lack of evidence. Nevertheless, he worked closely with the Pakistani military intelligence service Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), which despite Pakistan's alliance with the United States supports the Islamic Taliban movement in Afghanistan and al-Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan.


Kashmiri fled to Waziristan at the beginning of 2004 and rose there to become commander in chief of the Jammu & Kashmir district of the terrorist organization Harkat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI), which means "movement for the Islamic struggle". This organization, consisting of several hundred members, fights for a free Kashmir mainly in the Indian part of Kashmir, but is also active in Bangladesh , Chechnya , Xinjiang in China, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan . Of all Islamic terrorist organizations, it now has the highest number of so-called martyrs . She is also supported by the ISI and has sponsored training camps.

Kashmiri and other masterminds planned the Mumbai attack in November 2008 , in which 175 people were killed. After a US drone attack in northern Waziristan in 2009, Pakistani sources rashly pronounced him dead. Shortly afterwards, Kashmiri gave an interview. He confessed to the attempted attack on the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in November 2009, in which caricatures had appeared a few years earlier that allegedly showed Mohammed, among other things, as a terrorist, and the attack on the German Bakery in Pune in February 2010, in which 17 people died and about 60 were injured.

As a result, Kashmiri and other terrorists planned an attack in Times Square in New York City , which was foiled on May 1, 2010. A salesman discovered smoke oozing out of an off-road vehicle and alerted the police, who arrived with a bomb disposal squad and were able to defuse the bomb in time. The explosive device consisted of fireworks, three propane gas bottles, two 20-liter petrol cans and batteries. There could have been a tremendous detonation and a great fire. Since the explosive device was constructed in an amateur way, it was not even assumed that Taliban terrorist groups were the perpetrators. However, the following day a Kashmiri terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack via video.

Until his death, Kashmiri was part of the al-Qaeda network responsible for planning the terrorist attacks in Europe and India . From August 2010 he was on the UN list of the most wanted terrorists and was considered one of the world's most dangerous.


  • The man behind the diabolical plans . In: evening newspaper . No. 268/46 , November 19, 2010, ISSN  0177-5367 , p. 3 (for a fee at Genios ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Logbook al-Qaida: Showdown in the apple orchard . Spiegel Online , June 6, 2011.
  2. Maanoj Rakhit: Muslim India will be like 'This'. Emerging face of Islamic India . ISBN 978-81-89746-87-2 , pp. 116 .
  3. a b c Harakut ul-Jihad-I-Islami (HUJI) . (Movement of Islamic Holy War). In: Terrorism . Documents of International and Local Control. tape 70 , 2006, ISSN  1062-4007 , OCLC 124518349 , p. 589 f .
  4. a b Zahid Hussain: The Scorpion's Tail . The Relentless Rise of Islamic Militants in Pakistan - And How It Threatens America. Free Press, New York 2010, ISBN 978-1-4391-2025-5 , pp. 170 f .
  5. Muhammad Amir Rana:جہادی تنظیموں اور مذہبی جماعتوں کا ایک جائزہ. Mashal, Lahore 2002.
  6. Farhad Khosrokhavar: Les nouveaux martyrs d'Allah . Flammarion, 2002, ISBN 2-08-068317-9 , pp. 255 f .
  7. US strike 'kills' key Pakistan militant Ilyas Kashmiri on
  8. ^ Terror bomb in the heart of New York . In: image . No. 101/18 . Berlin May 3, 2010, p. 2 .
  9. Yassin Musharbash: Ilyas Kashmiri: The man who makes terror possible . November 18, 2010 ( online ).